What Was Hidden Is Revealed! Masculine Twin Exposed? Or Awakened? Soul Path Healing Triggered, And Venus “Promises” That What Is Going On Will Benefit You For The Long Run, No Matter What…
Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies!
Highlights this week include:
Powerful transits opening the “Age Of Aquarius” push to awaken the soul and get Twin Flames, Lightworkers and other “Volunteer Souls” (back) on track with their mission.
However, you may feel challenged by Pluto’s “detox” effect as purging and triggering is likely…
Including bringing secrets to light, especially regarding the Masculine Twin.
But things aren’t quite as they seem – in roundabout ways, what transpires now seeks to benefit you for the long run…
Discover more below!
Major Intensity Ahead
We’re headed into a MAJOR week of intensity! (Again)
As you may have seen in last week’s forecast, Pluto and the Sun just entered Aquarius together.
It’s been hundreds of years since Pluto was in Aquarius, and he will be moving through this sign for the next 20 years until 2043, signalling that a whole new era is opening
(We have the last decade had Pluto in Capricorn, which brought a lot of karmic purging and refining of physical world situations).
Heavy Planetary Effect
You may already have felt the pressure this last week, as Pluto is an intense, heavy yet powerful influence.
You have likely felt the SOUL energy of “it’s go time!”
Embracing your power and moving forward with your guided projects.
And, you may also have had intense dreams or found it hard to sleep, or had strange fears or unconscious material surfacing.
This is all Pluto, working to “detox” you from illusions, survival patterns and awaken you to your true power.
This will begin to level out as we acclimatize to “his” new energy.
Third Eye Focus
With Pluto in Aquarius the focus will strongly be on reworking and “detoxing” systems around technology, organizations and individuality.
As ruler of Starseeds and the Third Eye, this coming 20 year period is already beginning to activate new themes.
If you have had a headache over the weekend, or felt a buzzing sensation in your brow, or overwhelmed by social media more than usual…
This is Pluto in Aquarius beginning to shift the energies.
Feeling The “Static”?
For Twin Flames, this means the connection can feel disrupted, as static and noise rises to the surface.
A great way to counteract this is to meditate, journal and work on healing.
(More on the brow chakra aka Third Eye here, and for info on Twin Flame telepathy and what to do if you feel “disconnected”, go here)
A New 20 Year Period
The “Age of Aquarius” is on the rise now, with the Sun also entering this sign, and several powerful events coming up in Aquarius over coming weeks.
With this rare, once in 200+ year shift into the sign of the water-bearer, we can expect massive changes over the next few decades, including in the Twin Flame connection.
The Mission is set to activate on a higher level, and if you are an empath, visionary, lightworker or starseed…
Expect to be strongly called on – and feel more divinely guided and supported – in the time to come.
Your era is coming!
Ruler Of Secrets, Sex, Power…
Pluto is also the ruler of secrets, sex, power and wealth, so it’s likely that light has been or is being shed on something that was shrouded in darkness up until this point.
During the week, Mercury moves from Mars, to join Pluto. This signals that something secret will be brought to light. Especially regarding the Masculine Twin.
Pluto and the planets that join him, tend to create an intense death/rebirth experience.
So if it feels like a lot is going on INSIDE you right now, you’re correct!
You are in short being prepared and opened up to your own higher will, and for Twin Flames, to the deeper unconscious parts of the connection.
Strange Twin Flame Experiences…
This means, strange things may seem to happen during this time. Experiences that show you above all that you ARE “one soul in two bodies”.
You may feel as if your Twin Flame’s presence is *in* your body. Or you may have dreams or visions more than usual. You may hear songs from them, and so on.
Make no mistake about it, spirit says. They are ALWAYS trying to reach you.
Don’t Focus On 3D Love (Yet)
This is a time where you are going through an internal process of recalibration, and there is a LOT shifting right now.
Therefore, don’t put too much pressure on your outer 3D connection now.
Things will be more settled and aligned with 3D romance in a few weeks, once these intense conjunctions are over – and Venus and Mars finally reunite!
The Importance Of Alignment
To prepare for this, it’s a great idea to resolve any lingering dissonance in your connection.
It will make sure you are aligned with love and energetically ready for Venus/Mars’ “reunion” – which is a key indicator of Twin Flame meetings, reunions, romance and love resurgence.
Because remember, we can only receive what we are aligned with.
If there are blocks and clashes on some level between you, you will deflect your counterpart unconsciously.
Explore more Twin Flame success stories here
Forward Motion!
Also this week, Mars and Mercury’s energies add to the theme of forward motion with your guided projects.
In general, it’s about moving forward on things you have been needing to do in your physical life.
Anything you’ve been putting off, now is an amazing time to get it done!
Extra “Oomph” And Willpower
You have a LOT of willpower, concentration and determination on your side. Don’t let this week slip by without taking advantage of it!
