twin-flame-cultIs The Tide Turning Against Twin Flames? “Are Twin Flames Just A Trend?” “Are Twin Flames Real?” Fear Vs Love, And The Importance Of Embracing Your Power…

Today I’m writing to you with a very important message, in a time when confusion and fear has been stirred up in the community.

You may have heard/seen that there has been attention around someone who have called themselves a Twin Flame group, but are in effect operating what seems to be a cult and are severely exploiting people. 

This situation is naturally causing stress and worry for many Twins.

In light of the documentary TV show that has been released, exploring the negative experiences people had with this group, many people are acting as if the whole idea of Twin Flames is untruthful.

Are Twin Flames Just A Trend?

A widespread opinion you may encounter as a result of this TV show is the idea that Twin Flames is a “trend term”, rather than a real experience. And, the idea that anything associated with Twin Flames is a cult.

(Which it’s not – a whole subject doesn’t turn into a cult based on just two people’s actions!).

Although the skeptics’ intention is to protect innocent people from being hurt, which is a beautiful thing, it is obviously a bit misguided. For one, the subject of Twin Flames has been around for thousands of years in spiritual texts (read more here)…

And this website is full of modern day Twin Flames who have nearly all shared the same hallmark spiritual experiences of the true connection.

(A few years ago I ran a survey which was answered by over 6,000 Twin Flames anonymously, and it showed among other things that 98% of the respondents had experienced telepathy in some form, and 99% of the respondents said they had grown and become a better person through awakening to the Twin Flame journey.)

Should We Stop Believing In Love?

If you are here, I know you have had a genuine experience, so this new (kind of hostile) situation can be challenging to navigate.

We have to be careful not to let one small group of people operating under negativity, taint the entire community and our journey. 

Please do not stop believing in love because some people with exceptionally high toxicity and “darkness” have acted in a hurtful way, associated under the Twin Flame “flag”. 

If you have seen the documentary show in question, you already know what I’m talking about, and you may remember that I shared a warning on this group back in 2021 as I was seeing so many unhappy Twins discussing it online.

(If you have not seen the program, I do not really recommend it as the energy of this group is palpably toxic.)

“Are Twin Flames Real?”

Unfortunately this TV show has created the impression that the Twin Flame experience is not real. It means you may notice a lot more negativity from non Twins, who are “against” the idea at this time.

There are so many emotions and a lot of fear stirred up in the community because of this show, so keep an eye on yourself. 

Let us above all not begin thinking that love isn’t real, based on this small group of people’s actions.

If you have awakened to the Twin Flame connection and have had the experiences and signs of this, you know it in your heart.

If you have seen the 11:11s and other angel numbers, felt the heart activations and chakra tingles, had the lucid dreams and telepathic experiences and all the other Twin Flame connection experiences, don’t let other people invalidate it. 

Your soul has guided you to awaken to the connection, and that is something no one can take away from you!

Twin Flames Embracing Self Love And Their Own Power

Expect your Twin’s higher self and your own soul to show you confirmations in the near future, to reassure you that your experiences have been real and that your connection is genuine. To get you to stay in trust. To believe in love again.

Calm your mind and emotions so that you are open and available to these signs and confirmations. 

I wanted to reach out and share this message because I can tell there is a lot of fear and worry now. Take back your power. Go within. Align with your own truth.

Take your time. It’s OK to process. 

I want you to know you are always welcome here, and this is a safe space. A non judgmental, unity aligned space.

Why I Am Here

As a Twin Flame myself, and an energy healer for almost 10 years now, I have shared with you articles with insights and solutions, answers to common issues, and content that guides you back to your own power above all.

Most of this is available at no cost here on the website.

My goal is for you to journey to happiness and self love as well as love with your Twin. 

Explore the free Facebook group, use the free healing sessions and use the search on the blog to find answers to most issues you may be dealing with as a real Twin Flame.

There is a wealth of free help and guidance here on the website, (including the free chakra reading which is one of my own favorites)…

And if you feel called, you can work with me more closely – but it is always fully your choice.

The Importance Of Love

Please do not think your experiences have not been valid or real, because some people out there have taken advantage of this highly advanced and spiritual experience…

An experience most people never have. (More on this subject here)

And if you are wondering if you really ARE a Twin Flame, please don’t worry. Ask your soul to clarify for you. 

Ultimately, if you have been brought to the subject, there is something for you here whether it’s about embracing your own power and self love, or finding and uniting with your Twin. 

Let us hold space for love in this challenging time for the community. The world needs us more than ever, to hold the vibration of love. 

Cassady x


PS: It would mean the world to me, and be powerful for the alignment of the community, if you share in with the conversation on this here on the blog or in social media. Have you seen the show in question? Did it make you doubt your experiences? Have you encountered negativity from others? What can I do to help you in this stressful time? x

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