What Was Hidden Is Revealed! Masculine Twin Exposed? Or Awakened? Soul Path Healing Triggered, And Venus “Promises” That What Is Going On Will Benefit You For The Long Run, No Matter What…
Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies!
Highlights this week include:
Powerful transits opening the “Age Of Aquarius” push to awaken the soul and get Twin Flames, Lightworkers and other “Volunteer Souls” (back) on track with their mission.
However, you may feel challenged by Pluto’s “detox” effect as purging and triggering is likely…
Including bringing secrets to light, especially regarding the Masculine Twin.
But things aren’t quite as they seem – in roundabout ways, what transpires now seeks to benefit you for the long run…
To access this week's forecast, join The Twin Flames 11:11 Inner Circle
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There are messages waiting for you... Navigate your Twin Flame journey with the planets as your secret allies, tap into cosmic wisdom to unlock the flow of love.
It doesn’t matter what’s come before or what we call it - when your energy shifts, your connection and your situation begin to shift too!