
Powerful Aries Full Moon Hits And Soul Love Boost Continues, Bringing Forward Motion To Twin Flame Connection. But What Is Waiting To Be Un-Done, To Get You To Your “Heaven On Earth”?


Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies!

Highlights this week include:

Libra season progresses – putting the focus on harmony with others. But, the powerful Full Moon in Aries asks you to be honest with yourself – so you can correct course once and for all to live your truth.

And, Venus/Juno continue to journey together, signalling progress for Twin Flames and soul led love. 

Discover more below! 

Equinox Gateway, Libra Season

We have just come through the intense Equinox gateway and entered Libra season!

… And although it’s usually a time for increased light and harmony, this week there could be significant challenges, as you’ll see further down.

Why? Because of the push-and-pull between the inner self and authenticity, versus pleasing others and going along with the larger group(s) in your life.

For Twin Flames, Libra brings focus on an inner and outer balancing in energy for the Twin Flame pair.

This means that any kinks in the balance between the Twins will be brought up for resolution, especially in terms of the Masculine/Feminine energy equilibrium…

Soul Love Still In Focus

A major positive this week is that Venus and Juno continue to travel together through Leo, signalling heightened focus (and progress) for soul love in the 3D physical and beyond…

It’s generally positive for Twin Flames, on the soul level, as there increased cosmic focus and *involvement* in bringing the counterparts together.

You may notice this – spirit describes it as a “pivotal moment” and even a “deadline”, as many are being pushed strongly right now to be brought together.

Challenges, Recalibrations

This can mean that non-Twin Flame connections or non-soul aligned activities are broken apart in order to make ROOM for reunion and/or increased closeness.

For best results, go within and stay in touch with your Twin’s higher self and your own guidance team during this time.

This will bring you the most aligned insights and steps to take, so you journey in flow rather than confusion and challenges.

For more on how to receive reliable guidance from your Twin Flame and guidance team on a regular basis, have a look here (module 2, 4 and 6).

And if you want a specific tool to receive answers and insights even if you never considered yourself intuitive, use my 82 card Twin Flame Oracle Card App here! (Free week trial and Free daily guidance)

Echoing Mars/Venus’ Reunion

This week Venus and Juno as a “team” activate the point of Mars/Venus “reunion” from 2021.

This means that you are being reminded of the eternal love between you.
You’re being shown somehow that “you are the one” for them, no matter what!

When this point of Venus/Mars’ union from 2021 is activated,  something you experienced in the connection then is echoed now…

Most likely, you’ll likely notice encouragement that a promise given to you then will come to fruition, even if it seems to take time.

Un-Doing Lower Past Choices

It may not be straight forward or simple, though: Venus/Juno square Uranus and Jupiter retrograde signal that we are in a period of UN-doing past lower choices, to return to the true soul path.

This goes for your counterpart as well. If they have been involved with an outsider, or in other ways have left their soul’s truth, they are being rattled now to get them back to the truth.

Spirit shows us, we may receive dreams, increased signs and other “supernatural” reminders at this time, to ‘prove’ to us that the connection truly is “meant to be”, and to lead us toward togetherness and harmony.

(This will be happening to “unawakened”/runner counterparts too.)

Ego Triggering?

It WILL likely trigger resistance, however, as Ego holds fear of change and letting go of the old ways of being…

It will be helpful if you can work to make sure you are not holding onto conflict or fear in your connection, and assist your counterpart via their soul, in releasing 3D ego imprinting.

I take you through this in the Higher Dimensional Anchoring and Awakening session, which is one of the most noticeably physically powerful sessions spirit has had me channel for the Twin Flame collective.

It is one of the sessions I have heard most feedback of “miracle changes” and breakthroughs from – even if the person’s counterpart is a runner/ghosting and not open to love. Have a look here for more.

twin flame awakening

“After I did it, he messaged me! I knew it was the Universe trying to tell me to stop trying so hard and to just focus on furthering myself. BAM! Just like that – got the meditation, did it, and there he was.” – Indi, New York


“The Higher Dimensional Anchoring was the absolute most intense healing I’ve ever done – it completely blew me away. Not only did this seem to impact me on an enormous level, I saw my Twin Flame completely change overnight. I’m so grateful for your tools, and I’m merely without words on this latest one. It really was the answer to my prayers.” – Sarah (via Facebook)

(Learn more and experience the session here)

Feeling Spiritually Disconnected?

Another issue this week is, as well as emotions building for the Full Moon in Aries on Friday, we have a strong opposition that affects our spiritual connection.

With the Sun opposition Neptune Retrograde until the end of the week, you may feel a bit “lost” and even like giving up.

