Life And Love Speed Up! Super-Powered Gemini New Moon: Fresh New Beginning Dawns, Full Of Positive Potential And Inspiration! But Are There So Many Possibilities You’re Unsure Of Your Best Choice? Values Shifting…

Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies!

Highlights this week include: 

Electrifying new cycle continues, with Jupiter in Gemini, sparking growth, new understanding and opportunities for your connection with a trine to Pluto. Have you wondered about what’s REALLY going on with your counterpart? Prepare for deeper secrets to be revealed now!

Plus, Mercury’s entry into Gemini speeds up your social life and communication, while the New Moon signals EPIC new beginnings in your relationship, thanks to a boost from Venus. 

How will this week’s powerful energies affect YOUR Twin Flame connection?

Discover more below! 


 Transformative Opportunities

We’re headed into a week full of positive possibilities – but keep your mind straight, as it can otherwise get so busy you get distracted from the true potential available to you.

On June 2nd, Jupiter in Gemini forms a trine with Pluto in Aquarius, creating a powerful synergy between expansion and transformation. This alignment brings opportunities for profound growth and deep changes.

Are you ready to embrace the positive potential and inspiration this transit offers? It’s a time to look at the bigger picture and understand the transformative possibilities that lie ahead.

Shifting Values, Deep Understanding

With Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto, we also have a powerful transit for revealing and understanding secrets and deep information.

If you have been looking for solutions, pay attention now. In some positive way, something that has been hidden previously, can now be accessed. In particular, solutions to challenges you have faced or are still facing.

We are also set to have shifts in positive progress, wealth and power on some level.

Authenticity will be rewarded – especially when it comes to communication and vision.

If you have felt frustrated that things felt unclear in your Twin Flame connection, you will likely be shown the deeper facts now.

Mercury Enters Gemini

When Mercury returns to his home sign of the Twins, you can expect communication to liven up again.

If you haven’t heard from someone important to you in the past few weeks, they may have been ruminating and pondering things over – they are now likely to feel spurred on to talk. (And, as mentioned above, they will more likely show/tell you their TRUE motivations).

Unfortunately, things can get frazzled and busy with Gemini energies strongly dominating the collective current.

Have you noticed your mind working overtime even more than usual lately?

Balance it with quiet time, clearing work and introspection, otherwise you may end up with lots of enthusiasm or information, but no progress – like a horse without a rider, running around randomly.

Venus & New Moon: Fresh Beginnings In Love

The New Moon in Gemini on June 6th is joined by Venus, and signals fresh beginnings in love and communication.

A New Moon in Gemini always signals new beginnings in the realms of how we emotionally deal with intellect, analysis and thinking. With Venus joining in, we have a restart in terms of how we perceive love and relationships. And, a new beginning energetically.

As a Twin Flame, take advantage of this powerful blessed time, by resolving to let go of any past negativity or limitations. No matter what.

Why? If you hold onto old negative experiences, you unfortunately keep attracting them and energizing them.

Once you clear them and release, you are free to receive the new beginning and love you have been longing for.

Have a look here, and I’ll take you through it step by step.

Unconscious Insights

Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Gemini speeds up and expands communication, which can get hectic and buzzy.

However, with the New Moon and trine to Pluto, it also brings an emergence of subconscious material up into the aware conscious mind.

Don’t be put off by any strange dreams, insights or memories popping up now, it is an opportunity to resolve old issues that may have been clogging up valuable “closet space” in your subconscious mind.

Time to let go. If you’re not willing or able to, it will kept being brought up on repeat to get you to finally face it. This is also the case for any insights and ideas that come up now.

Your guidance or soul might be trying to give you solutions, so don’t just ignore what comes up.

(Discover how to reliably receive guidance for your journey here – class 2, 4 and 6)

twin flame telepathy

Twin Flame “Emotional Telepathy”

You may also notice your Twin’s deeper motivations and thoughts/emotions cropping up in YOUR awareness this week.

Particularly due to Mercury/Jupiter trining Pluto, you are set to receive the TRUTH this week.

You may not realize how easily you can tap into your Twin’s deeper motivations and how to reunite. Pay attention to any signs, songs, dreams and sentences you receive telepathically!

And for best results this week, journal on what you experience, says spirit.

You may notice that you receive ideas, hunches and insights from your own higher self more than usual as well.  These are valuable for future progress and success, so don’t let them slip without writing them down!

Amplified Communication

Mercury conjunct Jupiter during this period amplifies communication, bringing a surge of intellectual and conversational energy.

This alignment can lead to significant insights and discoveries that pave progress in your connection.

Are you ready to explore new ideas and perspectives?

This is a great time for intellectual pursuits and meaningful conversations with your Twin Flame – including on the soul planes!

Listen closely to the messages coming through – they hold the key to your growth and understanding.

Love and Harmony

Venus conjunct the Sun in Gemini brings a harmonious blend of love and clarity.

This alignment enhances your ability to express love and affection openly – especially through socializing and communication.

Are you ready to deepen your connection with your Twin Flame? This period encourages you to embrace the lighter, more playful side of your relationship while also addressing any underlying issues with compassion and understanding.

Life and Love Speed Up: New Possibilities

With these powerful Gemini energies, and the New Moon, life and love are set to speed up.

However, with so many possibilities, you might feel unsure of your best choice. Your intuition is KEY, as shown by Pluto.

And in order to fully feel and know your intuitive guidance, you must go deep into yourself. It will not feel reliable or yield results unless you really know your inner world and have faced your shadows.

When we have a lot of fear, intuition can be difficult to discern, and we often take action based on ego or worries. Make sure you understand this difference, to avoid delays and challenges on your Twin Flame journey and in general.

Mars Passes Chiron – Retrograde Coming Up

Last week, we had an intense period of healing and purging/triggering of the Solar Plexus chakra and for the Masculine Twin.

Hopefully, you took the opportunity to go in and resolve deeper wounds on your counterpart’s side of the connection. 

This week, Mars is passing further and further from Chiron, settling this strong theme of purging and triggers of old wounds.

We DO have an intense Mars Retrograde coming up later in the year, though, so any work you do now to help your Masculine Twin heal, will mean a much smoother path then.

My top recommendation for dealing with the Masculine Twin and their wounding, is the Complete Harmony Healing Session for Twin Flames, the Higher Dimensional Awakening And Anchoring (which activates awakening in full alignment with Free Will via their OWN soul)…

Plus this article on the Masculine Twin’s wounds, challenges and inner motivations.

New Understanding That Can Change Your Life – Pay Attention!

This week’s cosmic energies bring a unique opportunity to get the deeper TRUTH about important situations, enabling you to move forward into a new and more positive beginning.

 By embracing these energies and taking responsibility for your growth, you can transform your Twin Flame journey for the better.

Make sure you stay aware of your inner world, and use your intuition to discern distractions, from what will truly serve your soul and Divine Union long term. Take some inner time, slow down, and get clarity.

I believe in you!

As always, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey <3

Cassady x

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