Pluto Ignites New Moon In Aquarius, Unleashing A Radical New Beginning. The Key? It’s All About Your Third Eye Vision. Plus, Venus Joins Neptune/North Node, Activating The Next Chapter Of The Twin Flame Mission… Massive Change Is Brewing. Ready?
Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies!
Highlights this week include:
A powerful New Moon in Aquarius conjunct Pluto and Mercury, signaling a major reset in your connection and triggering a huge new period in “the Ascension project”.
Venus conjunct Neptune and the North Node – powerful activation of Twin Flame soul contracts and higher love alignment. You may not have realized that your counterpart was feeling this…
Keep reading, to find out more about how this will affect YOU and YOUR connection!
New Moon in Aquarius: A Major Reset
This week, we’re experiencing the first New Moon of the year—also known in East Asian cultures as the Lunar New Year.
It’s happening Tuesday or Wednesday, depending on where in the world you are, and hits in Aquarius conjunct Pluto and Mercury.
This is all about transformation, truth, and opening to a higher vision for your Twin Flame journey.
New Moon in Aquarius: A Major Reset
The energy of Aquarius is pushing you to break free from old patterns and outdated beliefs, especially when it comes to your connection.
It’s all about your uniqueness and difference, starseeds and galactic backgrounds, the third eye chakra and higher self, and the untraditional.
You are the way you are for a reason, says spirit.
Playing Small? No More…
But so many of us are trying to fit in and be accepted.
In this new chapter, you need to be as authentically you as possible.
Not try to be the same as everyone else.
This New Moon encourages you to set intentions for a fresh start by listening to your higher self and focusing on your uniqueness
Secrets Come To Light
Remember that Pluto is all about the destruction/creation cycle. So, if it suddenly feels like everything is disrupted and not “working” – interpret accordingly.
Could it be you’re being asked to stop and pay attention, to go within?
Could it be that you’re being asked and guided to stop “trying” so hard and struggling in the outer world, and instead get your inner alignment right – so it flows?
Is This Happening?
Instead of getting embroiled in conflict and blame on the outside, could it be you’re asked to figure out where you’re fighting yourSELF and your own truth?
(Hint, this is happening for a LOT of people).
Listen deeper, and doors will open for you where you thought there was a brick wall.
Deeper Truths Awakening
It’s also showing us that opening to a new perspective is powerful.
In fact, it can and will transform EVERYTHING.
Deeper truths want to reach you. It’s all coded into you within.
You are awakening to deeper soul truths and intuition truths, if you can listen and be still enough to allow them to reach you.
(Not merely physically still, but quieting your mind and emotions – in other words, it won’t happen when you’re scrolling on social media or in a buzzy social setting).
Third Eye Activations
This New Moon is working to activate your Third Eye chakra more fully, and to push for a purification.
… A purge of lower content that’s clouded up your vision and your ability to “see” what is truly possible for you.
This is a radical new beginning. Gratitude is key, no matter where you’re at.
It’s a “magical key” to this New Moon, as Jupiter is involved.
It’s all about opening to the knowing that the Universe really IS trying to deliver everything you want.
The Power Of Perspective
SO much changes when you shift your perspective in this way.
From thinking and feeling that the world is against you somehow…
To understanding that the Universe, your soul and your Twin Flame’s higher self are ALWAYS loving you, wanting the best for you, TRYING to bring you all the things that will make your heart sing.
“Sent You Angels”
No one is holding it back.
Except YOU, and the fears, wounds and beliefs you took on in your human life.
“I have sent you nothing but angels”, is said in the book “Conversations with God”.
This perspective will unlock so much for you!
(And it’s something we go into in depth in the Gold Coaching for Twin Flames…)
Intense New Moon
This New Moon is set to be intense, and calls on you to awaken to more of your soul.
In fact, the level of power can feel uncomfortable as your soul pushes for you to move forward and expand into more love, impact and ACTION than you might feel ready for.
