Virgo New Moon: It’s Never Really Over! The Universe Asks You To Cut Through Lies Around Love, And Let Your Heart Send Its Magic Out To Call In Unity. But, The Outer Planets Challenge You To Make Sure: “Are You Really Ready?”
Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies!
Highlights this week include:
Uranus Retrograde and the New Moon in Virgo bring transformative opportunities to upgrade love, partnerships, and personal growth.
The universe pushes Twin Flames to release old fears and embrace a higher next chapter – it’s never really over, but lies may need to be weeded out of your connection to show up your highest.
Will you honor yourself enough for this?
Discover more below!
A New Beginning!
Now onto the week’s energies!
We head into a New Moon in Virgo on Monday evening, which signals a new beginning in terms of healing, service and work.
Spirit’s comment is, pat yourself on the back for all the inner work and growth you have been through!
Give yourself a “job well done” for all the healing and effort!
Now, you are encouraged to draw a line in the sand and leave old cycles behind. Even if things have been difficult in the past, don’t carry forward the expectation that things will always be that way.
You Are Braver Than You Think
Allow yourself to turn a new leaf with the Virgo New Moon. Clear your slate of old issues and start over in terms of healing and your Twin Flame mission.
Spirit reminds you: So many people in the world are never brave enough to even try to look deeper or heal.
If you are on this journey, you are among the bravest souls on Earth!
And you have come so far already – MUCH further than you think, is their input.
Give yourself some care and extra self love today if you need it now. But likelihood is, you’ll feel ready to get going and make progress!
Uranus Retrograde
A backdrop to this entire week, Uranus just went Retrograde this past weekend.
This brings us a period of internal transformation and unexpected insights over the coming months.
Uranus is the planet of change, technology, and the unorthodox.
Change Goes Inward
When he goes Retrograde in Taurus, you are asked to deal with the fears and old patterns that have been holding you back in terms of your relationships and partnerships.
Above all, your relationship with yourSELF and the Universe!
We cannot truly receive our desires if we are in inner tension and locked against ourselves.)
Retrograde Season Intensifies
Uranus is not the only Retrograde right now – we are in fact in a “retrograde season” with Uranus, Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, Chiron and the North Node moving “backwards”.
This signals that we are in a period of inner focus. It can feel slow to make progress and we can feel challenged in terms of the outer world.
The answer is to deal with our inner state, and resolve issues from the past.
Old programming regarding attachments learned in childhood are being triggered so we can clear them.
Remember, they don’t just “go away”; you have to delete the frequency consciously.
Dealing With The Past
Spirit shows us that old wounds, distortions learned in childhood, false beliefs from the 3D world, and outworn attachments and contracts are likely to come up over the next few months.
The purpose is to clear out anything that’s kept you from being fully free to live with an open heart.
If you can do your own inner work voluntarily, you’ll notice getting through this time with a lot more ease, without being triggered so much.
After doing this work, you won’t be so pushed by the cosmic energies to “learn lessons the hard way” in love!
Challenges From Saturn And Neptune
Also this week, adding to the pressure, the Sun moves into an opposition to Saturn and then Neptune – both retrograde.
This can be deep and feel very challenging.
Saturn tends to highlight all the blocks and hurdles in front of us, and Neptune can stir up feelings of hopelessness and sorrow that our ideal will never come to pass.
Do keep in mind this week, that what is really happening is that these two powerful planetary energies are trying to “help” you by stirring up deeper blocks that have been sitting underneath the surface for you.
Balancing Your Emotions To Move Forward
Why? So your path opens wider and your alignment lifts.
Ultimately, to help you live your soul’s bliss and reunite in unconditional love.
Don’t be too hard on yourself this week!
And don’t let your emotions run the show as they are just “visitors from the past”, as spirit calls them.
With Virgo season, it’s time to take action and get to work on improving things. Thankfully Virgo’s spirit will help you feel like actually moving forward and get things done.
Did You Know This?!
A major help will be this: Release any past disappointments where you felt that your effort fell flat or was rejected.
