Dear everyone,
Thank you for being here and for reading these words. We have been wanting to give you this message for some time.
Many of you are becoming more and more attuned to insights from higher realms but you are still questioning your intuition. You have more wisdom inside than you realize. Trust yourself.
The best way to get through to your intuition and reach the higher realms, to rise above the pressures and stresses of human life is to relax your minds. It will be an important task for you all in coming years (lightworkers and Twin Flames), to re-teach yourself to think in a way that serves you rather than hinders you.
Overcoming the Mind
The human mind has over millennia with a focus on survival lead to challenges in the reaching of spiritual wisdom and unity. The way your minds operate make it challenging to reach inner peace and reach the vibrations of love that are so crucial to Twin Flame Union.
Because the mind and energy has been entrenched in negativity and separation – it has been taught to seek problems and division in order to ensure survival.
To work around this, give your mind specific tasks to work on, to use this pattern for good. Think about things to be grateful for, scan for the best moments of the past 12 months, think about the goals you’d like to set for the coming year.
This will use your built-in survival pattern to help you rise into the higher vibrations and reach that state of love and togetherness you so long for.
World News and Developments
There have been events in the world at large lately that have triggered a lot of fear in millions of people. You may have felt this wave of fear yourself. Do not be afraid. As an eternal soul you are always safe. Ask the higher realms for protection from this fear if it is bothering you.
Know that these events are trigger points in the earth’s history itself. It is the expression and release of pent up fears and terrors of survival, just like any other turmoil in the earth’s history. Like steam that builds up in a pressure cooker, when it reaches a certain point, it finds a vent or blows the lid off the pot.
Reaching the 5D Realm
Remember not to feed into this fear and horror. The earth is less “solid” than you think. When people speak to you of 5D living, know that it is a choice. There is no “New Earth” physically – it is an option. It is a vibrational frequency of living that enables you to “slip into” the “vortex of positivity” of the infinite realm of possibilities and manifestation.
The more you dwell in this higher vibrational realm, the easier it will be for you to find your way together with your Twin in bliss regardless of what is going on outside of you.
Many of you slip in and out of this realm, and it is in order to anchor you more fully into it that you are now in this process of Ascension – releasing and clearing heaviness and negativity so that you may always exist in that flow of infinite possibility and light regularly and permanently.
Be aware that the more humans involve themselves emotionally with negative events in the world around them and get tangled up with the energies of fear and perceptions of injustice and outrage, the more they remain tied to the old energy paradigm and the old “3D reality” of lower, denser energies.
The Choice to Evolve
In order to lift yourself up into the infinite possibility realm, see the world for what it is: everyone is an eternal soul who has chosen to come here, every single person has chosen their life in order to learn and evolve.
Everyone has free will. What seems like hardship to you from your current earth perspective, is to a soul an extremely valuable lesson to learn. To learn about the nature of energy, the nature of existence.
Remember that there is a difference between giving love to the world from a place of inner peace in order to help all and everything, versus being concerned and worried about injustice and hopelessness and people suffering. The latter only adds to the entrenched energies which are holding these situations in place.
The Eclipse Gateway
Now onto the good news for all Twin Flames. We are always watching over you, you are always helped and assisted. You will come to feel this more and more over coming years if you allow yourself to move past the old and familiar reality.
This coming eclipse is a gateway that will function to “suction” out of earth a certain amount of these negative old energies – the “dregs” of history’s darkness. The energetic basis behind some of the deepest and most damaging old paradigms will be left behind. That is the aim. It has to happen bit by bit, but it is happening.
Your Personal “Eclipse”
This leaving behind of heaviness and pain from the past may also happen with you personally – because the earth’s energy and the energy of individuals is closely connected – a whole. Do not be afraid.
After this Eclipse there will also be new surges and influxes of high vibrational energy coming in and anchoring the grids holding this new “optional energy reality” in place even firmer and making it more stable.
If you meditate or travel out of your body you will understand what we mean by this – lately you may have had a lot of disturbance, strange psychic impressions flashing up when you meditate and so on – this has been due to the energies being stirred up in preparation for the release. Things will settle down again gradually, at a higher plateau than before.
Increased Ease of Interaction for Twins
For the Twin Flames this is excellent news because once this “secondary reality” opens up more and more and becomes more stable it becomes more open to you accessing it. And it is here that you and your Twin will find emotional and energetic togetherness of such a palpable and strong form that it begins to rival physical unity.
Remaining in a high vibration is key here. In these higher realms opening up wider on earth you will find that you are in “flow” more easily and manifest more easily and pleasantly.
