Once-In-A-Lifetime Venus-Led Meeting in Pisces Activates Higher States Of Awakening And Love, Bringing A New Era Of The Twin Flame Journey Online… But Are You Feeling Weighed Down Lately? Here’s What Guidance Says.
Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies!
Highlights this week include:
Exceptionally rare Venus-Neptune-North Node conjunction happens in Pisces, triggering a higher awakening and a new chapter of the Twin Flame journey to unfold… Amplified by Mercury “Cazimi” the Sun.
(If you’re feeling very strange right now, this is a key reason – your system, and the planet itself, are recalibrating).
Plus, multiple transits to Chiron signal that we are asked to look at healing differently – in particular, releasing ideas of “not good enough”.
Keep reading to find out how this will affect your Twin Flame situation:
Once In A Lifetime
This week brings one of the year’s most potent cosmic portals, a HIGHLY rare energetic event!
In fact, it’s a once in a lifetime occurrence.
As Venus joins Neptune and the North Node in Pisces for an immensely potent conjunction, we are in a massively heightened time for spiritual love.
It’s all about awakening to our highest self and activating soul templates to bridge in a higher love current into the physical – connecting “heaven and earth”.
This is a KEY time for Twin Flames.
A Portal of Awakening
Our crown chakras and higher hearts, are coming online in an exceptionally rapid “upgrade”.
This can bring strange physical symptoms and a general feeling of being “off” or tired, or conversely “wired”/insomnia.
Spirit also says it is part of connecting us to source/the Universe in a stronger way, and opening this connection.
Our pre-life soul plan is being strongly activated, which means the Twin Flame connection can go through spurts of reconnection and intensification.
Or, if we have not been aligned, it can be that we first have to be rattled AWAY from people, places and situations that are not to our highest.
Dis-Connection From Light
Issues expressing DIS-connection will have been flaring up – and still may be.
It’s the old material coming up to be released.
What kind? In short, anything that is NOT your divine state as a soul.
Examples could be that TF separation seems “worse”, health issues or abundance issues flare up, or other experiences of feeling unsupported by the Universe or your Twin Soul.
It’s a good time to go in and make sure your energy is not blocked – as all these symptoms of DIS-connection are essentially showing that your system is not aligned and clear.
Soul Contracts
It is also activating a new set of soul contracts and chapter of the soul purpose we agreed upon before this lifetime.
This means in recent times, old soul contracts that had outworn their purpose were coming up to be resolved and released.
If you seemed to be re-experiencing old negativity, or relationship issues appeared to be flaring up, this is what was going on.
(You can still make this whole shift easier by consciously going in to clear old soul contracts and allowing the new ones to come online – your soul is in charge of these, so if you try to do it with your mind only, you’ll notice it’s not very effective.)
A New Chapter
You have agreed for this higher version of your life and connection to show up.
As Mercury is Cazimi the Sun this week – in the “eye of the Sun”, it can feel very confusing.
It’s often as if we are “stunned” by the strong energies, and find it hard to perceive clearly.
It can feel disorienting.
However, in this state, we can also receive ideas, revelations, clarity and inspirations that go far beyond what we would normally expect.
Especially now that Pisces/Neptune is activated so strongly.
A New Chapter
Meditation is KEY this week, says spirit.
Journal on what you receive or experience, the signs and angel numbers you are shown.
Your Twin’s higher self is also likely working to speak to you and bring love, messages, and significant dreams may show up.
(More on this in the article on Twin Flame Telepathy here)
Cosmic Potential For Twin Flames
The Venus-Neptune-North-Node “cosmic gateway” in Pisces, the exalted sign of love, will not happen again in our LIFETIME.
(Neptune leaves his home sign Pisces in March, and will not return for 165 years).
To make the most of this, I strongly recommend to go through >>the Oneness Code Activation for Twin Flames this week.
(To learn more and access the session now, click here)
It will help you tap into the fullest cosmic potential available to you this week.
Again: this cosmic gateway will not happen again in our LIFETIME – and it has immense potency to shift your reality into a higher state.
Awakening Into A Higher State
It’s a powerful time set to push for an acceleration of Ascension and Awakening into spiritual unity…
And allowing higher codes to enter the earth plane.
You probably know that I don’t tend to be “hysterical” about the cosmic transits but this is truly unique.