Then go for it again, and you’ll notice feeling better about things.
Often, people think something isn’t meant for them when really they have just had blocks in the past that have deflected their desires.
So many Twin Flames ask me about this; “Is it just not meant to be for us in this lifetime?”
A Rare Grand Trine
A rare Grand Trine on the cusp between the Earth and Air elements is happening this week as well, connecting Venus, Uranus and Pluto Retrograde.
This shows us that there is an immense INNER change happening – in particular for the Feminine Twin.
You may actually feel like you haven’t been making much progress…
But the planets show us you are being taken “back” in your path to EMBODY and GROUND in the shifts that you may have been needing.
Further mental understanding and communication with your counterpart may need you to anchor in the deeper physical body, emotional and unconscious shifts first.
Challenges For The Masculine – The Mother
Mid-week, Mars enters Cancer, which is a detrimental position for this planet representing the Masculine.
Mars belongs in Fire, and when he enters Cancer the sign of the Moon/the Mother feminine archetype, he is at odds with himself and strangely edgy… Because he feels vulnerable!
In Cancer, the Masculine represented by Mars is brought to face with his own “weakness” and vulnerability.
The inner unconsciousness and emotions, fears and old childhood wounding that he may have been trying to repress.
Dreams, Sexuality Deepen
This yields a powerful month for inner child work with the Masculine Twin – and indeed the Twin Flame pair as their soul is eager to help with this healing process.
Mars also rules the Solar plexus chakra and Astral field/body, therefore our dreams and action/sexuality are strongly affected by this shift.
All of these areas deepen and you may feel that there is a LOT going on in your dreams at night.
Sexuality can become powerfully deep and beautiful if you and your counterpart are able to be open and vulnerable with one another.
(Their higher self is always aligned with this, so check in with that part of them – I provide you with a free guided session to do this in the Twin Flame resources here.)
Twin Flame Astral Bonds
The unconscious will be expressing itself more than usual and you’ll notice a strong connection on the astral plane between yourselves.
This is a time when you’ll notice your counterpart’s unconscious revealing all their deepest thoughts and fears if you let them.
In short, Mars in Cancer can be a time of satisfying, deep closeness… But it can also become tense and agitated. It depends on whether you carry blocks and fears or whether you are clear and open!
Are They Pulling Away?
Do remember that if your Masculine counterpart is being touchy or is pulling away, it’s due to their own past.
Issues with their mother created their first experiences with the Feminine, so if they are pushing away their Feminine counterpart now, that’s where it’s rooted!
This is a key theme to Mars in Cancer. I would strongly recommend dealing with their inner child now if you have had issues with your Masculine counterpart. (These themes can also be highlighted for Aries Twin Flames).
More on this in the article on Twin Flame Running here.
Mercury Enters Virgo
Lastly this week, Mercury enters Virgo, ushering in a time of analytical thinking, attention to detail, and effective communication.
This is a great time to work on or apply your organizational skills and pay greater attention to details.
It’s a great time to communicate with clarity and determination while also taking action towards personal goals and ambitions.
Intuition Plus Clarity
With a sextile to Mars in Cancer, it bodes well for communicating with the Masculine Twin.
You’ll likely find yourself intuitively knowing what to say and which actions to take this week.
This blend of intuition and precision can help you feel both more inspired and take effective steps forward.
However, a square between the Sun and Jupiter in Gemini shows us to not be too hasty – especially when it comes to communication, expansion and outreach.
Allow your intuition to bring forth ideas and guided steps, but think them through analytically before acting.
Teaming Up With The Universe
This is the beginning of a new season, are spirit’s words. Whether or not you realize it, things are brewing and shifting beneath the surface.
Will you help things move forward by taking action on your own inner work?
Now is a great time, as Virgo’s “can-do” work ethic will support you to make faster progress – above all from within you!
And remember, that’s the key to it all.
When you are clear and aligned, everything on the “outside” flows smoothly and unity becomes something you feel in every moment – not a distant dream.
As always, I’m sending you love and light <3
Cassady x