twin flame woman with blue smoke

Scorpio Season Starts With Intensity! And, Pluto/Mars Opposition Puts Pressure On The Masculine, Sexuality, Power And Our Approach To Action. Their Deeper Self Awakening… Now, It’s The Soul’s Way Or No Way…


Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies!

Highlights this week include: 

Scorpio Season starts, with Pluto/Mars opposition creating added intensity – especially regarding the Masculine Twin.
This could get transformative, or very ugly… 

Plus, lessons in running for the Feminine Twin with Venus-Uranus opposition posing tough questions. What if things weren’t the way you thought?

Discover more below!

Intense Times Ahead

We’re headed into an intense week, with multiple cosmic currents calling on us to stop messing around, and stop letting the past call the shots on our life’s path.

Will it be easy and fun? Not likely.

However, this is the kind of period that can change the trajectory of your life for the better if you understand what’s going on.

So let’s look into it.

Scorpio Season Starts

On October 21st, Scorpio Season starts! It’s extra heightened this week and into next as Mercury is also in this sign.

Scorpio is the domain of depths, ruled by the god of the underworld – Pluto. It deals with death/rebirth, transformation, the unconscious, sex/primal instincts and secrets.

So for the next 4 weeks or so, these will be heightened themes.

Pluto Gets Involved (Big Time!)

Scorpio energies also help us to unearth blocks and issues that have been hidden, repressed or blocked beneath the surface.

Expect a month with deeper realizations of what’s been going on behind the scenes in your Twin Flame dynamic. 

Healing and transmuting issues based in past wounds that were buried so deeply you didn’t know they were there.

Deep, Dark And Intense

We also have an enormous intensification of Scorpio themes as Pluto – the sign’s ruler – is in opposition with Mars, which was considered the sign’s ruler in ancient times and which represents the Masculine…!

This transit continues for several weeks, and is getting more intense until mid November.

Happening between Capricorn and Cancer, and with Scorpio season as the backdrop, it can get dark, deep and intense.

Versions Of You?

This is all about the Universe and our souls “trying” to rattle us to let go of old rigid ways of operating based on survival and comfort.

We are being pushed, challenged to transform – STRONGLY!

Not to become a different person, but to release any old limiting identities and patterns/energies that have held us back, and rise as a more enlightened, powerful VERSION of ourselves.

This also means, releasing lower versions of the Twin Flame dynamic, so a higher iteration of the bond can rise forth.

twin flame awakening

Spirit channeled this powerful session designed for awakening “sleeper” Twins and helping Twin Flame pairs anchor into the higher dimensional 5D unity grid –  in full alignment with Free Will.

This process also enlists your guidance team to clear limiting ancestral programming, including sexual blocks and 3D illusions, ego identity structures and more.

Go here to find out all the details

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Heightened Triggering

This period can get really uncomfortable as unconscious fears and limits will be triggered, including ancestral survival patterns and past life karma.

Anything that’s been preventing you from living your soul’s bliss, and being in the state of love and unity you came here for…

It’s surfacing now, so you get a chance to recognize it and clear it.

So make sure you clear it!

This detox is not optional, from the cosmic perspective, and will be happening whether or not you are happy about it.

Focus on the Positive Outcome

Did you ever do a juice fast or go on antibiotics? The result is good, but the journey there can be less pleasant.

The key is to focus on the positive outcome the planets want to bring you now!

For help to deal with this, I would strongly recommend using energy tools to speed up the “detoxing” and making it so much less of a struggle. Have a look here for my FREE Twin Flame energy healing session to help.

Stop Settling For Less

Why are we being “forced” into this?

Our souls know how easy it is to get comfortable in limitation and how tempting it is to settle for less and just stop reaching for the peak of love, the peak of fulfilment and so on…

So they want to kickstart us, to snap out of it!

Stop settling for less, stop telling yourself it’s not going to work, stop pretending you’re “just a regular human” and that “love can’t be like the Twin Flame ideal” or whatever other idea has been festering in your mind.

For the Masculine Twin, this is happening even more strongly, as Pluto opposes Mars.

Questioning Everything

If we are not open to rising higher, the soul can make circumstances extremely uncomfortable, to rattle us open.

With this Pluto-Mars opposition lasting until mid-late November, things can happen with them in “real life” terms that are designed to get them to question and reevaluate EVERYTHING.

Especially, to realize how short life is, and how pointless it is to spend it doing something you don’t love or being with someone who’s not your true soul match!

Sometimes, the soul will get a person to rock bottom to get them to face up to this. 

(To help an unawakened Twin Flame counterpart make this process faster and smoother, have a look at this article).

Pluto’s Detox

As Pluto works to push us to detox from the whole paradigm of survival, instinctive and unconscious fear could come up.

Ancestral “garbage” could be brought to the surface – fear and residual trauma.

We are called on to release this survival programming. Because we are so much more than a body!

