Explosive Mars-Sparked Full Moon And Pluto Bring Important Messages. You Are Faced With A Key Choice: Are You Moving Closer To Love, Or Being “Tricked” By The World Into Pushing Unity Away?
Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies!
Highlights this week include:
Full Moon conjunct Mars Retrograde brings up childhood wounds to the surface.
Opposing Pluto, it can get explosive.
Plus, Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces highlights an important choice that will impact your whole path…
Discover more below.
Making 2025 Your Year Of Twin Flame Unity
Before we go on to this week’s energies, I know 2024 was a hard year for many Twin Flames.
But if the past year left you feeling stuck or unfulfilled, don’t just leave 2025 to chance. You’re not here to sit on the sidelines and hope.
You’re here to be an empowered creator, and your Twin’s higher self is waiting for you to claim this.
I was guided to create a challenge to help you with this, to stop the cycles of frustration and lack of togetherness as a Twin Flame, and step into true harmony and unity.
Full Moon Ignites Mars Retrograde
We start the week with a powerful Full Moon conjunct Mars retrograde.
This is a big deal, as it further amplifies the process of transformation and purging in the Masculine collective and in our action, sexuality and vitality.
(Mars is the ruler of Aries and is the element of aggression and fire, so when he moves Retrograde through Cancer, triggered by Pluto – it can cause explosive events).
When Mars was in Leo a few weeks back, Ego and opposition came up strongly.
Now, the deeper, underlying childhood reasons for negativity and toxic Masculine/ego patterns are being shown up.
Childhood In Focus
Whether or not you realise how or exactly where, you and your Twin are both purging unconscious early childhood emotions right now.
Especially emotions that made you feel rejected or unloved, abandoned or like you wouldn’t be accepted.
The infant-mother bond is being triggered as a deeper cause of ego drama.
Spirit reminds us, when we humans are infants, we do need the mother figure (or a substitute for this) to survive.
And we are instinctively focused on getting all her attention and nourishment, because if we don’t we perish because we cannot take care of ourselves.
Survival, The Body
This sets up a deep but unconscious lifelong pattern of the body feeling as if others are a threat to our survival on some level. You can see this even in siblings, when they fight for preference among their parents.
Spirit points out that this human pattern is far removed from how we are as souls.
Because as souls, we are always taken care of and loved by the Universe/Light/God/Source our higher self.
This cannot be taken away from us!
Where Is Love In Your Life?
However, when we are born into the human world, this first experience of being dependent on mother creates a deep pattern of believing that love can be taken away from us.
When the real truth is that love is WITHIN us all along!
Love is who we are!
With this Full Moon and for the next few days as the Moon travels over Mars’ retrograde path, we are processing this deep unconscious material.
It could be happening from the body consciousness, which would mean you might feel on edge, stiff or uneasy, or have physical symptoms without fully realizing why.
Lord Of Destruction/Creation
Letting yourself process, journalling and meditating, gentle exercise are helpful.
However, clearing the underlying energy is the only permanent shift I’ve seen in almost 10 years of working as a healer and Twin Flame guide.
All of these deep processes involve Pluto, god of the underworld and lord of destruction/creation.
He is opposed by the Full Moon and Mars Retrograde, which shows us there will likely be “explosions” or “eruptions”.
Pluto’s “mission” is to show us where we have been lying to ourselves, where we have told ourselves the story that we are small or weak or powerless (again, the infancy memory).
Why People Fight
And by doing this, revealing how powerful we were all along. Pluto says, if we knew our true power, no one would be fighting.
If we were in our true spiritual essence, not clouding it up with fighting or fear based wounding, we would never feel the need to oppose another or pass blame.
Someone who is in their true power, is NOT an aggressor. They are a being centered in love.
When people become ego driven to claim, blame, oppose and push for conflict and dominance, it’s a signal that deep down they feel powerLESS.
They feel like the infant, dependent on mother and unsure if they’re safe.
It May *Seem* Simple, But…
These deeper patterns may seem simple, but they have enormous outward ramifications on our behaviour, our relationships, culture and society.
So now, why have YOU been denying your own love?
Where have you been chasing so much for love outside yourself that you forgot it was there in your heart?
Where have you not trusted that the Universe will provide for you, and therefore blocking it with fear, from bringing you its love and light?