Trust that your soul and the Universe wouldn’t be pushing you if you weren’t capable.
Up-Leveling Your Timelines
By tapping into the power of this New Moon, you can step into a higher state long term – above all in your Twin Flame connection.
After 10 years of guiding and helping twin flames heal and harmonise their connection, I have seen time and time again what works versus what just entrenches separation into the Twin Flame connection.
I was guided to create a process to help as many Twins as possible reunite, because from a spiritual perspective, it does NOT help the planet if we Twin flames stay stuck in problems and separation!
Have a look here at my 30-Day Vibrational Alignment Challenge for Twin Flames, and see other Twins’ miracle stories from this work.
Venus Retrograde Shadow Begins: Revisiting Love Lessons
As Venus enters her retrograde shadow, love lessons from the past start resurfacing. Have you been repeating the same patterns in love and relationships?
Are you holding onto wounds that don’t belong to you?
This energy brings a chance to reevaluate your self-worth, boundaries, and expectations around love.
Twin Flames are being called to clear lingering baggage that has blocked their path to unity.
Pay attention to where you might be settling for less than your soul truly desires!
Venus Conjunct Neptune & North Node: Destiny Calls
The highlight of the week is Venus aligning with Neptune and the North Node in Pisces, bringing a powerful surge of divine love and connection.
You might feel more intuitive, receive telepathic messages from your Twin Flame, or have dreams that provide insights into your journey.
Neptune/North Node and Venus joining for a once in a lifetime transit, shows us new soul contracts in love and relationships are activating – if you are open.
What will bring you to the next chapter.
A New 12 Year Cycle
There is a radical new beginning happening, a brand new 12 year cycle, spirit is calling it.
Mars retrograde trines this Venus’ conjunction, and we also have support from Uranus retrograde and Pluto/Mercury.
What this says is, a lot of deeper realisations are happening which can bring the Twin Flames and other people together.
Mortality In Focus
Spirit tells us, it’s about mortality. A lot of people are feeling more deeply the truth that life is relatively short and that some things they have focused on are simply not important.
In the perspective of life and death, love and unity suddenly come into sharp contrast with fear and separation.
It becomes the more obvious choice.
Many people are being faced with this strong contrast right now, in order to shake them awake and open to the next chapters in the 3D physical reality.
Love Is The Answer
We see the Masculine Twin Flame (and other men/masculine dominant people) suddenly realizing that they ARE afraid, and that they’re longing for love.
The Ego defences and facades have been worn away in recent times during the retrograde, and now, they are finally open and vulnerable enough to feel the truth from within more.
It can be painful for them so tread lightly.
But truthfully they are longing for REAL love.
Their counterpart’s higher self has been there with them, spirit shows us, even if you haven’t realized it.
And they are longing for that ideal love.
They may not know how to deal with it, but that’s what they’re feeling.
Unlocking Your Twin Flame Journey
We’re in intense times, I’m not going to sugarcoat it. Transformation is never easy, even though the result is what we want.
The saying comes to mind:
“Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly..”
If you’re feeling disconnected, it’s because the world and your shared energy is in turmoil. The good thing is that your own alignment is the key to creating harmony.
You can change everything from within yourself.
When your energy is balanced, you’re not chasing; you’re magnetizing.
What’s Next?
This week might bring challenges, as anything involving Pluto always does…
But it’s pushing you into a powerful and positive new beginning.
If in doubt, ask yourself – what toxic material am I being asked to release now?
(It could be thoughts, patterns, habits, people, situations – or very likely an old “filter of perception”, now that Pluto is in Aquarius activating this New Moon).
Allowing The Good
Change your perspective above all.
Allow the good and the light to show itself to you, because it will guide you home.
“Now is the time to realize that it’s all working in your favor, and that there never was anything to fear”, says spirit.
It’s a new era, open your eyes.
As always, until next time, I’m sending you so much love and light for your journey <3
(And if you’d like to go further, with my help, have a look here – I made a video for you)
Cassady x