Why Purification of the Soul can Wreak Havoc on Your Journey: What Limitations Have you been Hiding from Yourself? Your Soul’s Gift to You is Showing it up so you can Clear it and Unite with your Twin in Love…

This week’s question is again something I’ve been asked by many of you:

Q&A: “What is Twin Flame Ascension and How can I Make it less of a Struggle?”

Twin Flame Ascension or Twin Flame Awakening is the energetic process of remembering our soul self, and releasing anything that is out of resonance with our true self and path.

What Ascension ultimately does is to elevate our energetic vibration into a higher realm where we can function from a place of unconditional love and light, thereby connecting with our Twin Flame without barriers, and functioning as an energetic gateway of high vibration energies onto planet earth.

The Meaning of 11:11

Awakening is often signalled to us by our guides with the repeated sign 11:11, which indicates that “it has now begun, you are being triggered to remember who you are as a soul and to come back together with your divine mirror (your Twin Flame)”.

This tends to happen around the time we first connect with our Twin in some way, whether that’s on the soul planes through dreams or in waking life, or online and communicating with them. Sometimes it can happen just before, so that we are prepared and recognize them as souls when we interact.

Bringing you and your Twin back into Harmony

In the universe, only you and your Twin Flame have the exact same energetic frequency – you are identical on the energetic level, deep down. However, in living on earth and interacting with many people and taking on negative energies of fear and worry and shame and so on, your energy becomes congested and weighed down.

The Twin Flames will most often be out of energetic alignment with one another when they initially meet – because of this “baggage” clouding your energy.

When you meet your Twin, your energies interacting trigger a release of negativity  – everything of a constricted, negative energy frequency is released and brought up for you so you can let go of it and rise up into love, light, joy, peace and all the higher, expansive frequencies.

So that you are able to yet again be in complete and perfect harmony energetically – being tuned into that same frequency again.

Letting go of the Baggage

On the energetic level you and your Twin Flame connecting sets off this chain reaction that is designed to cleanse your energy completely – this is Twin Flame Ascension (Ascension means rising up. It’s like you’ve been a balloon weighed down by rocks hanging off you, and as you remove the rocks bit by bit, you automatically rise higher and higher).

Anything you’ve taken on in life from other people and negative events (and past lives if you believe in reincarnation) that is OUT of resonance with that core “Soul Song” or frequency you and your Twin Flame share, is pushed up to be released for good so that you are in perfect harmony again.

To read more about the meaning of 11:11 and get a free energy cleanse tool to begin uplifting your energy and accelerating the Ascension process – go here.

Common Cause of Running and Separation

Many people don’t realize that this is a cleansing and purification process, however, so a lot of Twins get stuck in loops of negativity where they hang onto this “old baggage” instead of clearing it out.

This is most often what’s causing running and separation – being stuck in a negative pattern of energy.

I went through this process myself for a long time and I know how challenging it can be, especially when old hurts and unhealed wounds are brought up to be released once and for all. It’s not easy to release everything that comes up, because it’s painful and we have a personal connection to it all.

Ways to make it easier

I was shown tools by my guides as I went along, tools that allowed me to clear the energy instantly rather than having it hanging around and messing up my life (when karmic patterns come up they can really wreak havoc on our situation).

They even showed me how to see the past so I could rectify any karmic patterns that had become like blueprints in my space, stuff that had been creating separation and suffering on autopilot for me most of my life. I cannot tell you how much lighter and freer I feel since getting rid of that stuff.


twin flame video



#1) It’s not a Punishment, it’s a Gift 

This release process is something that will actually help you enjoy your life more and more as time goes on, by giving you a chance to eradicate false limitations and negative beliefs you may have accepted into your space.

Some people go through their whole lives “asleep”, never finding true satisfaction – we get the chance to “clean up” our energy and living life from a place of joy and love. It might take a little while to fully get there, but it’s absolutely worth it once you do!

#2) It’s Not Forever

Although Ascension isn’t a process that has a clearly defined end – we evolve and rise as we live and learn more and more – but it is not meant to be endless. At some point you reach a plateau of lightness where you stabilize and can function from a place of inner peace and joy.

