Profound Transformation At Work – But Blow-Ups Can Happen As Old “Darkness” Is Pushed To Leave. Plus, Love Wants Reach You: Surprise Changes Show Up To Get There Physically. Just Don’t Expect The Past To Repeat Itself…
Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies!
Highlights this week include:
Aquarius season starts with impact, as the Sun and later Mercury join Pluto in conjunction. Challenging Mars Retrograde, things can get strange, and explosive…
Plus, soul path and higher spiritual facets of self activate as North Node joins Neptune in Pisces.
The planets are working to bring love to you in the physical – but there’s one important thing to remember…
Discover more below!
Cosmic Detox
Feeling pressured? Strange dreams? Insecurities rising out of nowhere?
This week’s cosmic shifts are stirring up deep layers of your being.
We are in a profound detox from the past, and also activating to rise higher into the soul self.
If you feel weirdly tired or are having strange dreams, it’s all this going on.
Time To Let Go
You may already know that in order to fully experience your desires and Twin Flame unity, you have to be able to open to it – emotionally, energetically and unconsciously.
Pretty much every single human being – even if we’re spiritually awakened – have blocks, old wounds and disappointments that get in the way of this openness and receiving.
Because that’s what we have absorbed from the world by being here.
Shadows Forgotten
And yet, we are asking for our dreams. We pray, we set intentions.
The world WANTS more than the old limitations and hardships, conflict and negativity.
So now? The Universe is pushing for those old blocks to leave.
It can feel REALLY gnarly this week and next (building to the New Moon), because the stuff coming up is from DEEP down.
Did You Realize?
It’s layers of shadow consciousness and material you probably didn’t realize was around you.
The end goal is great, of course. It’s to free you to tangibly, physically experience divine love and your soul’s path of joy and fulfillment.
But the process of detoxing to get there is not likely to be pleasant.
(There are ways to make it easier though – more on that in my 4 minute video here)
Aquarius Season: Breaking Free
With the Sun now in Aquarius and conjunct Pluto, we’re entering a phase of radical transformation.
Aquarius energy is all about the unorthodox, spiritual awakening, and breaking free from outdated conditioning and UN-conscious patterns.
This powerful transit is shaking up the past, forcing you to release limiting patterns relating to love, purpose, and your Twin Flame connection.
You might find yourself questioning everything:
Your life path, your relationships, and even your Twin Flame journey. It can feel very destabilizing.
Don’t worry, because it’s happening for a reason and it’s temporary (as long as you work with this and clear what comes up).
Pluto is working to dismantle illusions you’ve been holding onto.
Why? So you can LIVE your soul joys, your true bliss and Twin Flame unity in the physical!
Deep Emotional Purging
The tension between Mars retrograde in Cancer and Pluto in Aquarius continues to stir up intense emotions – especially un-conscious content that’s being brought up from the depths.
It’s shining a light on old wounds rooted in childhood, family dynamics, and the unconscious patterns that have been affecting your relationship.
If you’re noticing old triggers flaring up—feelings of abandonment, rejection, or unworthiness—know that they’re coming up to be healed.
These patterns were never truly yours; they were absorbed from society, family, and past experiences.
Now is the time to consciously release them.
Pluto’s “Mission”
Pluto isn’t here to punish you; he’s here to help you rise above what’s been holding you back. But it can get unpleasant…
Key themes to watch for (in yourself and others):
– Feeling triggered by your counterpart
– Overreacting to small situations due to deep-seated wounds
– Experiencing dreams related to past traumas or unresolved emotions
Revisiting The Past?
Venus is still conjunct Saturn in Pisces this week, bringing up past relationship patterns and karmic cycles.
This transit can bring unresolved soul contracts with exes back up to get your attention…
(To resolve these, go here)
As well as feelings of unworthiness in love, and outdated beliefs about what relationships “should” be.
For Twin Flames, this alignment can also reawaken the soul contract between you and your counterpart—reminding you of why you came here together.
But if you have a lot of non-Twin soul contracts, it will can also trigger doubts and fears about whether unity is truly possible.
What To Focus On:
– Clear out limiting beliefs around love and commitment
– Recognize negative patterns you inherited from your parents or society
– Commit to loving yourself fully before expecting it from another
(I take you through all this here)
Spirit reminds us that we are here to experience love—not to repeat the patterns of the past.
Awakening On A Higher Level
One of the biggest shifts happening this week is the North Node nearing Neptune on the border of Pisces and Aries.
