As we move into a New Year, I was called on to share a message from the higher realms for all Twin Flames. In this channeled piece, find out more about the nature of 5D, Twin Flame Union and how to enlist added assistance on your journey…
“Dear everyone,
We are so happy to be giving you this message. This is set to be a year full of changes, the tempo of Ascension speeds up. This is good both for you and the planet.
You are becoming more empowered and accustomed to energy shifts day by day and our promise to you is that as you keep taking each step of this journey, your burdens will get lighter and your joys greater. Anything else is impossible.
We want you to know that we are so glad to hear from those of you who speak to us, know that your requests and messages and prayers are received and will be answered.
To help things move in your desired direction, take action from where you’re at on your journey, meditate, journal, clear your energy and so on. This ensures that your requests are answered faster and with greater ease.
Work on lifting blocks that we might show up for you so, that you can know what’s been preventing your desires previously. As we work in both realms simultaneously – you and we – we can get you to your goals and dreams with more ease and speed.
Themes for Twins in 2016
For Twin Flames this year 2016 is set to contain energetic themes of purification still, because this earth has got out of balance with negativity and you are still in a period of Ascension in order to rectify the natural balance.
This is happening both for earth as a society, and also for you as individuals. As you may already have thought to yourself reading this, this mirrors the balancing act going on for the Twin Flames.
The Divine Union between Twin Flames is above all a balancing act – a return to the natural harmony that was between you at the dawn of existence. A removal of dissonance and blocks, to get back to complete openness and harmony – Unconditional Love.
The 5th vs 3rd Dimensions
Many of you have taken the step into 5D more and more and this will assist you in this. That is to say, you and your spiritual team are anchoring yourself into a higher vibration more regularly – this is what anchoring into 5D means.
We wish to impart this: to be in 5D is a process and a way of living and thinking and creating, not a one-off event. You float in and out of vibrations on a daily and even hourly and on a minute by minute basis, but this anchoring assists you in avoiding more and more the old consciousness pools of the so-called 3D realm, the traditional paradigms of separation and conflict.
The perspective shift that will help you lift yourself up into a freer, new reality regardless of where you’re at right now, is to remember that limitation is an illusion, darkness is an illusion, conflict is an illusion, separation is an illusion.
A Journey of Learning
This is a journey of learning, everything you experience is mirroring to you what is going on inside you, whatever issues and blocks and trauma and wounds you may be carrying.
Twin Flames are brave souls who have set themselves the challenge and great gift of experiencing and sharing unconditional love with each other in the physical realm, and with the world itself. Again, you knew when you came here that it can be done. You are here for this reason.
Above all we wish to impart to you the importance of the work you’re all doing. For those of you wondering – it is working. Things are changing. First behind the scenes, then it begins to express itself more and more in your outer circumstances. Don’t lose hope.
Your effort is so greatly appreciated. As you progress on your journey of understanding and exploring, both within yourself and with your divine complement, you are also assisting all of humanity’s search for higher evolution.
You are also assisting higher vibration energies in reaching the earth planes and helping to uplift society around you. You being well and healthy and joyous has enormous repercussions on those around you.
More and More Twin Flames Awakening
You may not see it with your eyes, but believe us that from our vantage point there are now lights popping up all around your world where Twin Flames and Light Seekers such as yourselves are coming into their own – remembering who you are beneath it all. Realigning with your inner light and your soul selves.
As always, know that the wisdom is already in you, the solutions are already in you, the map to your dreams and desires and back to harmony with your dear beloved soul counterpart, are already in you. You came here with all you needed.
However, much of this has been buried under patterns and energies and negativity taken on unwittingly during your life on earth. Ascension is designed to rattle loose those blocks so that you may once again access your innate wisdom and come together in union the way you are meant to.
Along the way, you will notice that all untruth (limitations, negativity, congestion, others’ thought patterns and emotions) is brought up to be flushed out. Be mindful that any pain you have and may experience is simply energy. It can and should be cleared.