At this point you and your Twin will also be in a harmonious connection. The aim is to get you two into a space where your energies flow openly with one another again. That’s why the blocks and resistance are being released right now.

How long Ascension takes varies from individual to individual but ultimately, you are meant to reach that plateau of living from a place of love as soon as possible so you can live your life here on earth.

#3) It’s Meant To Bring you and your Twin Closer, not Further Apart

The blocks and resistance between you and your Twin are nearly always hidden on a subconscious level and you would most likely not even be aware of them.

For example, you may want to be together with your Twin but actually have a subconscious fear that “love hurts” and that “men can’t be trusted” – these things are working against each other energetically. Like trying to drive a car left and right at the same time. It won’t work, and leads to frustration and stagnation.

So for you and your Twin to get closer, your soul is doing you the favor of showing you your blocks so you can clear them once and for all. Once the blocks have been blasted out of the way, you will be open to each other.

I created the Free Help Kit for Twin Flames with a powerful energy cleanse tool so you can begin clearing this stuff right now!

#4) It’s Something you Agreed to Before you Came to Earth 

This process of Ascension is something you’ve planned yourself along with your guides and your Twin Flame.

When we come to earth we forget our eternal soul self, but deep down there is a knowing inside – of both this and many other things regarding your life’s plans and your relationship with your Twin. Your intuition can help you tune into it.

#5) There are Tools and Methods that can Ease/Speed Up the Process


Meditation helps you raise your vibration, which is a help in allowing the negative “gunk” to be released; and it also helps you stop your mind from identifying with that old baggage so much. The thing is, if we identify with negativity, we keep “calling it back” and associating with it, embedding it deeper.

Energy clearings and karma work are an amazing way to ensure that the negative stuff goes out the way it’s supposed to instead of hanging around in your space and creating complications and challenges on your path.

And because the Twin Flames are the same original energy consciousness, any clearing work you do will help your Twin too and positively impact the whole dynamic between you!

Until next time, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey! <3

Cassady x 


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  1. Question is it the 27 or the 28th, I got the email about this and it says the 27th on the page for check out? Thanks

  2. I would like to join in this and I’m wondering if it’s something that you can log into at your own convenience or if you have to make sure that you are at your phone at a certain time.?

  3. Hi there, I mistook the date – fixed in the copy now. It is indeed the 27th of August. Thanks for the heads up! <3

  4. Hi there Erica, you’ll have to be logged on or on your phone at that time to participate live but you’ll get the audio of the whole event sent to you afterwards on email too – the energy clearings will still work for you if you listen along to the audio later : ) <3 x

  5. Will the energy clearing be efficient, if in the webinar on 27th August will take a part only one twin flame? Because as you know, second is a runner, not wanting to speak and have a contact with us. Is there a headset with a microphone needed for that session? By the way, I am still wondering whether there are existing spirit guides, because I think it is only our subconscious working so, that we are finding answers that we seek – law of attraction. If there really existed spirit guides, would they be good souls? Or rather bad souls? Thank you. And good luck for everyone on your journey with a twin flame, because no matter what every particular person believes, twin flames do surely exist. Thanks to loving each other on a subconscious level.

  6. Hi Erica and Maria you’ll get an audio of the session afterwards and the clearing will work for you even if you listen in after the actual session is over. Energy knows no time and space – you’ll still get the clearing!

    Cassady x

  7. Hi Erica you’ll get an audio of the session afterwards (on the same link) and the clearing will work for you even if you listen in after the actual session is over. Energy knows no time and space – you’ll still get the clearing!

    Cassady x

  8. Hi there thanks for the heads up – it is the 27th, I made a typo before but it’s fixed in the copy now! <3

  9. Hi, as I described in the article if you have a look – Because the Twin Flames share a collective karmic and energy field, any work you do to clear energy will impact both of you positively. It will shift the whole dynamic between you!

    You don’t need to speak or have a microphone for this live clearing – you can listen in like you would to a TV or radio show, but there’ll be a little chat box you can write questions into (so I can answer your questions along the way).