It might sound like these things have nothing to do with the Twin Flame connection, but it’s the entire foundation of the human experience, says spirit.
How It Affects The Twin Flame Connection
If that inner unconscious material is disrupted, into feeling unsafe and not able to trust love… Then the Twin Flame dynamic is not in harmony.
And these deeper issues become played out between the two of you.
Does it feel like the harder you try, the more distant your Twin Flame gets?
Do you worry that you’ll never end up together?
Have you had your heart broken in the connection time and time again?
These are signs that a new approach is needed.
Anger Rising?
You may feel agitated or notice others’ anger rising with this Full Moon, as it conjuncts Mars.
But look deeper, see that the anger is actually triggered from way back in the past. It’s old pain, being brought to the surface.
What’s going on is not about the present, it’s about the past.
Love Vs Fear
We also have Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces right now – the lesson of love vs fear.
We can heal so much if we just come from a place of love, empathy and unity in this period, says spirit.
Say someone gets angry with you.
You have two key options:
1) You can react with anger back, getting into conflict over how unfair they’re being and that they’re not correct and that you’re now being mistreated and the whole situation is terrible.
2) Or, you can ask them, are you ok? What’s wrong? Is there something bothering you? If you tell me, I can help.
These two lead to completely different places and results!
Love’s Act Of Miracles In Your Life
When we choose love, our path opens up more than most of us ever thought possible.
When we choose conflict and opposition, things stop moving forward, they get caught in cycles of “butting heads”, they become contracted and stuck.
(It’s not your fault if this has happened – it’s what we all absorb to some degree from society and those around us.
Spirit reminds us anger is never the real issue – anger is the defence mechanism for fear.
If someone is angry, there is fear behind it.
Old Relationships, Exes? Or Twin Flame Reunion?
You can do more than you think this week, if you simply come from a place of love and understanding.
For yourself. For your counterpart. For people in general.
You may be surprised at how they respond, and how different you feel.
Venus conjunct Saturn is also about old relationships, soul contracts and soul connections from other lifetimes.
It can bring a reactivation of your Twin Flame bond, but can also push up content you need to deal with to open to union, such as attachments to exes, past life marriage vows and so on.
(We deal with this in the Oneness Code Activation here)
A New Stage
We are in a deep collective transformation. Most people don’t realize how much is shifting in this period.
We are moving into a whole new “stage of the game”, spirit says.
You may be sensing this, as if the world is in new terrain or that things feel different than a few months ago and especially compared to just a year ago.
Planetary Shifts
We will move even further into new Ascension levels throughout this year when several important planets enter new signs for the first time in many years, some in over a decade.
As Pluto has already entered Aquarius for the next 20+ years, this is a big part of why things are starting to feel so different.
And, the North Node just entered Pisces for the first time in 18 years, which deals with awakening to unity consciousness and a higher state.
Awakening Starseeds
Spirit says, we are awakening to our spiritual gifts more and more, such as communicating with the divine or our higher self, being able to sense energy and others’ true intentions, having vivid dreams which turn out to be prophetic, realizing we are journeying with our twin flame overnight and more.
Starseeds are being awakened.
Lightworkers and “earth angels” are being stirred to become more active and have a bigger impact and to speak up more. Can you feel it?
This is what you’re here for, says spirit. To be of service.
(Remember that your light shines the brightest when you do what you love, when your heart feels full and happy and your souls feel fulfilled!)
Coming Closer Through…?
For Twin Flames this means togetherness, and many will realize they get closer or find each other for the first time in the physical as they are following their soul’s purpose and their happiness.
What could this look like?
You both happen to get involved in the same good cause to help others, or to volunteer for animals… Or you both begin to express your creativity more, and end up ‘accidentally’ meeting or seeing each other more often this way.
Your inner compass is always showing you the next steps if you pay attention.
(For more on this have a look at the 30-day Vibrational Alignment Challenge here).
The True Power
This week is really part of a major collective lesson about choosing love over fear.
As in the golden rule, ask yourself:
What would you want others to do to you?
How would you want your counterpart to approach you or behave?
That’s your unity compass.
We have a lot of major transits coming up over 2025, which I’ll be sharing more on.
Be sure to sign up to the newsletter if you want to stay updated.
Until next time, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey <3
Cassady x