Inner Battles In The Mirror: Shadows And Fear Pull Up For A Final Showdown… But Can You Rise Above, To Tap Into The Immense Spiritual Love Wanting To Reach You?
Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies!
Highlights this week include:
T-square challenges continue, but don’t stop moving forward. It’s about the long run, and mastering your shadows.
Plus, Neptune and Venus bring dreamy Twin Flame soul connections and profound love. Your Twin’s Higher Self is trying to talk to you, so make sure you pay attention!
Discover more below…
All About You
We’re headed into a week with some powerful transits that put the spotlight on YOU.
The key will be to stay in charge of your perspective and not let triggers drag you off path.
Your Twin’s higher self will make themselves known and will be trying to bring you immense love, and guidance is supporting you…
But your own inner shadows and fears are set to make romance tricky this week.
Are you ready to “vanquish your demons”? Let’s dive in.
“You Have Learned A Lot”
In astrological terms, we have some very similar themes to last week. The T-Square between Pluto retrograde, Jupiter and Mars is causing tension, but it’s becoming less intense.
The push-and-pull between forward motion, opportunities/”luck” vs karmic cycles and other difficulties, is lessening.
It’s not over, but you have learned a lot already, spirit says.
And, with Venus moving into Leo this week, you’ll feel more capable of taking on whatever comes your way.
History = Drama?
However, drama is a high risk subject with Venus in Leo… Particularly because of Lilith the shadow feminine in conjunction.
It brings passion and self confidence to love – at times, too much to handle.
It means the Feminine Twin will likely feel more powerful… But it can also bring up issues around anger, rage, judgment, vindictiveness and other “shadows of the karmic feminine collective”.
I.e. themes of expressing and experiencing issues that are not YOURS – but tie into the collective residue of the feminine’s experiences on the planet, of being exploited, abused, mistreated, lied to, betrayed and more…
This is a common underlying source of conflict and problems between Twin Flames, as we end up “living the phantoms of history” – the energy of drama between women and men, in particular.
It’s something so many Twins are unconsciously hooked into, on the energy level. And it causes severe blocks.
A while back, I was asked to channel a session especially to help Twins clear these unconscious attachments and “false karma” out of their system, so they are able to embody TRUE unity.
>>Go here to learn more and take the Oneness Code Activation session.
“I have done the session 2 weekends in a row now and it has truly made a huge difference… me and my Twin are laughing together again…we had been arguing for so long… thank you so much…” – Diane (via Disqus)
“I began to use oneness activation code every day. I began Saturday because I had felt so heavy for many weeks. Immediately I felt better. Then I ran into my TF by ‘accident’. He called and texted and came over later that day. I continued to listen and meditate with this practice and still he is reaching out at a much higher level which is ironic considering it had been months the last time we spoke. Thank you so much!” – Julie (via Disqus)
“Thank you for the oneness session. It is transformative. I stepped into realizing my own worth and drawing healthy boundaries. The next night, I felt his soul merging with me. A blissful divine connection.” – Kemp
“WOW! This felt like the answer to my prayers! I’ve been noticing so many signs and it just feels like everything is aligning! This was so beautiful that it made me cry!!!” – Cheyanne W.
>>More testimonials and full info on the session here
Blow-Ups… Which Can Be Avoided
With Mars also in Leo, and Pluto Retrograde challenging both Mars and Venus (masculine and feminine) with Lilith in the middle…
There is likelihood of Twin Flame blow-ups. Not necessarily in the 3D physical.
But some kind of emotional drama or conflict expressing itself.
Stay aware, so you don’t get triggered based in things that are not truly YOURS deep down.
(The age-old stories of females being unfairly treated, males being oppressors or abusers, and other things expressing themselves in your connection)
The Issue With Stereotypes…
Growing up in the human world and relating ourselves to a particular gender, mostly via the body, we end up tapping into, aligning with and accepting this karmic baggage.
And unless we question it, it begins to “play out” in our relationships.
I’m sure you’ve heard women who talk about males as “only after one thing” or that love never lasts – even if they themselves haven’t experienced anything that would make it objectively “true”.
Really, it’s the collective UN-conscious stories speaking.
Unpleasant Gifts From The Planets
And they are seriously restrictive, negative and damaging to the Twin Flame connection of love.
As Twin Flames, we are here to go beyond those old patterns of opposition!
So now, Pluto is doing you both a “favor” by pushing it to the surface so you can detox from it.
It will likely not be pleasant, but there’s a way to flow through it.
The first is energy clearing – when you clear the emotions and energy behind these patterns and unconscious hooks, they release and you stop experiencing that negativity in your connection.
(Yes, really! >>Have a look here for examples of how it works).
Remembering The Truth About Twin Flames
And second, stay in the remembrance of love.
Remember that as souls, you and your Twin know ONLY love and respect for one another.