    Cassady <3

    PS: If you don't believe in spirit guides then my suggestion would be to give them a chance to show that they're there. Ask for a sign, and they'll show you. Ultimately it's up to you what to believe, so go with what feels right for you. It's your prerogative.

  10. ok how do you send me the audio session is it through email? How do I sign up is this through the app? I know for a fact I would never be able to make it on time at that time I have six children and I’m a single mom currently because my twin flame has ran away so it’s very important that I do whatever I can to get him back immediately. I would have to listen to this late at night when everyone’s in bed. Thank you for getting back to me

  11. I would like that clearing would work so! I dream about anything so much as to see him really happy, no matter he would like to come back to me. If we say about signs, I had a plenty of them, including that weird thing with clock and numbers, which is still happening in my life. Especially in times of doubts. Add to that problems with the electric equipment in the time of being a bit stressed or exhausted (example is here under your post, the internet spoilt again while writing to you the reply and it did not let me write anything less than only one sentence at the begining, had to begin with another post window to continue).

  12. And the third approach to finish the reply, apologies. Again problems with internet 🙂 as I am writing in the middle of a night. Maybe yet I am still too rational, even if my spirituality developed rapidly. I do not say with certainty, that there might not be any spirit guides. I only consider, how many things can do our subconscious mind alone .E.g. it may know when to watch the clock to see a certain hour, I also claim that the answers we are finding is nothing more than a result of us living now as authentic people, who are not allowing anyone to impose on us anything and who cleared our from old, false beliefs. If we were before living not the life we wanted, we had no belief in our abilities and in our knowledge. So if we are one day free, gain living in a stress-free environment, consciously changing ourselves with released any old beliefs/patterns, which base was “I am not good enough”, then it is becoming normal state of things that you are seeking the truth. You are having a free mind, which is able to use more of its abilities for seeking answers, for creating them from all pieces of information that you had there, but before was not able to connect them so well because of not having an access to the subconscious mind. So then you have an “unbelievable I understood it now” moment, so some people may think it must be some suprenatural power. But it is only their mind, functioning on the most efficient mode. It yet does not go in opposition to the fact, that there are some world of souls existing, where there might be plece for some spirit guides. But as far as I remember, all psychics and mediums, who were perceived as those having real psi abilities, were telling that there are no good entities going into a contact with people. They, same as priests and pastors, were calling them always demons. As the type of souls which are staying on Earth, because some bad deed they did is keeping them yet here. So even if some entities exist, how do you know they have good intentions? It is an approach of a person who saw and heard in life plenty of things. Too much to deny existing of souls, but also too much to be sure they might work for our benefit. And I think we still are not fully able to say, where abilities of our mind ends, and where is beginning the world of afterlife.

  13. disqus_Q8Bz8grosa wrote:
    “Your subconscious may know when to watch the clock to see a certain hour”

    I assume he/she wrote that about seeing 11:11 on the clock. That reasoning is fair, and I remember having the same doubt a while ago, but the universe easily dispelled my concerns.

    Since you have control over the moment when you look at the clock, it’s easy to remain sceptic about it. But during your awakening, 11:11 begins arriving from all sorts of different places, many of which are outside of the control of your mind. The frequency with which it happens also turns your scepticism into a weapon, as it becomes more and more clear that the odds of pure randomness producing these events are next to nil.

    It’s happened so many times to me during the last year that at some point I even started being prepared to register them. I might as well share a few of them here: http://oi61.tinypic.com/14jt2t0.jpg

    But I believe that more important than the “how”, is the “when”. What were you doing at the moment you got the sign, or what happened soon afterwards? It’s urging you to pay attention, or to do more of what you just did. Most of the moments in the image above happened around certain events (e.g, the cookies with 11/11 on it were handed to me exactly after I gave my first blood donation for cancer pacients at the hospital).

  14. It is hard, especially at the beginning of a common journey that lasts few years, but it is only for the good of both of us. To be happy together as both such people or happy separately – happy this or this way. So look at this from that perspective. Be real you, discover spirituality to live in the now and be able to see under layers what kind of person is really your twin flame and that he loves you despite all your doubts. Even if he may dating other woman. But if you really love him unconditionally, it won’t make you suffer, only make you happy – that he is happy and maybe that choice is good for him. Maybe it is vital for him to understand something in his life. If you feel hurt, it is only because you did not do yet your own lessons and have somewhere a weak point, under which you have to work. It is something in you, what lets you be in pain. We really do not need to communicate at all to be sure the other person loves us, because we feel it enough well. When only we are able to reach our subconscious mind.

