twin flame union

Hieros Gamos – Sacred Oneness. What Twin Flames Long For… Instead Of Me Telling You What It’s Like, How Would You Like To Experience It First-Hand?

So many Twin Flames have asked me over the last few years, what is it like to be in Union?

I’ve been wanting to write about this and was finally nudged in an unexpected way to share with you what Twin Flame Union is about!

Because what if instead of me describing it to you, you could experience it for yourself?

Your Twin’s Message For You

Let me explain: I’ve been expecting spirit to bring forth a new session for the Twin collective for a while… and about a month ago yet again the message was crystal clear about what was wanting and needing to come forth.

An Energy Transmission and Activation Journey where we take you through the preparation and entering into Sacred Twin Flame Union with your Twin Soul on the etheric planes.

Where their Higher Self guides you through it step by step.

It’s a beautiful and love-filled experience where they finally reach through to express what they have wanted to show you so long!

They want you to know they have heard your requests for more support, for them to become more of an active part of the journey and to make things happen before it’s “too late”.

And this is their answer. Because once you join together in Sacred Union they become much more able to support you and step forth into your journey.

Including side-stepping any entrenched ego patterns their human self may have gotten stuck in…

Experiencing The Sacred Ceremony Of Souls

Entering into Sacred Union is the choice that unlocks the next chapter, is what they show us. It is the scripted-in choice, the crossroads that opens up your journey to a higher state together.

So where I thought I would write an article about Twin Flame Union, spirit had a different plan…

I was strongly pushed to bring forth this resource to step out of the duality paradigms of the old world (3D), and into the unity of the higher consciousness realms where you originate from as a pair… bringing the journey into a new and higher chapter.

To take you on the journey with your Twin Flame’s higher self to unleash Twin Flame Union, the Hieros Gamos – oneness of soul, mind and heart.

We created this together as a journey together in a powerful activation of ONENESS within and without. An immersive, transformative journey into the higher realms.

To take this journey, click here.


Has Your Journey Become Derailed Due To Ego?

And I was shown there is a very specific reason why I was asked to create this:

Because aside from being a beautiful and beneficial process, to join together in Union as a pair…

Spirit showed me that many Twin Flames’ journeys have become derailed due to 3D programming… and fear based encoding that’s created a push AWAY from togetherness in the physical.

Creating a negative dynamic between the counterparts.

What Have You Spoken Into Your Future Together?

What they mean is:

Have you maybe pushed your Twin away in moments of hurt and anger, like so many? saying or thinking or “vowing” “I never want to see you again”, “he hurt me so much I can never get over it”, “I will never trust you again” and such…

Because this is your Free Will pushing blocks into the connection.

Spirit shows us so many Twins have unwittingly pushed distance into the connection this way… which unfortunately brings the connection off track.

It creates soul contracts, blocks and karmic cycles pushing you away from unity.

So in this session we go through clearing all of this – it involves contract clearing and attachment removal of anything blocking love – so that your system is open and aligned with Union!

Can You Unite With A Twin You’re Not Physically With? Yes!

Do know that Twin Flame Union CAN happen even if you are not together physically.

And going through this process, this ceremony with your Twin’s higher self will powerfully affect your counterpart as a human being too.

You will notice changes in them. And the transmissions we bring forth today are going to enable their higher self to begin supporting you more tangibly on their part too.

Your SOULS have both been calling out for Union and you may have felt this… But there is a process that must happen before both parties can enter into union.

That’s what we take you through in this immersive, guided session.

Why It’s So Hard For Twin Flames To “Let Go”

Spirit’s message is that entering into Twin Flame Union will give you the inner peace your soul is longing for.

This is why you may have not been able to “let go” of your Twin Flame even if you were with another – because your souls will not rest until you are reunited on the spiritual planes and beyond!

After this session you will have a sense of… “finally I can relax” on a deeper inner level.

After uniting completely on the soul planes you will feel a sense of peace and wholeness within. A state of oneness… which attracts outer wholeness.

It doesn’t matter if you have had conflict and negativity before – this session takes you step by step through preparing you for and entering into the full and complete and final Twin Flame Union.

What your souls truly have come here for.


“Twin Flame Oneness Code Activation – Sacred Union”

*60 minute transmission journey through immersive vivid imagery on the higher planes

*Cleansing your paths and systems of negative projections and separation programming*Transformation from human duality programming into unity

*Cleansing from you as a pair the human karmic programs that create conflict and opposition – clearing Holographic/Morphic imprints of “false karma”

*Clearing negative soul contracts and attachments

*Activating Diamond Consciousness programming

*Unifying Masculine and Feminine principles – down into the cellular level. Cancelling out the basis of human karmic conflict so many Twins get caught in

*Receiving the etheric map back to physical harmony – activating energetic leylines and pathways of unity

*Heart activation in unconditional love

*Receiving a profound message from your Twin Flame’s higher self

*Opening to your Twin’s Higher Self supporting you and guiding you together

*Sacred Twin Flame Union Ceremony – receiving the blessings and support of the entire universe

*Soul merge, Hieros Gamos

*Shielding and protecting you both for your onward journey together


What are the key things people experience after
entering Twin Flame Union?

*Spirit calls it the “fast track” for the Twin Flame journey – meaning that everything intensifies in a positive sense, on a higher level

*You’ll be locked into a higher SHARED timeline, of harmony and love

*You’ll receive more “help” from your Twin’s Higher Self

*It powerfully helps mobilize their human self… brings you back to being “one” again, life paths developing in parallel, attracting increased closeness physically

*Brings you back together as a team, shifting your alignment

*Cancels out old conflicts and stubborn cycles of struggle

*Enables them to support you more energetically

*Eradicates past karma, starting over in the 5D – away from the human timelines of 3D hurt together

*Makes you untouchable to negativity in a different way than before, you’ll feel less of a struggle to “stay up” all the time

*It gently isolates and uplifts your counterpart energetically from their human patterns and surroundings – enabling their soul to take charge once more and make physical union happen

*It strengthens the physical world connection – where even if you’re not in a relationship together you’ll notice being “closer”, receiving signs of their name, bumping into each other by accident more, having them reach out to you… in other words physical manifestations of your increasing closeness and unity

*You’ll feel a stronger positive connection with them

*There will be less interference and ego patterns in the way

*Telepathy will be more active and clear

*Dream experiences together will increase in intensity and frequency

*… in essence, it unleashes a new and higher chapter together for you as a team, as a unit, in oneness!

I’m so excited to take you on this journey!

When you’re ready, click here.


I can’t wait to hear your feedback on this one!

Cassady x

PS: Many Twins ask me “How does energy work affect my Twin? Can I clear for both of us?” The answer is: Yes, you can! You and your Twin Flame share a collective energy field – because you are two aspects of the same original consciousness. Everything you do, think and feel impacts each other and is tangled up with one another energetically.

Put simply: When you clear and uplift your energy, it changes the whole dynamic between you. It both clears your collective field and resolves conflict. It’s like a rope that’s been stretched tense between two people. When one person lets go, there’s no tension anymore. The dynamic has changed and the negativity is released.

To read some amazing testimonials about how other Twins have experienced this, have a look here

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