This means also that to take advantage of these new energies becoming more firmly anchored, that it will serve you to take full responsibility for your own reality field. If there are things that you are not happy with, take action steps to rectify them now.
Triggering Dormant Information
There is now a mass Ascension going on in the group of Twin Flames on the planet, with more and more lighting up on the grid and coming into awareness every single day.
Over the next months and year, you may discover you remember things you were unaware of previously – this is a combination of having removed congestion that covered it up, as well as the “illumination” of dormant information being reactivated in you to help you along. Pay heed to this inner knowing, as it is most often closely tied up with your chosen mission and your path back to your Twin Flame.
Synchronicities and information that “shows up out of nowhere” (this is your guidance team at work to help you) are instrumental in leading you back to knowing your true inner radiance and to lead you back to harmony with your Twin. Trust that they can help you. Again, re-teaching your mind to not look for pitfalls and problems will be a great help.
Twin Flame Union and Reunion
We remind you yet again that you are meant to come together with your Twin Flame. This is why you are here. Both to experience the bliss of Union in the physical and all the joys that come with the togetherness you share so uniquely, but also to function as a powerful source of light on earth to assist in the planet’s own Ascension.
In coming years 2016 and 2017 we see that many more Twins will find their way back to each other, both in physical Reunions and in the Twin Flame Union of the soul.
Help Is At Hand
Now, we want you to know that all the information you need to get back to your Beloved other self is now available out there. We have provided you with the help you need on the earth plane – methods and information and guidance shared by intuitives who have made themselves available to help all the Twin Flames who are currently incarnate on earth.
It is now up to you to use that which is available to you and tailor it to your own journey so that you may get back to that bliss which we know you long for so much.
And lastly, remember that you are together with your dear Twin already. Your souls are never truly apart. In these coming years, we hope and believe that more and more Twin Flames will learn to enjoy the effervescent joy of togetherness across physical distance. It is how you have functioned as souls since the beginning, so try not to let physical boundaries deter you.
You Are Powerful
Above all, we wish to remind you of your true inner power. It was you who volunteered to come to this planet in need to provide her with the nourishment she so desperately needed after centuries of war, fear and segregation.
You knew it was possible, and if you feel inside, you’ll sense your soul’s great excitement at how things are progressing. You have everything it takes and more. Make no mistake about it, you are on your way – in fact, you have already gone further than you think.
All the love and all the support you may need is available any time you ask. Remember to ask.
Archangel Michael and the Archangels of Light
For an easy, fun way to manage your mindset, elevate your vibration and harmonize your journey with your Twin, have a look at the Vibrational Alignment Program for Twin Flames here.
Alternatively you can try our Free starter kit
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Thank you. This was wonderful and right on time. God Bless!
Thank you for this! It’s so funny, all the articles, I already know in some deep way but nice to have a confirmation!! This is 18 years in the making for me and it’s shocking to see divine intervention all the way through, all the puzzle pieces now make sense. There is such relief in that and the universe pulling this together. Still wonder how it can be possible with both married and kids but I’ll focus on the good memories. I would have given up over summer but with the synchronicities continuing and with the push now, I’m willing to hold the flame for us knowing that this is sacred and true. I know it’s for our highest good and can feel lonely waiting but this community is so nice with encouragement and that helps.
I still don’t understand the free will part! I mean I get we can choose but of this was chosen before we came into the physical it would seem there is no choice. Also, it feels terrible to not choose this!! Maybe that’s the idea, there is free will but it won’t feel good to not choose it!
Thank you so much for these very powerful and much needed messages <3
Much love to you!
Azura xo
Thank you !! Funny with many of the dreams I’ve had the past 2 years 2016 is prominent in them when I see dates on calendars, in journals etc..