Pluto says:

Spending life trying to survive is futile…
We ARE going to pass some day, because life on earth is not forever.

But the SOUL *is* forever.

And the more you spend life playing things safe or letting fear drive you, the less you get to do the exciting things you came here for!

Clearing Survival Programming

Now, I personally get that when we have hard times, bills to pay, people to deal with and a world in chaos… it’s not always this simple in physical terms.

However, here is what we’re shown:

Those outer difficult situations are ROOTED in survival PROGRAMMING. Which is energy.

Patterns we have inherited from our ancestors and from society.

When we clear these from our system, we become more and more freed from the outer “issues”.

Our situation begins to shift higher – into the SOUL light, into purpose, light, abundance, fulfilment and the love that we really came here for.

Inherited (Collective) Trauma

But, Pluto says, as long as we’re staying locked into those old survival programs and templates, that’s what we keep experiencing.

The “human drama of suffering and struggle”, and variations of it.

It’s time to rise higher. As Pluto moves through the remainder of Capricorn until 19th November, we can tie up these loose ends and shift higher for the next cycle when he moves into Aquarius.

Unspoken Twin Flame Issues

So with all of this Scorpio/Pluto energy, there is a LOT of unconscious, unspoken stuff going on.

Your dreams will be revealing, and can bring messages from your counterpart and your soul.

Pluto is also putting pressure on to transform, for the Masculine Twin. Not so much to “wake up” suddenly, but to gradually release the layers of illusions and ego masks they have been wearing…

To allow the true soul self to step forth. Or rather, rise up.

They can be difficult to deal with right now with this pressure, so tread carefully with their 3D self.

Sexual Intensity

It’s also an intensely sexual transit! Pluto opposition Mars can bring sexuality that gets obsessive, veers into BDSM type exchanges, power and/or secrets can be involved, and it can get explosive…

If you’re on good terms, it can be amazing, but be aware that conflict and anger over past issues don’t get in the way.

(It’s easy to get triggered under this transit).

Pluto/Mars will also be pushing for a recalibration and purging of the Solar Plexus and Sacral chakras, which can make our sleep patterns, dreams and sexuality unstable for a while.

I would STRONGLY recommend using energy tools to make this period smoother, as it can otherwise get intense.

Freedom vs. Comfort

For all of us, we are being pushed to stop doing things for the sake of family or comfort or others, or out of subconscious habit (Cancer), and to begin asking ourselves what we TRULY want and are here for.

If you left tomorrow, what would you regret not having done? And what would you have been the most proud of?

These are the things Pluto is trying to push you to move on NOW!

Running From Yourself?

Running away from YOURSELF is the danger now, if you’re the Feminine Twin Flame.

How would this look? Your counterpart wants to be together, but instead of being happy that it’s finally happening, you push them away.

Or you’re avoiding your inner shadows and going out to party or on a trip rather than heal old wounds, or making yourself so busy you never have time to journal on your truth…

In short, anything that is seeking to pull your attention away from the deeper stuff.

Instant excitement or pleasure, when soul fulfilment is what you truly long for.

Going Beyond The Mind

Your soul will reward you if you can just take the time to go within now. Truly. This is emphasised so strongly.

Please take at least one time to journal on your feelings and what’s going on internally this week, and your soul will bring you more value than you thought possible.

Throughout this week, the Sun also squares Mars and Pluto, which shows us that the conscious self is not able to fully understand or deal with what’s happening on the unconscious, primal and soul level.

Shifts in Consciousness

You have to go deeper.

There are things locked in your body, your unconscious mind and even possibly from past lives, that need to go.

(Energy healing is the tool I would always recommend for this)

With Pluto trine Uranus retrograde, there ARE deep and slow positive changes happening – collectively, above all.

Expect change.

It may not be obvious as it happens, but what’s going on in this period is the opening of an answered prayer.

Intense Week, Soul Bliss

This is set to be an intense week, but rather than turning to negative explosivity and conflict…

It could be a time of profound soul bliss and intimacy… And soul awakening!

The result is a lot up to you.

Remember you already ARE a soul of light, and let that guide you through.

This can be a major turning point, says spirit.

Mercury retrograde and Mars retrograde are both coming up in late November/December, so take advantage of this window before things get (more) complicated.

I believe in you!

And as always, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey <3

Cassady x

"Welcome to twin flames 11:11! I'm Cassady Cayne, energy healer, author and spiritual guide and I founded this website after my own awakening and subsequent union in 2014, to help as many Twins as possible reunite in love! To date, over 100,000 people have benefitted from the free sessions I share" Click to learn more. Testimonials: "Cassady's work is like having your own personal Twin Flame guide with you at all times" - Kris "You changed my life and brought so much light and hope to my heart" - Niki D "Helped my Twin and I reunite, we've been married 5 years on 2/22" - Kaylee "If I hadn't found you, I'm not sure where I'd be right now" - Lynnette G

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