The Path Opens Where You Thought It Was Closed: Mercury Direct, New Moon in Gemini Signal To Try Again Even If Things Didn’t Work In The Past. Can You Believe?

Welcome into a new week in the cosmic energies!

Highlights this week include:

Powerful New Moon in Gemini asks you to wipe the slate clean of the past.

Plus, a trine to Jupiter/Mars and Chiron tells you: try again even if your dream didn’t come true before.

And, Mercury goes direct at the end of the week. Choose and accept a new beginning. It will change everything! But are you willing?

Discover more below!

Pay Attention To Your Own Mind

With so much happening in and relating to Gemini this week, the lesson is to pay attention to your mind, words and perspective.

Your communication (including inside your own mind) can either mess you up or propel you toward your dreams come true.

With the New Moon in Gemini we’re asked to release any past outworn modes and perspectives, and start over. 

Who Is The Boss Of You?

Because make no mistake about it, your mind can be your biggest asset on this journey, or it can be your biggest saboteur.

For best results, take responsibility for your own role in how your journey has turned out.

Because if you trace things back, you will see that everything in life corresponds in some way to your dominant mental focus, whether conscious or unconscious.

And, whether or not it was your “stuff” or toxic thoughts and beliefs you took on in life…

(Your inner state corresponds to your outer experiences – especially in the Twin Flame connection.)

Taking Stock Of Your Situation

Use this time until Mercury direct to take stock and start over from a higher perspective.

Instead of focusing on and feeding fear, decide on what you desire and use your mental power and energy to bring it to fruition. 

In short, the key to this is to master your mind.

And with this Mercury Retrograde in recent weeks you’ve been shown where you have NOT been doing that. You’ve been shown where your thoughts have run riot with you on some level.

It’s time to focus, take responsibility and start over from a positive perspective. 

For help with this, use the Free Twin Flame Resources.

Or to go deeper and tangibly start manifesting your desires, have a look here.

Problems Vs Solutions?

This week can bring some challenges but if you flow wisely with the energies, you can create major positive shifts. It’s a matter of perspective.

Make sure you do not get caught in seeing only problems, when in fact the solutions are right there as well if you just open your eyes.

Careful listening will help prevent problems.

New Moon In Gemini

The New Moon in Gemini is all about improving your communication skills, listening and accepting points of view different to your own or what you have gotten used to.

That’s usually a great thing – but with Mercury still retrograde, communication is likely to be problematic.

One challenge is that the excitement of the New Moon could lull you into thinking you’ve finally figured things out, when you’re in fact still in the same confusion or misunderstandings as before.

Intuition is key. Your mind will not be able to give you the truth, so you must feel into it deeper. 

Double Checking

The good news is, if there is confusion, people are less likely to get resentful about it as the Gemini New Moon is a “friendly” energy. But you have to keep an eye on yourself, particularly as Mars/Jupiter in Aries involve themselves.

This can cause a rush to take action – without having clarity. So take a beat to consider things carefully.

It’s worth double checking any information. Something that can look right can easily turn out to be inaccurate due to a missing factor you haven’t considered.

Watch out for assumptions.

Mercury Direct – Gaining Clarity.

On 3rd June Mercury finally turns direct in Taurus. It brings with it a major dose of common sense.

If you’ve made any mistakes or had misunderstands over the last three weeks, now is the time to correct them.

Or, if things have seemed confusing in your Twin Flame connection, you’ll start to gain more clarity.

You might have acted on misunderstandings, or you may realize you have been mistaken in your understanding of something that offended or upset you.

(Tapping into your power of intuition is a skill that will help you with your Twin Flame even if you are not physically together right now. Learn more here)

Taurus – Home of Love

As Venus just entered her home sign Taurus, and Mercury turns direct here, you’ll experience resolution in love these coming weeks.

When Venus returns “home”, it signals a new beginning in love. A new yearly cycle. 

With these two energies in the sign of the bull, what to watch out for is stubbornness. Be aware that balancing your interests with your Twin Flame’s, will get you further than trying to get your way 100%.

Being a little flexible may get you what you “want” more than trying to push for it. (Remember “chasing” and pushing can cause the opposite reaction for Twin Flames)


Slowing Down

You may find this week somewhat frustrating, as Mercury in Taurus tends to slow everything down.

But consider that this can prevent you from rushing into decisions that you could later regret. And after recent weeks’ intensity, you likely need some downtime.