This is a profound activation point, calling you to align with your soul mission and awaken latent gifts.
You might feel drawn toward spiritual practices, healing work, or uncovering deeper aspects of your Twin Flame connection.
Psychic abilities and telepathic communication with your counterpart may heighten during this period.
However, it can cause confusion and uncertainty.
Neptune’s effect can blur the lines between illusion and reality and make you vulnerable to absorbing outside emotions and energies.
This means it’s extra important to stay grounded and connected to your intuition.
What’s activating now:
– Heightened spiritual awareness and intuition
– A desire to align with your soul’s higher purpose (which can begin as a strong dissatisfaction with what is NOT your soul purpose)
– The need to clear illusions and trust your inner guidance
You Can’t Think Your Way To Healing
A key message from the planets this week comes from Mercury/Sun/Pluto square Chiron, the wounded healer.
It’s a reminder that true healing can’t happen on a purely mental level.
If you’ve been trying to “think” your way through your Twin Flame challenges or spiritual growth, this pushes you to go deeper.
Going Deeper
Emotional wounds, energy blocks, and unconscious fears need to be addressed at their root level—through feeling, clearing, and embodiment.
Did you know that most Twin Flames’ struggles are rooted in energy blocks and old stuck emotions?
To find out more and tangibly shift your Twin connection into harmony, have a look at my Vibrational Alignment Challenge for Twin Flames here – 30 Days To A Closer Twin Flame Connection.
Is It Really “You”?
A key thing to keep in mind, says spirit:
There is a big difference between who you are versus what is actually coping mechanisms, trauma-triggered self protection and ancestral wounding masking as “family culture”.
You need to detox more than you have told yourself, is what the planets are showing.
It’s not about what you’re THINKING, it’s about the material stuck so deep down you’ve been repressing it and avoiding looking at it.
Detox and Rise Higher
Pluto’s influence often brings up deep-seated fears around survival, mortality, and lack—showing you where you’ve been holding onto limiting beliefs inherited from your ancestors and society.
This is the perfect time to focus on detoxing from the past and rising higher into your soul self.
Your Twin Flame connection, abundance, and overall well-being will dramatically up-level when you actively clear these deep-rooted patterns.
What Will Help
Ancestral wounding and lower patterns, shadow self/unconscious/entities/astral templating from lower realities are all being pushed to leave, so be aware that there’s a lot stirred up right now.
Energy clearing can be a life-saver.
Unsure what will benefit you and your connection?
Go here and see what you feel most drawn to right now – that’s your system telling you what is to your highest good and will help you most at this point.
Ask Yourself:
-Where am I still holding onto fear?
-What limiting beliefs am I ready to release?
Spirit wants you to know that you’re not meant to stay stuck in old cycles.
Your soul’s purpose is to align with love and step into your highest truth. If you’ve felt like giving up or accepting less than your heart desires—don’t.
The karmic era is rapidly being pushed out, and a new chapter is waiting to unfold.
Love Seeks You
Finally this week, we have some light in the midst of these deep transformational processes at work.
Venus and Mars retrograde are in harmony, and both aspect Uranus positively.
This means your situation in love is evolving positively and things can change suddenly this week.
The key? Stay open. Don’t look at things the same old way, like the past will always repeat itself.
Especially in 3D physical circumstances.
If you can be open, positive tangible shifts and Twin Flame togetherness can reach you now – if you can align.
(To check what your alignment is, go here)
Don’t Let Fear Hold You Back
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by everything coming up right now, remember that you have the power to shift it.
The key is taking conscious action to heal, clear, and align with your highest path.
If you’re ready to step into deeper transformation, I invite you to join my 30-Day Vibrational Alignment Challenge, which is designed to shift your Twin Flame connection into a higher state of harmony and unity.
This has helped so many Twin Flames claim big breakthroughs, including runners returning, separation ending, and unity/marriage happening. (Have a look here for their stories)
Battles Aren’t Needed
The universe is supporting you in ways you may not even realize – even though it’s likely feeling tough on a strange inner level this week.
There is light ahead, but make sure you take this opportunity to clear your path.
Spirit’s main advice right now is, make sure not to “opt into” the old negativity as it rises.
Let It Leave!
Because if you can allow conflict, triggers, old emotions and density to “leave”, your timelines and future will up-level in major ways.
(Beware that people may try to battle or cause issues, but you have the option to not react).
Take a deep breath if people or circumstances trigger you.
Even better? Clear yourself so it has no power over you, and it becomes easy to release it all.
As always, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey <3
Cassady x