I’d really recommend taking time to go within and activate the higher unity templates in your connection this week, as it will anchor in new higher timelines and codes for the forward path.
(Making unity available as a “recipe” in your physical fields as well – calling union into the physical.)
“The Warrior Princess”
The Feminine is all about taking the lead when Venus enters Aries, and a bold, action-oriented energy takes over. This is all about new beginnings in love – and your spiritual path.
Aries is supporting you in stepping into your “warrior princess” energy—no more shrinking or putting everyone else first.
Confidence, self-worth, and taking the lead in your life are being activated.
Spirit reminds us:
You came here to shine and live fully in your truth, not compromise to fit into others’ expectations.
The Wounded Healer
As mentioned, we also have a number of Chiron transits active.
Mars retrograde squares Chiron, and Sun/Mercury are in support of “him”.
This is a cosmic push for healing – especially for the Masculine dominant Twin.
Shining Light
In particular, it’s about bringing unhealed wounds to the surface – wounds “he” has been denying.
A key theme this week, is that when we shine the light of awareness on unhealed wounds, they lose their hold.
The shame, or guilt or fear of rejection we feel over being wounded, is so much worse when we are trying to hide from the “darkness”.
Acting From Pain
Spirit shows us that a lot of masculine-dominant people are acting out their pain without realizing it, and this is something we’re being pushed to look at so it can be healed.
Above all, it’s about childhood wounds affecting their adult life in a negative way – UN-consciously.
You may have heard the saying “Hurt people, hurt people”.
We’re entering a time when the idea of being wounded or “flawed” will become less stigmatized.
Spirit says, in the near future, society will become more aware.
It will be embarrassing to NOT have worked on yourself or are acting out from old wounding—similar to how smoking is now seen.
Mars retrograde also trines Saturn, which is all about taking responsibility for our actions and choices – echoing this point.
Without accountability, progress stalls, and as many Twin Flames experience – you get stuck in loops of running/chasing.
True resolution comes when we stop participating in opposition— a rope is only tense if both ends are held.
Seeing Beyond Illusions
Jupiter goes direct Tuesday, which has amazing positive effects for expansion and our general experience of being taken care of by the Universe.
With everything else going on, it’s not quite as simple as it sounds though:
Mercury Cazimi the Sun are in a trine with Jupiter as he goes direct, bringing breakthroughs in perception.
What You Believed
Things are not how you’ve seen them before. You have not seen the POSITIVES, is the cosmic message.
You have believed things were bad, or going in a negative direction, but there is a divine hand at work.
“You’re detoxing!” says spirit. “Keep going.”
There are better things ahead, as long as you keep going and keep releasing the old weight that has burdened you.
If you’ve been stuck focusing on problems, now is the time to shift into a higher perspective.
An added pressure this week comes from the fact that many of us are are being pushed AWAY from situations that are not aligned with our soul path.
This can feel confusing, and as if things aren’t working out but it’s a redirect.
And the more you go within and stay in touch with your intuition, the easier this will be.
It’s an essential part of the purge taking place now.
Jupiter encourages bravery: Be bold enough to take the first step in the direction of your dreams, even if you can’t see everything ahead.
A Radical Shift in Consciousness
Venus, Neptune, and the North Node working together this week signal a shift in how we view life’s priorities.
Many are realizing that the things they’ve focused on are not what truly matters.
Love, unity, and higher purpose are coming into sharp focus.
The masculine Twin is especially being pushed to confront their fears and become vulnerable enough to acknowledge their heart’s truth.
Expect them to show up in the form of telepathy, messages and dreams.
Be compassionate with yourself and your counterpart as you both navigate this powerful transformation.
Make the Most of This Time
Make sure you use the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of the higher love portal which Venus-Neptune-North Node bring.
It will help you anchor in the templates of unity, bring online immensely powerful aspects of your higher self and connection to the Universe – and in short, level up.
It won’t happen while you’re scrolling or watching tv (or endless YouTube/Tiktok videos) though.
Make sure to go within this week, if only for a short while!
You will be glad you did.
Life-Changing Shifts
Don’t let this rare cosmic moment pass you by.
“Divine Will” is speaking to you – but you have to listen.
There are so many deep and life-changing shifts happening lately both on a collective and individual level – especially for us on the Twin Flame path.
Until next time, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey. You’ve got this!
Cassady x