So try to listen to Taurus’ and Venus’ wisdom of enjoying the present moment. Enjoying life’s little joys like nature, or spending time with friends and family.

This can be the “magic” that will open your Twin Flame path without you trying so hard – because your alignment will be higher.

Challenges Of Responsibility

As mentioned, a key theme this week is awareness, self control and responsibility.

Mercury turns direct in a square to Saturn.

The influence of Saturn says, you have likely been avoiding responsibility and perhaps getting into blame instead of solving the issues you have faced…

Or to wait for and complain that others have not made your dream happen, instead of taking action on making it happen yourself.

Causes Of Twin Flame Separation?

Saturn is asking you to take your time and resolve any inner issues, as this will resolve the outer situation.

For example, if you have kept having separation and on-again-off-again periods with your Twin Flame, go within and trace the karma that caused this.

Because when you resolve this, the outer situation will open up to love and unity. You’ll find karma clearings and more information on Twin Flames’ experiences with past lives here.

Saturn Retrograde

As Saturn turns retrograde the next day, make sure you keep an eye on your perspective.

It’s easy to see only problems – but if you look at them in a different WAY you can decode how to move forward successfully to get your dreams come true.

Looking at where you’ve been will help you work out where you want to go.

Boundaries – Are You An Enemy Of Yourself?

As Saturn goes retrograde, he highlights issues of boundaries. It can feel as if you’re being held back by someone else… but it’s also possible that you’re your OWN worst enemy.

On balance, this is a time for stepping back and assessing where you’re at and how to get to where you’d like to be.

Maybe you’re holding onto old dreams that don’t suit you any longer. Or maybe your approach has been flawed.

It could be time to let go of parts of your past so you can more easily move forward. To do that, you need to consider what lessons you’ve recently learned from life.

Motivation Dropping

However, Saturn retrograde also heralds a time when you need to consider commitment.

And, you are being asked to clear any past cords, soul contracts and commitments to “outsiders” in your Twin Flame connection.

As Saturn is turning retrograde in Aquarius, you’re also being shown where you have allowed negativity and limitation into your “visioning center” – your third eye. 

Where you have allowed negativity to shape your path.

Groups, Allegiance

As Aquarius rules groups and social media, it can also indicate that you have allowed others into your connection in a detrimental way.

(Asking others their opinion or tapping into group fields can be toxic and bring you off course with your Twin Flame).

So have you allowed others’ opinions and beliefs affect your connection and your journey? Now is the time to cut those cords and claim back your power, to experience true love.

Because that is really what you are here for and you are completely capable of it once you open to that knowing.

Cutting Cords To Open To Love

In general you’ll find cord cutting and releasing outside toxins exceptionally powerful this week – also for your Twin on their side.

Have a look at the Complete Harmony Healing for Twin Flames, where I take you through this work (in alignment with Free Will).

Complete harmony Healing Tool

“Your Vibrational Alignment program and Harmony Healing have been so valuable to me and I use them daily. I also use the Higher Heart program weekly. Thank you!!! My Twin Flame and I reconnected again in a way that was better than I ever could have imagined.” – Joy, California, USA

Motivation On Low?

Saturn may create drag in terms of your motivation. This is to get you to go within and resolve that inner situation and deal with the PAST…

When you do this, your flow and light and optimism will return. 

Things may move more slowly than you’d like, but they will move. And this time is about doing things thoroughly rather than quickly.

To resolve the deeper CAUSES of things, rather than rushing around on the “outside”.

Although this week can be hard work, it’s the sort of hard work that can make your life much better in the long run. Any hassles you resolve will yield major positive results.

Second Chances

On the whole, this week second chances are being shown up for you. Pay attention and look for the solutions and the opportunities.

Doors that once closed can open now, if you approach it wisely. Do do this, master your mind, cut away outside toxins and listen to your intuition. 

You are so capable!

As always, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey x

Cassady <3

Do you want to make the journey to Union and beyond lighter and more positive? Take the path forward with me as your “personal” guide with the Vibrational Alignment Program!


“My Twin Flame is a Runner and something amazing happened today… I’ve done the clearing two days in a row so far, and guess who called me this morning after doing the meditation and energy cleanse? Yup, you guessed it… he called on his own without prompting from me! I am so darn happy, it’s a miracle!”

– Kristine D, Mass., USA

Read more testimonials here

Alternatively, download my Free Twin Flame Help Kit which contains two resources from the full program!

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