  15. Would doing a clearing with the akashic records, clearing and breaking any old contracts etc. .. does this apply to the twin flame bond as well? Or not since technically your twin is you and you can’t break from that. I was planning on doing a meditation. To clear this but I don’t want it to intervene with my twin .

  16. Cassy,
    I just found this website and it is so empowering!! XD. Over the last month, many things that been happening to me to help me work on this TF stuff — I feel the universe guiding me and now This website is even MORE amazing than the other resources !!!

    I really want to join the Live Session but my credit card is completely maxed so I will try asking my sister or mom to use theirs and pay them back in cash. Also, my laptop is broken so I use my iPhone a lot– but I am not sure if the live session will work. I am thinking of other options to listen to the live session.

    When I have the money, I will get the course.

    Thank you so much for empowering us and helping us to listen to our inner light! Myself and the other TFs around the world are so fortunate to have this website and your support. ??

  17. My TF was dating someone and it DJ confused me more than any jealousy or anger. Sometimes I would worry that he would marry her, but I learned that he is very lonely because of the separation and his own issues, and that he felt he needed someone. They are not together anymore and I hope she helped him. The only advice I can give is to not worry too much about it, don’t see it as him rejecting you but not being able to be with you and feeling like they need to be with someone. Our TF will never love anyone like they love us, that is for sure.

    People get into relationships for the wrong reason often and to distract themselves, that is a sad truth but his situation is probably like that now.

  18. Yes, that is this, what I meant. They sometimes need somebody at their back, because: 1 – it seems safer, not overwhelming them by huge and also difficult emotions, 2 – because they need yet somebody, with who they can work under their issues (I noticed that runners are often meeting somebody for that reason after they met their twin flame, while chasers have such similar relationship story finished before meeting their TF. And often that person is very similar in main features to the true TF. It is somebody we may call false TF, but it does not equal to descriptions of such person found on TF pages. Because these last ones are description of a true TF before he or she awakened to change their relationship patterns. Usually false twin flame is toxic, but is not ignoring us as they write and, opposite to the true TF, is courageous enough to build a relationship. Is not running), 3 – sometimes such a person is for them the only way to work on their issues, because they are going out of a relationship with their true TF and can not go anywhere (can not go back family home, where wrong patterns were taught). If you did your issues, you will never be sad or worried they are dating anyone, only celebrating with them – true love is not only wanting all the best for the person we love, but also we feel happiness of our twin flame, so we rest assured that everything is going good in their life.

  19. my false twin flame was extremely abusive and it severely traumatized me — but it took me a long time to admit how much his actions hurt me and meeting my real TF was an awakening of what “love feels like” and helped me s lot to heal from the abuse. My abuser was the biggest monster in my life and my true TF is my angel who gave me light and love and so much more. I am forever grateful tht we met.

  20. Dear Cassady,
    It was such joy to be present during your clearing session yesterday. You are sparkling, inspiring, comforting and, most importantly, you really empower me (us) to start to take care of my own energy, my own life, and my relationship with my twin flame. I am also following your course at the moment, which helps me tremendously, but the clearing yesterday was really something special. I feel not only more happy and light, you also showed me that the path I am on can be fun, light, and that I do not have to work so ‘hard’ but rather experience it with joy.
    Thank you for your love, attention, lessons and time. I am so grateful.
    All the warmth and love,

  21. Dear Cassady,
    Since I started your course and last week the clearing session I feel a lot of difference within myself, I feel that I am peeling of the layers of negative energy. My twin flame (who is not consciously working on this as I am) is now experiencing severe pains in his belly. It even got him into the hospital (but turned out to be nothing dangerous). Could it be that the ascension that I am bringing both of us, is causing him this pain? Although he loves me deeply, he is struggling already for years with our love. Is it the release of negative energy that causes this? And, more importantly, how can I help him with this, to make it less painful and more easy, let the energy get away? And should I continue, or should I wait for him until he is coping better with it?
    Thank you so much for everything, my life is really really changing for the better. I have never been so close to myself (besides when with my twin flame 😉 and I finally start to have faith that we will be able to be really together soon.
    Thank you, I send you all the love and light <3