Hi Amber, your comment is touching. Wow, 18 years and seeing divine intervention throughout. Your story helps someone like me who is still learning and navigating. I too feel in my heart and soul that this connection is sacred. I am thankful I found this community. Let’s continue to encourage each other =)
I’m so glad, Myeida! Thanks for your kind words – I’m happy to be the messenger of positive news <3 x
Hi Amber, that’s what the spirits always show and teach me – we have a built in “radar” for what serves us to fulfill our soul purpose and to be happy, and it’s our intuition. When we get our of our analytical mind and in touch with our intuition, you’re right, we can feel which choices and which decisions serve us! x <3
Thank you for being here and reading and being a part of the community, AzuraSky! <3 x
Uncanny! That’s fun to know! <3 🙂
I’m so glad you’re finding solace in this community, Amber! It’s interesting that you say that you’ve known and this comes as a reminder – they were keen to remind us all of our own inner wisdom, and yes, you have known all along : ) <3
As regards your situation Michael always reminds me: focus on your ideal situation, don't let any doubts or fear creep in, and just keep taking inspired action as the next steps show up – that's how you manifest miracles! <3
Sending you light and love x Cassady
I’m so happy you’re here in the community 11amor22 <3 x Sending you love and light
Yes, a very long time! I knew it long ago, not a twin flame, the pull and love yes! Last fall he got the download, the love, past lives, kundalini, then I got the download of past, future, love, and the pull was ridiculous. We both never experienced anything like that ever, than the astral dreams and telepathic communication, my kundalini soaring (as that started years ago), but amplified greatly with gifts and insights coming in. I also knew after we both woke up that it was absolutely divine intervention and we were getting pushed by the highest call, it’s a bit intense for sure!!! I also knew it was a bigger picture than just US, I knew it has an impact on the world too, how insane to actually feel that is beyond me but I knew it, that’s when I went What The Heck is going On?! Then I reached out to a channel and she said the words twin soul, googled it and was floored!! To a tee we had all the symptoms. We stopped it though as we knew we didn’t want to cheat and so forth. So it’s been hard knowing the truth and no more communication, very tricky with kids and family involved. Honestly, the signs have held me together, I would have let go months ago but I continue to be guided and will stay open. 2017 is far and eventually I’ll just totally let go after 2015 holidays and maybe that’s what it will take. It’s been mind blowing to say the least, I need to write it all down to remember, it’s nothing short of miraculous to see the universe push us. I wouldn’t believe it if wasn’t happening to me!! It’s so odd back in Febuary of 2015 there was not much on twin flames and now there is so much out there!! Cassady is the real deal and such a help, feels like I’m writing the articles!!
Yes, a very long time! I knew it long ago, not a twin flame, the pull and love yes! Last fall he got the download, the love, past lives, kundalini, then I got the download of past, future, love, and the pull was ridiculous. We both never experienced anything like that ever, than the astral dreams and telepathic communication, my kundalini soaring as that started years ago, that’s when I went What The Heck is going On?! Then a channel said the words twin soul, googled it and was floored!! To a tee we had all the symptoms. We stopped it though as we knew we didn’t want to cheat and so forth. So it’s been hard knowing the truth and no more communication, very tricky with kids and family involved. Honestly, the signs have held me together, I would have let go months ago but I continue to be guided and will stay open. 2017 is far and eventually I’ll just totally let go after holidays and maybe that’s what it will take. It’s been mind blowing to say the least, I need to write it all down to remember, it’s nothing short of miraculous to see the universe push us. I wouldn’t believe it if wasn’t happening to me!!
Thank you Cassady! I’m sending you love, light and gratitude!
I hear you on “I wouldn’t believe it if it wasn’t happening to me” the love, attraction, i get the burning in my chest. I get messages in the middle of the night and the understanding just clicks. I don’t talk about it to people so I just read stuff on the internet. I thought the connection was going to be a phase but the love is so strong right to this day. I’m trying to take things one day at a time and really listen to my guides and my heart.Thank you for sharing.
Thank you Cassady for the wonderful work you are doing. There is so much and so little at the same time out there about TFs. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea and so I also feel very alone… especially since my Twin and I aren’t talking… he’s engaged in an arranged marriage setup… and I have also understood I messed up in a past life. Although I feel like I have come a long way and I am progressing in my path, it’s so difficult to hear sometimes a Twin may only be a ‘trigger’ for healing and reunion may not occur in this world… why then would we even meet??? So thank you for giving me hope. I am always trying not to be attached to the result, but since this is such a yearning, longing… since meeting him, everything else no longer made sense. Even looking at someone else has become sort of completely ludicrous. So thank you and many blessings.
