Practical Advice On Getting Through This Time With Your Vibration High And Your Connection Strong…
First, let me say this is NOT a guide to healing or treating a disease. This is a guide to deal with the situation of being stuck at home or feeling worried, being in quarantine or isolation for a prolonged period.
If you are sick, please seek the appropriate source of help. The CDC has a lot of useful advice on this.
Now onto the article: Whatever your life situation, this time has become destabilizing for most. Major parts of the world are in shut-down and fear is on the rise.
So today I wanted to reach out with some helpful tips and advice on how to get through this period with more ease and positivity – strengthening your spiritual connection and your Twin Flame dynamic.
Yes, We’re All Infinite Souls, But…
Remember above all, you’re a soul living a physical life and that means “all is well” always in SPIRITUAL truth, but let’s honor our PHYSICAL body and humanity’s well-being as a collective in this time.
Let’s make this a valuable time, that hopefully paves the way for positive developments long term on the planet – without much loss of life… And know that we’re here for a reason. Life is truly precious. (Read more here)
Remember, you could save someone’s life by staying AWAY from them right now!
Many people have this virus without showing symptoms, and this is how it’s been passed around. Staying at home as much as possible, can stop this from becoming a bigger problem worldwide.
I wish you and your loved ones safety and wellness – and provided you’re safe, here is some helpful advice on how to get through this unprecedented time.
Do let me know in the comments if you have suggestions, tips, helpful advice and recommendations so we can make this a hub of positivity for those who may be needing guidance.
Wherever in the world you are, we are all in this together.
Dealing With Fear And Worry
I know one of the biggest issues for most, is dealing with the fear and worry of this situation. We’re in very turbulent times, and so I was guided to create a brand new session to help. Click here to learn about the Golden Light Infusion and Activation Session, set to 432hz “healing” music.
And because there are so many out there needing support and light at this time of darkness and uncertainty…
…I’m offering this immersive session at $17.97 (over 60% less than the usual price), so that as MANY AS POSSIBLE can benefit from this infusion of high vibrational energy and protection, while still maintaining the website and continuing to bring you weekly energy forecasts in the time to come.
“I did your Golden Light Infusion meditation several hours ago and immediately felt calmer. I can feel the strength of your intention to help us twins ground unconditional love here on Earth. I am forever thankful to you for that! – Moira
Click here to read more and download.
In this new session, we go through:
– Calming and protecting from negativity
– Fully activating your connection to your higher self
– Releasing you from old karmic realities
– Cleansing out the static and fear brought from “darkness” rising collectively
– Shielding you and your loved ones (including your Twin)
– Infusing with golden light (the energy of support, love, being cherished and unconditionally held by source – the pure essence of wellness)
– Activating the planetary grid to assist the collective in shifting into a new timeline for humanity long term…
– Ushering in a new soul’s chapter moving you and your Twin from “lesson learning” and the 3D, into a higher state as “teacher of light” – embodying more of your higher gifts and multidimensional eternal self and taking on a new and (even) more influential role in this lifetime…
Again, click here to learn more and download
– If you’re stuck at home, DO…
DO abide by the advice in your country, it’s for a reason
DO stay in touch with people through social media or phone to let them know how much they mean to you
DO journal, it helps clear your mind of worry and works to keep you constructive and more positive. It also helps you stay in touch with your Twin on a soul level, as you open to receiving messages this way. It’s especially helpful if you write down what you’ve dreamed at night, as they often work to bring messages that way.
DO create, express yourself, make something, spend time on a hobby
DO stay in touch with your Twin Flame – especially their higher self, who will support, help and shower you with love when you know how to open to it (I take you through it here)
DO read books, listen to music, watch great films
DO go within, meditate – this helps you stay calm and research has proven it helps boost your immunity over time (click here to read more).
DO exercise – a little at least, to keep your system active (you can find videos online or simply dance to your favorite music!)
DO keep a routine – write out a little schedule if you can, it can be simple like breakfast, read a book for a few hours, eat lunch, journal, exercise, then watch a fun film, then bed… Something structured will help you feel “sane” and like life is a little more like normal
DO work on yourself, heal and release fear, uplift your emotions (you can start right now with my Free Energy Cleanse guided meditation here)
DO Use humor to stay positive (it can lift your vibration, read more here) – watch cute pet videos or funny babies online, it can help you feel better. (Personal tip: Raccoons are super cute and funny and there’s a video of dogs and cats “talking”, or if you’re feeling ironic, JP sears’ videos like this one are funny).
DO talk to friends in a group hang or watch something together on Facebook (strongly recommend Joseph Campbell’s PBS series on mythology, and especially as a Twin Flame, “Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind” and/or, take a look at my Twin Flame videos)
DO learn something new – take a virtual class, watch a webinar, do an online class, take a course to grow and improve (you’ll find one of mine here)
DO stay positive – there are good news on the way most likely, vaccines being developed, medicines in trials… And it will arrive… With time.
DO stay connected with the divine – it will help you focus on the higher perspective and brings you directly in touch with soothing, guidance and love which can often be hard to perceive in the middle of so much collective static. You can get started with a free trial for my Oracle Card app
DO remember this virus is not an “enemy” but a “malfunction” – it’s a part of nature that’s become dangerous to OUR systems (also a part of nature) and this malfunction can ultimately be fixed… But until the fix arrives tangibly, let’s be sensible and respectful to each other to limit the spread.