It’s likely that you are feeling disconnected from the divine or abandoned – by your Twin’s higher self as well.

Or as if you or they are NOT divine somehow.

The contrast between your hopes and dreams, and what has transpired in the 3D physical is likely looming large and bothering you.

Your ideal seems far away and as if it will never show up…

Separation Consciousness

But hold it right there! This is simply a PERSPECTIVE, says the universe.

What is important is to go within and find your OWN inner peace and connect with your own world.

That is what will align you with receiving your ideal on the “outside”. 

Waiting for it to be delivered via an outside source or to be “rescued” is unfortunately only attracting more experiences of feeling that you NEED to be rescued or that you are powerless.

This is a key thing to get to grips with, so next year when the transit returns you won’t have the same experience.

For help with this, go here and I’ll take you through a deep journey into harmonizing and elevating your own inner world, -and align with attracting your ideal situation with flow and ease. 

Full Moon In Aries

Friday, we have a powerful Full Moon in Aries. Where other Full Moons can tend to bring sadness and fear to the surface, the Aries moon is fiery and can tend toward anger, irritation, frustration and blame.

This Full Moon is not activating any other major planets or important points, which is unusual.

It signals that the focus is all on YOU right now.

Aries is the sign of individuality, and spirit shows us that it deals with a polarity with Libra, which is all about OTHERS.

So in this period you may be coming to grips with where you sacrificed or gave up on your own uniqueness, or allowed others to “lead you astray” from your inner truth.

Anger, Irritation, Blame?

With Aries, it’s likely you’ll notice irritation, anger, impatience, rage and frustration around this coming up.

You may in particular may be feeling mad at yourself, for letting things slip, or for giving up on yourself. And you may feel tempted to blame others…

Don’t fall for this temptation, as it will only bring more of the same.

The key is to recognize this deeper blame and anger, which has been causing blockages and lower cycles for you – and has attracted a negative outer “mirror”. 

Deal with the anger, and find constructive ways to take ACTION to move forward (Aries is the sign of action, courage and enthusiasm).

This will help you SO much more.

What Does Your Heart Want?

There’s pressure around separation consciousness, conflict, and the old 3D polarity systems – the illusion that we are not all part of a greater whole…

With the duality between Libra and Aries, the issue of self versus the group/community and OTHER people is looming large this week.
It’ can be a challenging balancing act.

And the cosmic message is that you ultimately have to align with your own truth, or nothing else will really work out.

If you sacrifice your truth for others, it doesn’t truly help them NOR you.

We are being pushed to look within and find out who we really are:

What would you do with your life if money was no object?
Who would you be if no one else was around?

Make a note of this – even if you don’t feel able to act on it right now.

Symptoms Of 3D Separation

And, if you are experiencing themes of victimhood/blame and other symptoms of 3D separation consciousness…

Journal on it and clear this too, so you can move forward in light and harmony – especially with your Twin Flame.

When you can balance your soul’s authenticity and uniqueness, with the knowing that everything is an interconnected aspect of the light, you open to so much joy, love and harmony!

And, if you’ve felt hurt and find it tricky to even THINK about concepts like forgiveness and openness between you and your Twin, have a look at this article.

A Week For Tough Questions

This week is not set to be easy, but it will be a deep learning experience that has the power to uplift your future path dramatically!

Above all, remember that what’s going on in your connection and your life right now is more about YOU than you probably think.

Other people are not the problem. If anything, your SOUL is working to teach you something, by getting you to take a look at yourself and your beliefs and assumptions. 

Open to a higher perspective, and you will “up-level” for the long run – especially with your Twin Flame.

Until next time, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey <3

Cassady x

Want more help? For my step-by-step “roadmap” to Twin Flame Union, created after my Twin and I reached Union – have a look at the Vibrational Alignment Program.

10 modules and 6 powerful energy sessions to Heal the Mirror, Restore Harmony and Accelerate your Twin Flame Union.


Start shifting your Twin connection into harmony and accelerate your journey to union with powerful energy healing and quantum methods.

I take you through it step by step in the 10 module Vibrational Alignment Program for Twin Flames.

We cover subjects including:

*Signs and Recognition

*Healing The Twin Flame Mirror

*Past Life Discovery And Karmic Healing

*Twin Flame Telepathy and Remote Interactions

*Your Twin Flame Guidance Team And How To Receive More Divine Assistance

*Twin Flame Sex and Kundalini Awakening

*The Mission and your Life Path

*Twin Flame Troubleshooting

and so much more…

cassady cayne review testimonial





(More Twin Flame testimonials and reviews of my sessions and coaching here!)

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