Dear Cassady, I signed up for your Newsletter two days. I was searching in Google for twinflame related Topics and found yours. It was the right Timing. Now i understand why everything is so difficult at the Moment. I met my twin seven years ago. It was love at first sight, but no one dared to make the first step as he was married (he still is). So years passed by, i had my relationships in between and actually forgot about him. last year strange things started Happening. although i had not met him ever again, never spoke to him, his thoughts haunted me last year. like some higher power was pushing me to think about him, to contact him. I kept telling myself that i cant contact him, because he was married. so i kept pushing it away from me, until january this year. I couldnt push it any more. I had to contact him. I wrote a new years message on Facebook and he replied instantly. Few days later we met and it was instant love, a Feeling i had never felt before, shivering all over, And he felt the same. I cried after he had left. I couldnt understand what was Happening, but i understood that this was the reason why this higher power pushed me towards him. We spent wonderful months together, although he was married. Problems started in June when his wife found out. and after several pulls and pushs i decided to leave in August as everyone was suffering. Since then we havent spoken. But i can feel him and i know he can feel me. Approximately 10 days ago negativity started sneaking in…..friends giving me their reasonable advises, me started doubting our Soul bond. And now i find myself no where. I feel that it was all a lie. Suddenly i found this site and i feel like sharing my Story with you, hoping to have an answer to all this….
Hi Cassady,
I have a question about energy clearings and how it affects TF’s that are in relationships with other people. My TF has a lot of baggage and karma that needs to be cleared. She has a boyfriend that does not treat her well and their relationship is very toxic. As I continue to do energy clearings is it possible she will slowly start to open her eyes as to what she wants and realize that her current relationship is not healthy? Scott
Thank you for sharing, guest! I’m so happy the site and the writing/channeling I do resonates with you <3
In terms of giving an answer – it really is all about energy on this Twin Flame journey. The Twins share the same energy frequency at their core, and this is the crux of our challenges and our joys. When we meet, our souls begin pushing up all the negative baggage so we can clear it. Many Twins don't realise what's happening, however, and feel that their relationship is filled with suffering they can't fully understand.
Once we realise the energetic meaning of what's happening, though, and begin to clear the negatives and lift our vibration, we can more and more leave behind any negative karmic patterns and move into the joy and unconditional love that lies at the heart of the Twin Flame connection. We are beings of light having an earth experience together – any and all difficulty and negativity are due to energetic imbalances we've taken on.
So the inner journey of finding out what those imbalances are for us personally, is an important step to take, then we can release and clear. And once we shift our energy, our lives and our Twin relationships can change dramatically. I have undergone this myself and I can happily say that once you clear your energy, you can clear away long-standing challenges and heaviness surprisingly fast.
Sending you love and light <3
Cassady x
Arabella, don’t forget that you’re an infinite being who can create and be and have anything you want – this is what you knew as a soul deciding to reincarnate on earth with your twin. The two of you knew it was possible to come together in harmony.
Try to take your mind off any potential pitfalls and allow yourself to focus on the resonance of the joy you would share in a “perfect world”. Experience the feelings fully. You’ll feel the resonance of truth in your soul – it’s why you and your Twin both came here.
We have to keep an eye on ourselves on the twin flame journey so we don’t get blinded by potential negatives – because we are energetic beings, we are the ones who choose what to align with and what to create. If we choose to look for the pitfalls, this is what we set our experience to.
I know it can be frustrating and that these words and concepts sometimes seem unhelpful, but know that you already know it – and allow your soul to show you how you could create and get to that place of joy and togetherness, no matter what the situation is right now. Your soul will be so thrilled that you asked <3
Sending you love and light <3 x
Hi Cassady, I found my twin flame on 2.14.12, 4 years ago. We have been very close emotionally and spiritually for the last four years. Unfortunately we have not been able to connect physically due to our current situations. The pain of not being able to connect physically overcame me and I ran from him and tore us apart. I caused so much pain to both of us but I could not handle the magnetic energy drawing us together. I felt I couldn’t repel him any longer and both of us being married it would have been damaging. I feel TF relationships shouldn’t be so painful. I have been reading blogs and websites and feel like I need to clear my karma before we have a chance at uniting again. Any advice would be appreciated.
Dear! I need help now! I fell in love with my twin online before I read the articles about TF. After recognization I always encounter 11,22 or “a pair” in my daily life.His birthday is 0722 and mine is 1019(whose sum is 11).
And we meet all the signals about the TF, both spiritually and physically. I used to be so convinced that we are twins.
But lately I became so doubt about our relationship. When I read the article about False TF, I became so nervous and anxious. It seems that we meet all the signals of false twin. I thought maybe he is the energy vampire, or I am.
Now I don’t know what I should do. I feel my whole belief collapsed. So I retreat and tried to be calm.
Sometimes I think maybe it is a test for both of us. Sometimes I just lose my mind. I don’t know what to trust. So I come here and ask for help.
Is there any one who has the same situation?
Today my twin n I came together spiritually today. N I believe he reads these. But he is someone brilliant a genius. N I believe he’s looking fervently for me. Like he’s really close.