Mercury is the planet of speed and communication.
Therefore, it’s also very likely that something that’s felt stuck or has been delayed or stalled in your life lately, moves forward now.
It can happen very suddenly, so don’t be surprised if you have to react on the spot!
Regarding The Masculine Twin…
Mercury conjunct Mars also means that communication speeds up from, or regarding, the Masculine Twin.
In short, it seems that what’s going on is to bring them closer to their counterpart – and hurrying up about it!
However, there are deeper layers.
Happening at the same time as Pluto conjunct the Sun and then Mercury moving to Pluto… it may be that some secret is revealed about the Masculine Twin.
Something they have been keeping hidden.
Or some side of them you haven’t seen before.
“DM” Vulnerability
It does NOT seem like it will be of long term damage, but we see them feeling vulnerable.
Keep this in mind if new info shows up this week (and it likely will).
In some way, it’s designed to move the connection forward.
Look for this purpose in what’s going on, and you’ll see how it makes sense, says spirit.
On a spiritual level, these transits also indicate that there is a deeper soul self that is being brought to light.
In particular, in the Masculine Twin.
Old Constructs Of Ego
The old constructed layers of self – the so-called ego 3D identity – is dissolving.
With Pluto’s powerful involvement, it does NOT seem to happen gradually.
It’s just … suddenly the soul is THERE. Suddenly, the true eternal aspects of self are THERE.
(Read more here about Soul will vs Ego will)
Getting To The Next Chapter
We see an immense determination in the Masculine Twin now, to get to the next chapter, to get to the “heaven on earth”/reunion their soul has been wanting.
It’s definitely as if some part of them that has lain dormant or has been overshadowed by patterns from the regular world…
Is now waking up and not slowly.
And it’s not sleepy or tired.
It’s immensely powerful and eager to get to their counterpart. NOW.
Intense Passion
Don’t be surprised if you feel intense passion from your counterpart this week, even if things have cooled off between you recently.
With Venus forming trines with Jupiter and Saturn, we see that there is a beautiful love and romance experience unfolding.
And not just a flash in the pan, short lived experience. True love for the long run.
Next month, Venus and Mars join in their rare “reunion”.
To make the most of this, I would strongly recommend cleansing your chakras and making sure you’re free from underlying blocks so that you are open to the highest version of that special time.
(Which includes the massively heightened possibility for 3D reunions, and more)
Healing, The Soul Path
Lastly this week, but no less important, we also have the North Node joining Chiron in Aries.
This is a deep yet highly important transit, that adds into our themes of entering a new Era with Pluto in Aquarius.
A LOT of healers are being awakened to their calling, or being nudged to get going on their soul path now.
Lightworkers and Twin Flames with a healing purpose who have been “asleep” are being pushed to awaken.
This is not just physical healing, but can include music, art, psychology, inner child work or other healing modalities – but with an emphasis on the physical.
“Going Public”!
We also see that many who have been hesitant about taking the next steps in “going public” with their lightworker identity…
Or have held back from making it their career and main focus of work… Will be strongly activated and urged to move forward now.
It’s as if the memory clicks in of what you came here for, if that’s you.
You feel more inspired, and motivated to get going – or to go to the next level. You will FEEL that it’s time.
Calling On Twin Flames
This week brings a number of highly rare and important transits that all tell us this:
We truly are entering a new era.
And we Twin Flames and lightworkers are being called on to awaken to higher levels of impact and awareness than ever.
Now, you as an individual are being pressed to click into your path, and your soul’s presence will likely make it happen even if you don’t fully pay attention.
Then, in a few weeks’ time, the Twin Flame pathfinder aspect of the path begins to activate more and more.
We are in exciting times, everyone!
This is what so many have been waiting for, says spirit.
More to come next week…
Until then, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey <3
Cassady x
No matter what horror stories you may have seen or read online…
You can truly begin to transform the dynamic between you and your Twin, and enjoy a connection of harmony and love!
No matter what’s happened before.
When someone begins to work on and uplift their energy and their core beliefs the whole dynamic between them and their Twin Flame shifts profoundly.
For my step-by-step “roadmap” to Twin Flame Union, created after my Twin and I reached Union – have a look at the Vibrational Alignment Program.
10 modules and 6 powerful energy sessions to Heal the Mirror, Restore Harmony and Accelerate your Twin Flame Union.
We cover subjects like:
*Signs and Recognition
*Healing The Twin Flame Mirror
*Using Manifestation and the Laws of the Universe for Twin Flames
*Past Life Discovery, the Akashic Records And Karmic Healing
*Twin Flame Telepathy and Remote Interactions
*Your Twin Flame Guidance Team And How To Receive More Divine Assistance
*Twin Flame Sex and Kundalini Awakening
*The Mission and your Life Path
*Twin Flame Troubleshooting
and so much more…