Methods to Help Your Journey
There are a number of different modalities of healing and clearing available to you, so experiment with what suits you. Once you master the art of energy clearing and vibrational management, your life will never be the same.
You become the captain of your destiny, and will feel this empowerment in your entire being – it will then be reflected more and more in the reality around you, in terms of love, joy, abundance, harmony and all good things. You knew this when you signed up to come here. You and your divine counterpart.
In life human beings are shown and told that you are small, limited and that life will not be how you wish for it to be. All around you are images of conflict, war, separation (some of you still subscribe to the beliefs of racial or genetic or gender differences… be aware that these differences are mainly illusions).
These limiting beliefs are akin to a mental disease, what we would term “group mind” – like a virus that has spread among humanity and causing people to create negativity. The real truth is that you as a soul are unlimited.
The “Ideal” Twin Soul Connection
You are an energetic being who can create anything you desire. This also goes for your love situation, for your connection with your Twin. Some of you have not embraced this fact yet. Listen when we say: Approach your life experience and Twin Flame connection as a gift, and it will be one. If you don’t feel open just yet, give it a try first of all – experiment with being open to it, and see it unfold.
When you eradicate limiting thoughts, belief patterns and energies, you are free yet again to take control of your destiny. We are so excited to see more and more of you open up to this. We are always at your assistance, we will joyously help and guide you with anything you ask for. but remember that you are a master.
The time of disempowerment is at an end. The only rule that applies to you is that you are the creator of your destiny. Other than that, there are no rules. If you could see what we see from our vantage point, you would be baffled at the remarkable effects your intention and belief and energy work has on both your life and others’.
More and more light seekers and Twin Souls are mastering this art of deliberate creation. We wish so dearly for you all to partake in this joy. This is the new reality, the heaven on earth Twins are here to assist in creating.
Twin Flames and the new Love Based Reality
You are meant to be template bearers of a new love-based reality, to pass onto future generations even for those of you who choose not to have biological families of your own.
So many Twin Flames are disheartened and saddened at the prospect of a connection fraught with difficulty. We wish so often to comfort you and dry your tears and explain how powerful and beautiful you truly are and how much love and joy there is for you.
Please know that you don’t have to experience pain or sadness. You are all here to reunite joyously. There is no one here to experience pain. All pain is energy and thought forms.
You as a soul being are all light. You can release and clear the pain and other negativity, so that it does not bother you anymore. We know this goes against what you have been taught on earth, but give it a chance for it can radically transform your life.
We so deeply wish to impart this to some of you out there afraid and suffering, those of you who have felt pain before. Know that you do not need to be in pain or afraid, this fear is an illusion.
Allow us to show you how joyous life can be and how powerful you truly are, and how easy and harmonious your Twin Flame connection can be. Set the intention right now.
Write it out on a piece of paper: “I am open to the universe and the beings of light showing me all positivity, all joy, all harmony, all love. My Twin Flame connection is love, I am love, all good things come to me. I invite the beings of light and my higher self to assist me in experiencing this in all ways at all times. So it is. Thank you.”
Know lastly that no religious adherence is needed in order to benefit from our help. We assist all human beings, everywhere. Feel free to speak with us as and when you need it, and never feel that you are asking too much. We are here to help.
Remember that spending some time in silence every day, quieting your thoughts, can really work wonders – it opens you up to your intuition and to receiving insights, lifting your vibration and calming your mind and emotions.
Yours always,
Archangel Michael and the Archangels of Light”
If you’re interested in finding out more about the energetic themes and developments due for Twin Flames during this coming year, have a look at the complete 2016 Forecast I developed in collaboration with Michael – a 73 page month by month guide to energies, themes, collective lessons, 5D anchoring gateways and hands-on advice for how to navigate and make the most of this coming 12 month period.
Includes in-depth info on an intense purge and upgrade of the divine masculine, plus the high vibration, unifying phase due for Twins as the house of partnership and marriage is powerfully energized later this year, and much more.
Do you want FREE ebooks and Energy Tools to help you on your journey plus more articles about Twin Flames in your inbox?