  22. Hi Maria, you can do this for your Twin Flame connection as we often have contracts around separation and believing that it’s impossible to come together in happiness…

    A LOT of Twin Flame blocks are rooted in past life experiences together and karmic wounds. I would suggest meditating on what this could be for you, and allow your intuition and your guides to show you so you can clear it.

    The actual soul bond between Twin Flames can never be broken or rescinded in the Akashic records, and in my experience the positive loving bond actually grows stronger and stronger the more of that negative stuff we clear out <3

    There's an easy tool for accessing the Akashic records and past life info to clear karma in the Vibrational Alignment Program

    Sending you love and light <3

    Cassady x

  23. I’m so glad you’re finding it empowering, Pamela! You are a powerful being and I’m happy you feel that and it resonates with you 🙂 <3

    If you feel fear or any other negativity or edginess during a clearing it is either an energy leaving, or your soul showing you your blocks so you can clear them.

    If you feel anything like this again it can help to say out loud during the clearing, "I release any and all fear out of my experience, it is no longer a part of who I am". This helps shift out of it even faster!

    Sending you love and light for a wonderful continued journey <3

    Cassady x

  24. I am so happy you say that Elisheva! Thank you so much, it was a pleasure to have you on the call and I’m looking forward to connecting with you again <3

    Cassady x

  25. Hi Elisheva,

    I have actually had this question from another Twin and what seems to be happening is that first of all there have been some extremely powerful energies around lately, pushing up negativity to be released, especially around the Full Moon last week in combination with Venus Retrograde. There has been a purging process going on.

    When energy blocks are embedded deeply in us they can actually affect us physically and health wise (I had this experience myself – I had a karmically based health issue for years which is gone now, and I am happy to say that as you clear your energy you feel lighter and healthier day by day).

    It sounds like you hit on a very deep block here, but rest assured that you and your Twin’s souls would not be bringing it up to be released if it would be dangerous for you. What sticks in the stomach most often is energies around fear, dread, stress and worry… For Twins it’s often the fear of abandonment and separation. You were both ready to clear that particular block at this time.

    To help your Twin, make sure you cut any non-positive attachments between you. You can ask your guides to help you with this. Because once any fear-based or stress-based cords are gone, he will not react so strongly to the clearings. It sounds like you’ve been clearing some very deep energy, which is what would have caused this.

    It also helps if you connect you and him to the light and allow the light to wash away any negativity and fill the whole body, healing the whole being completely. Showers with salt scrubs and salt baths are also very therapeutic.

    Sending you and your Twin love and light <3

    Cassady x

  26. Hi Maria, you can do this for your Twin Flame connection as we often have contracts around separation and believing that it’s impossible to come together in happiness…

    A LOT of Twin Flame blocks are rooted in past life experiences together and karmic wounds. I would suggest meditating on what this could be for you, and allow your intuition and your guides to show you so you can clear it.

    The actual soul bond between Twin Flames can never be broken or rescinded in the Akashic records, and in my experience the positive loving bond actually grows stronger and stronger the more of that negative stuff we clear out <3

    There's an easy tool for accessing the Akashic records and past life info to clear karma in the Vibrational Alignment Program

    Sending you love and light <3

    Cassady x

  27. I am so happy you say that Elisheva! Thank you so much, it was a pleasure to have you on the call and I’m looking forward to connecting with you again <3

    Cassady x

  28. Hi Elisheva,

    I have actually had this question from another Twin and what seems to be happening is that first of all there have been some extremely powerful energies around lately, pushing up negativity to be released, especially around the Full Moon last week in combination with Venus Retrograde. There has been a purging process going on.

    When energy blocks are embedded deeply in us they can actually affect us physically and health wise (I had this experience myself – I had a karmically based health issue for years which is gone now, and I am happy to say that as you clear your energy you feel lighter and healthier day by day).