Anything that is NOT love, is something you picked up on from your human lives and collective distortion.
So once you release the distortion, love shines through.
Sacral Chakra Purge
Pluto really works like a strong detox, so anywhere you have had this gender based opposition, conflict, blame, victimhood/abuser paradigms and other toxins in your system(s), it’s now being shown up so you can clear it.
The purge particularly affects the sacral chakra, so sexual “symptoms” are common at these times.
>>Learn more about the chakra system and get a free reading here
Not Really “Yours”
Because Pluto deals with power, it’s also likely that powerlessness or victor/victim paradigms play into it.
Moving retrograde back into Capricorn, we see it’s a karmic pattern and not truly yours to begin with.
It could be a gender based, collective pattern you have taken on and “lived out as real”, or it could be ancestral.
Either way, the unfortunate thing is that it attracts more negativity – situations where you experience yourself as powerless. (It could in fact have been caused issues in the Twin Flame Mirror for you).
The best thing to do is get to grips with it and release it once and for all.
Recognizing Powerlessness
If you have felt tired, like nothing you do makes a difference, like you’re not good enough, or like others don’t like you…
Anything that frames you and your actions as ineffective or unworthy, there is a powerlessness involved.
Not Welcomed Into…?
Entering Leo, Venus faces many obstacles, and we are told by spirit that it is an effort to get you to go within and embody SELF love.
Your own self love will alchemize your entire Twin Flame connection and your whole LIFE, once you fully open to it!
>>Learn more here in “The Power Of Twin Flame Self Union”.
New Cycle In Communication
As Mercury also enters his home sign Gemini this week, we enter a new cycle in terms of communication.
However, this is a magnified version of Gemini energies, which are busy, buzzing, effervescent, darting between thoughts and perspectives.
If you’re not careful, you could drive YOURSELF a bit crazy – with your own thoughts.
Mastering your mind is key with Mercury in Gemini.
“Are They Mad At Me?”
Because if your mind is occupied with all kinds of details, decisions, points of view and activities…
There is no room for your intuition to reach you, nor your Twin’s higher self.
So often Twins ask me:
“Is something wrong?
I stopped hearing my Twin telepathically and I’m not dreaming about them/receiving signs.
Are they mad at me?”
The answer is always no, they still love you!
It’s because YOUR MIND is so full of static, that you’re not aware that they ARE trying to talk to you.
Mastering “The Noise”
Think of it like this: If you had one radio playing in a room, you could easily hear the song played.
But if there were 50 radios playing different songs all at once… It would become “noise” and you’d have a hard time discerning anything!
This is what our minds are like!
…and why meditation and energy clearing are ESSENTIAL for Twin Flames who wish to receive their Twin’s Higher Self’s guidance and love.
Your Twin Flame’s Higher Self
Because that love, guidance, help and support is always there. It’s just about whether you are CLEAR enough to perceive it.
In the Vibrational Alignment Program for Twin Flames, you also get 10 other modules packed with essential Twin Flame info, exercises to heal your connection, and 7 guided sessions to clear karma, heal sexual blocks, and much, much more.
>>For full info on the program, and more feedback from other Twins, go here
Saturn/Jupiter’s Message
Throughout the week, heavyweights Saturn and Jupiter/The North Node support you.
Keep going, don’t give up, is the message. It’s all about the long run. Slow and steady wins the race.
And if you’re not living your dream right now, that doesn’t mean it’s out of reach. You can MAKE it possible, with your actions and alignment!
Don’t give up. Take the right steps, and you’ll get there.
Spiritual Love
Increasing into the weekend, Neptune amplifies themes of spiritual love.
With Venus, Mercury and the Moon all interacting, it brings a strong emphasis on the Twin Flame SOUL connection.
If you are open, your Twin’s higher self is set to seem closer than ever – and more able to help and guide you!
If you can go within and relax (and master) your mind, and >>keep your psychic channels clear, you will receive immense downloads of information and blissful love experiences with them.
Dreams, signs and profound epiphanies are highlighted.
And it’s about unity. It’s about seeing through the 3D illusion of opposition, and rising higher.
Are You Listening?
The beginning of the week can feel tense, but be sure to ALLOW your Twin Flame’s higher self in.
(If you’re in anger or fear, your system deflects them.)
This week CAN feel incredibly challenging, unless you release identification with male-female opposition, and historical drama.
Invite in love instead. Allow in light.
You really CAN make this shift now, and your “outer” Twin Flame connection will harmonize beyond what you ever believed possible.
(>>I help you with this here).
Aligning With Love
This week focus on mastering your mind and emotions, so you don’t get dragged down into drama…
And CHOOSE to rise higher, into where you align with love, harmony and unity.
Your counterpart’s soul is already trying to show the way.
As always, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey <3
Cassady x