Tired Of Waiting For Them To Remember & Awaken To The Truth Of Love? Discover How To Gently Rouse Your Sleeper From Unconsciousness – Of Their Own Free Will…

(Image by Adam S Doyle)

Today I’ve been guided to provide a resource specifically for dealing with an Unawakened Twin Flame. This is something I’m contacted about by Twins all over the world every single day!

– Can you tell them you’re Twin Flames without them freaking out?

– Is there a set time for their Awakening?

– Do you just have to be patient while they figure it out themselves?

– Will they ever really remember the truth and come back to you?

There is so much confusing information out there about the Twin Flame journey, “stages”, “musts”, “rules” and mythology that I wanted to create a resource that gives you clear-cut insights and actionable advice.

In the Free Resources below you’ll find answers to questions like:

Why Do Some Twins Stay “Unawakened” Even After They Meet?

What Is The Purpose Of One Twin Not Awakening Sooner?

Why Isn’t My Twin Flame Waking Up?

Can I “Force” My Twin Flame To Wake Up?

Why Does My Twin Flame Not Recognize Our True Connection?

Why Do I have To Do All The Work?

Is There A Pre-Set “Schedule” For Awakening? When Is My Twin Scheduled To Wake Up?

How Do I Know If My Twin Is Close To Awakening?

Is It Advised To Help My Twin To Awaken? If So, How Do I Do This?

Do you want to develop telepathy and remote communication with your Twin?

You can experience a free guided Twin Flame session by signing up >>Here


What Your Unawakened Twin Flame Has Been Waiting For

I was recently asked by spirit to create an energy session specially for triggering full awakening in so-called Sleeper Twins.

As soon as I sat down to meditate one day, the transmission of this session began – and I knew instantly that it was an answer to prayers sent out.

In this session we gently go through the process of rousing your Twin to full knowing by activating their own system’s deep seated light codes to open them up from the inside out.

This was requested by me as so many Unawakened Twins have become so entrenched in 3D “ego” energies and identity systems.

This session will gently push the energetic button to help them remember and begin to step into their true self, and to recall and feel their deeper connection with you.

The wonderful thing about this session is that their soul is doing the work all in alignment with Free Will – they’ve been waiting for you to help them with this.

We also cleanse both your systems of ancestral negativity around love, sexuality and relationships, and anchor you both into the highest dimension possible for you right now, deleting old karmic “issues” which then allows your souls to pave out a new collective timeline for the two of you to come together harmoniously.

Although this session was launched a short time ago, there are already so many exciting unsolicited testimonials coming in:

“After I did it, he messaged me! Someone actually bought it for me! I knew it was the Universe trying to tell me to stop trying so hard and to just focus on furthering myself. BAM! Just like that – got the meditation, did it, and there he was.” – Indi, New York

“Thank you Cassady! It was AMAZING and HUGE. Back home, on track in 9! And we spoke finally again!” – Daisy (via instagram)

“I did the energy clearing and afterwards I felt telepathy after a long time. And after this session I had a dream of us together hand in hand calmly talking.” – Natasha, Serbia

“The best session I’ve ever ever experienced. I’m so happy and light. Thanks Cassady for this precious gift” – Catia (via instagram)

The Higher Dimensional Anchoring was the absolute most intense healing I’ve ever done – it completely blew me away. Not only did this seem to impact me on an enormous level, I saw my Twin Flame completely change overnight. The change in him was the biggest change I’ve seen in him to date. I’m so grateful for your tools, and I’m merely without words on this latest one. It really was the answer to my prayers.” – Sarah (via Facebook)


“I want to thank you so much for the Higher Dimensional Anchoring! I felt like it was made just for me and the things I have been facing on my journey! It is so gorgeous and transformative!!! I know my guides are always communicating to me, and hearing your voice transmitting their words of encouragement and teaching moved me in a way that I haven’t in so long. I am lifted!” – Mary, New York, USA

“I did the new Anchoring session, it was so comforting! The first time I did this, my tear kept dropping during the entire session, but it was joyful tear.  It is amazing… I feel more and more supported by Spirit and a lot safer than before. Thank you Cassady and my guidance team!!” – Aiyana, Taiwan

Have a look here for more.

twin flame awakening

Have a look. And as always I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey! You came here knowing you could reach your dream of love.