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Thank you!!! I recently finally start to be able to receive, and although it feels quite vulnerable (giving is so much more feeling safe to me 😉 I slowly start to feel the flow of goodness poring in (I realize it is there and I am was keeping it till now to let in, cognitively so weird one would be afraid to receive but I do, no: I did – old pattern blush blush). This message is so well timed in this respect, I am overflown with gratitude.
Thank you, Cassady for bringing us this message, thank you dear guides and angels… for everything. Love and light. <3 E.
Thankyou 🙂
Dear Cassady, regarding your VA course, how often should you update your Akashic records? Should one do it daily or weekly? Xxx
This message confirms to me that all I need to do is focus on intentions and trust. When I am not in that space I have anxiety and fear of outcomes and it plain doesn’t feel good. It is so obvious how loudly my body reacts to that not feel good space vs how well it receives these positive intentions and thoughts. You can feel the expansion and limitless world open up just by reading this. I will do better at this! I think the only part that I might have some trouble in is when I feel that strong pull some days towards twin and sitting in that isn’t so easy. Is there something we can do in those moments? I know there isn’t separation, Reaching out is what I want to do but with no response on his end I don’t want to push. That’s a big one for me! Doesn’t happen anywhere near as often but comes up and still rattles me!
Thanks for your post <3
Cassady, this post comes at a HUGE time in my journey. I had an intense talk with my Twin today. I never used the word “Twin Flame” but a lot of other topics were discussed regarding our journey and connection. It was not easy… in 3D she is fiery, stubborn and emotional but it just feels RIGHT. I just want everyone to hear this and trust your intuition. When the time comes for you to have a talk like this with your Twin don’t back down and don’t be afraid. I know that today was the day it was meant to happen for me. I feel liberated!!! 2016 is a big year for all of us Twins!!!! Scott 🙂
My twin flame is the perfect energetic balance to me , it’s scary. I love her dearly and we work together in close partnership to change the world. Our work is sacred and spiritual and it feels so good to see the changes we are making in the world. Yet we are not romantic despite both being single and despite spending every day together. It’s mind numbing and I have never experienced anything like it. For more than a year, almost every day and nothing. I am feeling like maybe this is my lesson – to have to love someone unconditionally even if they marry someone else despite wanting to be in romantic Union and despite working so close together on world issues. Is the universe this cruel ? It has felt like torture in many ways for so long. Is it possible we don’t have a soul contract to be together ?
Hi Angelosophy,
To start with I’d suggest to work on specific karmic issues for a while when you feel inspired to (a few times a week so you don’t overload yourself) For sure update your records at least once a week to start with, to really move past any old patterns that have kept you stuck… It only takes a few minutes once you get the hang of it – it really is all about intention, and you can benefit in a matter of minutes or even seconds.
After a few months you can space it out to once every few weeks. Ask your guides to nudge you when you need to pay a visit to the records/clear and update, f ex they can give you chills or let you know by showing you a particular symbol or a feeling : )
I’ve had so many great shifts from working with karma clearing in the Akash – some of the stuff we’ve been operating on in life is ancient, and it feels so liberating to move out of it for good
Sending you love and light! xx <3
Thank you for being here, Marcos!
Hi again Me,
Well done for working through your issues! Yes, many empaths and lightworkers have a harder time receiving than giving – sometimes it has to do with not feeling safe around others, to receive from them… I’m so glad you found the message positive and useful!
The message I’m given is you can communicate with the higher realms too whenever you feel ready to, they’re kind of standing by and encouraging. Journalling really helps us open up the flow of communication, if you’d like to try. Just a few minutes a day even makes a big difference : )
Sending you love and light <3 xx
Hey scott, So did i…. Yesterday. i used the term twinflames. And he listened carefully. Like u i felt it was the right moment…
Hi Amber,
Thanks for your question!