DO remember you’re here for a reason, and your life is so precious. Don’t take it lightly – be smart, stay safe, don’t take unnecessary risks. We want you here! x
– If you’re stuck at home, DON’T…
DON’T get addicted to reading the news (OR conspiracy theories/online debate threads etc) – if you do check in, shield yourself first so you don’t take on panic and fear energy. (I take you through shielding here). Set a time of day to check in, instead of following continually. Especially not as soon as you wake up or just before sleep. This will help you get any necessary info without getting dragged down by fear and collective debate.
DON’T veg out completely – watching trashy tv shows or low vibrational Youtube videos will make you feel worse in the long run and congest your Twin Flame connection and telepathy… (What does low vibrational mean? Click here to learn more)
DON’T dive into numbing yourself with alcohol or drugs – although it can seem like an escape it will cause more issues, with depression and paranoia (read more here).
DON’T be too hard on yourself. You’re OK to take it easy and spend time processing this by not doing much, that’s a natural response to trauma. Often “doing nothing” can open up to our intuition and Twin Flame’s higher self “showing up” more tangibly.
DON’T forget your Twin’s higher self is always there WITH you. This is a perfect time to experience that separation is an illusion – it only exists in the physical. In every other realm you’re together always. Let them show you the magic of togetherness across distance.
DON’T be “virtually” alone – there are many places and ways you can stay in touch! (Comment below or come hang on Insta, and we’ll cheer each other up!)
DON’T be arrogant in the face of an unknown factor like this – be respectful of nature. Like you wouldn’t head out in the face of a tornado, know that this is a potential killer, and deserves to be treated with respect.
DON’T assume this time is a “problem” for your Twin Flame connection as long as you’re safe and well. You can straighten the “inner” connection out more if you have quiet time on your hands – remember separation is not real for Twin Flames, and “as within, so without”. Find your counterpart within right now. (Use the session here to get started)
DON’T get into a state of conflict with others, or perceive the virus as an “enemy” – it simply IS. It’s not malicious, not deliberate. It’s an expression of nature that happens to have become dangerous to us humans. We are all expressions of nature, so let’s see it as an IMBALANCE or MALFUNCTION because that takes out much of the negative emotions. And that in turn helps us heal and lift our perspective to solutions.
DON’T feel you always have to be strong for others’ sake. You’re allowed to feel afraid – it’s the body’s survival instinct.
DON’T lecture others who are afraid, this is not a time to impose our belief systems on others. We are all human and deal with things in different ways.
DON’T assume your regular habits and lifestyle are gone – there are online alternatives for so many things. You can find exercise classes online, you can find videos on how to do your own manicures or haircuts, there are online hangouts, you can see a virtual concert with independent musicians, you can start talking to a therapist over the internet/Skype/the phone instead of in person, many health services are offering remote prescription fills/advice hotlines and so on…
and lastly…
DON’T despair if your income seems at risk – I know it can be scary but these days there are luckily so many online ways to “pivot”. If you have a skill “offline”, you can take it “online”.
Here are a few sites to get you started:
Patreon – for artists, singers, musicians.
Upwork – for freelancers in design, graphics, translation, computer programming, copywriting, voiceovers, customer service and more…
Fiverr – Same as upwork but works a little differently
Etsy – marketplace
Shutterstock – you can sell high quality digital illustrations, photos/videos for stock use
Creative Market – market for illustrations, book templates, wedding invitation templates for download etc.
There are also survey sites that let you earn points for things like Amazon gift cards (which can be used on household goods and so on). I’m not very familiar with this but do Google it.
Again, I hope you found this article helpful!
Do comment below with any advice you have, recommendations, a-ha moments and any helpful tips for this time.
And if you’d like to use this time to get closer to your Twin Flame from the “inside out”, uplifting your connection and aligning with reunion for when the physical world goes back to “normal”, click here for my step by step method.
(You can read testimonials from other Twins who have used this system here)
Thank you for choosing to be here at this crucial time in human history.
Stay safe. As always, I’m sending you love and light <3
Cassady x
“Whenever I do your energy clearing meditation, my Twin Flame texts me just as it’s ended. It truly has opened up the connection.” – Taz R.
Remember as always to download the Free Twin Flame Help Kit to begin uplifting your path and infusing with light for a brighter journey and more harmony.
– Powerful Energy Cleanse Audio
– Guided Alpha Level Meditation To Connect With Your Twin On The Soul Planes
– The Runner/Chaser Paradox eBook
– Channeled Message On 11:11 And The Awakening Process Happening With Twins All Over The Planet…
And if you’re wondering, yes! The Free Twin Flame Help Kit really is completely free. There’s no trick. You don’t have to give credit card details or anything like that – there’s no spam, after your welcome notification you’ll only get emails on Mondays and Fridays when there’s a new article on the blog!
Click here to download these special Twin Flame resources, and if you want to read about other Twins’ experiences with the Free Help Kit and my other resources, have a look here.