I believe in you <3

Cassady x


Q&A: 5 Ways to Raise the Subject of Twin Flames with Your Unawakened Twin (Without Scaring them Away)

How to Trigger Your Twin to Remember it Themselves: On a Soul Level He or She is Aware of Your Connection, But in The “Still Asleep” This Knowledge is Buried So Deep That They Cannot Access This Information On a Conscious Level Yet…


Q&A: Can You Force Your Twin Flame To Awaken?

Pushing The Hand Of Fate By Getting Serious With Someone Else, Threatening To Shut Down The Connection. Free Will Choices – Solutions to Ongoing Frustrations…


Soul Vs Ego Self – How Do I Help My Twin Shift Out of Ego?

Dealing With Dissonance – Awakening Sleeper Twins and Dismantling Ego. How to “Unlock” their Inner Knowing and Help Them Remember Your Eternal Connection…


Q&A: Twin Flame Conflict – Why Do I Have To Do All The Work?

Did You Know Even The Most Unawakened Twin’s Soul Is Busy Behind The Scenes Pre-Paving Meetings, Info and Timelines for the Two of You? Resolving Imbalances, 8 Spiritual Keys…


How Do You Know If Separation Is About To End?

Signs That Tell You You’re Close to Reuniting With Your Twin – Signs and Indications. Divine Timing, Soul Journeying, Heart Chakra Activations and more…


7 Things That Will Surprise You About Twin Flames

Did You Know Twin Flame Sex Can Unleash Spiritual Gifts? That Many Twins Are Ascended Masters? Twin Flame Running, Why You Can Never Cut The Bond Between Your Hearts, and much more…


What’s The True Vibration Of Your Twin Flame Connection?

Discover Whether You’re Really Open To Unconditional Love and Twin Flame Reunion – A Channeled Quiz


A Message For You From Your Twin Flame’s Higher Self

Surprising Info: Everything They Can’t Tell You in Life. What Your Twin Flame’s Higher Self Desperately Wants You To Know…


twin flame awakening

Twin Flame Dimensional Anchoring And  Awakening Session

In this session we gently rouse your Twin to full knowing by activating their own system’s deep seated light codes to begin to open them up from the inside out. This was requested by me as so many Unawakened Twins have become so entrenched in 3D “Ego” energies and identity systems.

This session will gently push the energetic button to help them remember and step into their true self, and to recall and feel their deeper connection with you.

Have a look here for more

twin flame program

– The Vibrational Alignment Program

A step by step program to Twin Flame Reunion – I was asked to share this program with resources and tools with the Twin collective after my own Twin and I reached Union within 18 months of our first encounter. This will work even if your Twin is not aware of the true nature of your connection. 10 classes and audio clearings that take you through each facet of the Twin Flame connection and reaching a high enough vibration to enter into Reunion.

We go through eradicating negative karma, cutting old cords and attachments to previous lovers, opening your telepathic connection and hearts to each other, clearing outworn soul contracts, unleashing Kundalini energy, looking into your personal Twin dynamic and “mission”, and much more…

Complete harmony Healing Tool

– Complete Twin Flame Harmony Healing:

Cleansing both Twins’ chakra systems of congestion, negativity and limiting ancestral programming, cleansing the cords between the two of you to remove triggers of Running/Separation, shielding you as a pair, receiving an energy gift of assistance from source, clearing your Akashic records, uplifting your shared timelines into the highest vibration possible at this time…

Do you want to develop telepathy and remote communication with your Twin?

You can experience a free guided Twin Flame session by signing up >>Here



“Where can I start Cassady! Since having started your harmony tool things have changed so rapidly. I have changed. I cannot even describe it with words. My heart has opened so much and I am standing in a place of acceptance, love, compassion for my twin. I keep seeing 1111 and 111 and I keep repeating myself as a mantra – we are one. I feel this love inside, I feel the changes. Thank you is not enough! Xxxx”

Annalisa, London, UK

(Click here to read more testimonials)

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