Twin Flame Energy Forecast Sep 22th  – 28th 

Sep 22 – 8:43 AM Sun enters Libra             Sun 0 Lib 00′

Sep 22 – 10:36 PM Venus enters Scorpio             Ven 0 Sco 00′

Sep 25 – 7:12 PM Saturn semi-square Pluto Sat 14 Pis 42’Rx semi-square Plu 29 Cap 42’Rx

Sep 26 – 4:08 AM Mercury enters Libra             Mer 0 Lib 00′


When we experience hurt and trauma this gets stored in our energy fields. Incidentally, these things are the basis of Twin Flame Running and Chasing. There is darkness” in us all – but the lesson were being pushed to learn is that there is also light in us all. We are all pure as souls, and the purpose of releasing this shadow side of the female for resolution, is to clear another block to Twin Flame Union. To help you be able to see your Twin as the pure light they are, instead of seeing any acts of darkness.

To purge pockets of hurt which may have been preventing us from forgiving the past. If we dont forgive, we keep negativity hanging on and it lowers our energy vibration, thereby contributing to more unhappiness and delaying Union.

False Twins – Real Help

How many false Twins” did you encounter before you even met your Twin? And what lessons did they have to show you? If you look back, youll realise your whole life has been preparation for you to come together – giving opportunities to heal old wounds before you came together. On our journey through life, we meet endless actors” – people who show us different aspects of our Twins personality and their issues”.

We meet these actors who express to us some aspect of our Twin Flame in all their shadows and light. If you think back, youll remember where youve met aspects of your Twin in other people, maybe even with family members or past relationships. The key to these encounters is to rattle us enough to release the issues, get over them so that when we come together with the real deal” we will be ready to love unconditionally, to see beyond these issues.

It can even help right now to do this – take a quick reconnaissance through the past and try to find a pattern in the people you were attracted to or drawn to in life. Most likely, its the essence of your Twin Flame in some form. What bothered you about those people? What problems came up? What can you see as lessons here?

Anything that came up in those connections, you can uproot with energy clearing tools in order to help you now with your Twin – looking at things from this perspective, you might discover underlying issues that have kept you blocked with your Twin.

Spiritualization of Sex

As Venus enters Scorpio – the depths are being stirred in romance. This transit can mean simmering sex or disturbing subconscious resentments – the Scorpio tension can go either way. Human sexuality is receiving an overhaul now, for Twin Flames this is especially true for the balance in your relationship. Venus in Scorpios tendency is to go so full on in one direction that you hit the wall (the energetic block and wound thats been holding you up) and are forced to confront the imbalance and rectify it.

These next few weeks the energies in romance support clearing buried issues relating to the functioning of the Sacral chakra – issues of power, dominance, violence, sexual aggression – especially for the female.

Scorpio demands depth work, so dont be surprised if subconscious issues relating to sexuality and power come up to be addressed in some form now – whether its you being forced to stand up for yourself at work, or whether its something like you needing to take the reins in bed in order to demonstrate how to make you feel more loved.

The Death” Of Old Love, Return of New Love”

Scorpio is the house and sign of death and rebirth, so before Venus is done with her time here, expect some old part of you or your Twin Flame connection to exit the stage so a new and higher evolution”can take place (most likely this wont be pleasant but make it easier by doing some inner work and actively releasing rather than it being pulled away from you).

We are constantly evolving and growing, usually at a slow, even pace – but for Twins on the Ascension path, epiphanies and sudden realizations can completely change the situation (and you) for good.



Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies!

Highlights this week include: 

Discover more below! 

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As always, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey <3

Cassady x

or GIF

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