    It sounds like you hit on a very deep block here, but rest assured that you and your Twin’s souls would not be bringing it up to be released if it would be dangerous for you. What sticks in the stomach most often is energies around fear, dread, stress and worry… For Twins it’s often the fear of abandonment and separation. You were both ready to clear that particular block at this time.

    To help your Twin, make sure you cut any non-positive attachments between you. You can ask your guides to help you with this. Because once any fear-based or stress-based cords are gone, he will not react so strongly to the clearings. It sounds like you’ve been clearing some very deep energy, which is what would have caused this.

    It also helps if you connect you and him to the light and allow the light to wash away any negativity and fill the whole body, healing the whole being completely. Showers with salt scrubs and salt baths are also very therapeutic.

    Sending you and your Twin love and light <3

    Cassady x

  29. Sweet Cassady,

    Thank u for the fb reply 🙂 and directing me here. I met my TF 8 yrs ago and it definitely put me on a different path but I have only been experiencing “spiritual awakening symptoms” over the last month or so. My TF connection also gave me the strength to face my past and trust that love is real — to face my sexually abusive past and have PTSD and clear the trauma. I guess lately I am more healed and stronger to take on more — and that is when I started experiencing synchronicities and being guided to someone who eventually guided me here and feel like the universe is screaming at me “Chris is your twin flame!” but also feeling so much love and support from the universe. I keep encountering really helpful people who are full of light and remind me of this love and support. At first I thought this was a spiritual awakening but now I am thinking it may be the beginning of TF ascension..I’m happy to be taking more steps forwards towards reunion!!

    my question is: is it possible that what I described is TF ascension, since it took almost 8 yrs to get here since we met?? I will b the biggest liar in the world to pretend for a moment that he did not play a large part in my life for those 8 yrs (still does every day) but the “ascension” was not strong until recently. I’m guessing because I had to deal w my trauma more first.

    thank you so so much for your support and replies. it means so much to me. also, I LOVE listening to the live recording. I always tell a friend of mine when I’m listening to it and say “this lady is sooooo amazing”. you make it so enjoyable and interesting. XD. thank you so much ??

  30. Dear Cassady,

    Thank you so much for your answer, that is helpful!

    However, something is still puzzling me. Clearing energy is powerful, however, I also wonder about the psychological process.

    I still sometimes go through quite heavy emotional moments. I try to let these be, neither repress nor enlarge these (as far as I succeed). I then often realize what old pattern I am repeating and that generally helps to clear it (sometimes partly but when it returns it is less ‘deep’). This way I ‘work’ through stages, but I truly feel I work through them and clear these, indeed with the help of your techniques. But although the clearing feels powerful, I feel this psychological process is of great importance. Do you recognize that? Does that make sense?

    I ask that because my twin now broke contact, to go through (what I feel) is an important psychological process for which I do want to give him room, I mean, I strongly feel he needs that now. Most of the time I succeed in feeling that, and I believe he needs that to come back to me. So I contact him on soul level,I clear and run energy, and try to have faith. However, that faith is sometimes strong but sometimes not. I do not want to be so strict for myself, thinking that I am doing it wrong, I mean faith cannot be forced, but at the same time I am afraid that not having faith works ‘against me’ and that terrifies then…

    I guess my questions are:
    1. what is the role of the psychology in all this, am I right to give him this room and time, or is it simply a matter of trying to have more faith (but then: do I limit myself with my doubts?) and things work out?

    2. How did you manage to get to the point where you did not feel the separation anymore, I mean, your twin is on the other side, so it must have been quite a process to accept that, I guess.

    It is not so much that I do not feel his love, or think that he does not love me anymore (those beliefs are finally cleared, thank god, I feel how deep and unconditional our love is) but I do am afraid that our love is not important enough to decide to be together in this life, because he has to give up many many other things for that.
    I know I have to learn to feel no separation anymore, that paradox, but I do miss him so terribly. Not in the sense that I expect him to come and solve it, but simply his presence in my life. Is it wrong to miss him so deeply?

    Thanks for your lessons, I have grown more in the last two months since I follow your vibrational alignment course than in the rest of my life.

    Love and light,

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