What you’re describing as feeling uncomfortable, is that you’ve got some energetic congestion or you’re in a vibration that’s a mismatch with your infinite self… This energy can be cleared. Whenever we feel “off” or on edge for some reason, there’s a low vibration energy involved – most often rooted in a a subconscious belief…
I’d suggest writing down what this could be… explore your feelings on paper as it helps you see things more clearly. Afterwards, make sure you also write a page of all the things that are good and amazing about your connection – so you shift your perspective into the high vibrations.
The insight I’m getting for you here is … Where and why is it wrong to feel a pull towards your twin? Where does this feeling/belief come from?
Spirit is indicating – you’ve taken that on from someone else, that it’s a misperception you’ve “bought and sold to yourself”. Once you know what’s going on, pull the energy out of yourself using energy tools.
Spirit’s message is: All is as it should be, you are *meant* to feel that pull towards your twin… it’s the *other* stuff that’s uncomfortable (beliefs, thoughts, feelings being triggered)… Explore this with them…
Sending you love and light xx
Cassady <3
Hey cassady.. i wanted to thank u for your free breakthrough kit.. its really wonderful.. i ve been doing clearing daily.. it feels good.. but old programming and beliefs and fears seems to grab hold again after some time.. it feels so heavy in the heart.. i wanted to ask how are these permanently deleted from our energy
Thank you! <3 xx
Thank you, Scott! I am so happy for you! <3
Thank you. For everything. I love how your posts are like an echo to what is happening between my Twin and I and in my life! This is an amazing journey. <3
I cried 🙂 Thank you Archangels! <3 Thank you Cassady!
Thank you xxx
Hi Cassady,
What a beautiful post! Thank you for this as I needed an update to see if all my work has been paying off!
Thank you!
I’m so happy for you!! This is such a big turning point in each of our journeys… pat yourself on the back, this took a lot of courage. I’m proud of you 🙂
Over the last couple of years, I had a series of synchronicities, ascension symptoms, seeing repeated numbers, and getting in touch with an old friend. I did some research online and discovered the twin flame concept. I had no idea such a thing was possible or that the strange connection I had with this person from my past could be attributed to something as huge as the twin flame connection. My mind was completely blown.
Right now, I’m waiting patiently, learning as much as I can, trusting the process, meditating, being thankful for my current situation, and working hard to be my best possible self. Thank you, Cassady, for the information you provide. I have no idea how the details of this journey will unfold and I appreciate the work you’ve done on this amazing concept.
I think you are right about 2016! Best wishes to you!
Thank you scott 🙂
I have channeled this being before, they have been through my journey for a long time, but I pushed away contact through fear.
Thank you for sharing this, the being behind the channeling is quite the strong and loving presence, and I’ve missed it. But I can’t mistake the vibration. <3
Sometimes I suppose you need to hear it from someone else. To understand it's real. 🙂
I had ‘the talk’ in not so many words, as well. I felt it was time. I told a lot of truths – things I just “knew”. We had been experiencing so much synchronicity; I’m sure the timing was right for him to take in the message. However, it scared him and he has decided to cut me off. (The day after my father’s passing, I might add. Ouch!)
I am aware of much of what must be processed, but I want to be aware of my blind spots, too! I love him so much, and I am so excited for him to finally understand & FEEL this life of love and light!! […]
Hi Cassady,
Thank you for your beautiful messages. It really resonates in me. I love how you could interpret what’s happening right now. I am blessed to have this twin soul connection and in my journey of finding true love. I am called to this mission with my twin and knowing that this is the top priority of my soul mission. As you know, my male twin is one of the commentors here so Im sending him my love and light. 🙂
Again thanks Cassady for your dedication and good work as part of our mission.
Sending you my unconditional love and light.
Thank you so much for this posting. I feel empowered and joyous now, knowing that all twin flames came here to reunite joyously.
Cassady, I love your comment, “Spirit’s message is: All is as it should be, you are *meant* to feel that pull towards your twin… it’s the *other* stuff that’s uncomfortable (beliefs, thoughts, feelings being triggered)… Explore this with them…”
I know this was meant for Amber, but I really needed to hear this, too, and I’m grateful for your posts.