Venus’ Challenges Grow As She Enters Libra, While Mercury Finally Goes Direct. The Planets’ Message: To Reach True Divine Union, You Must Pull Away The Lies That Have Kept It Hidden From You.
Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies!
Highlights this week include:
Mercury direct clears up communication helps resolve misunderstandings and blocks from recent times.
However, Venus is challenged by Neptune and Saturn retrogrades, bringing karmic love tests and the challenge of balancing reality with your dreams and divine potential of love.
And, as Venus enters Libra, it’s all about balance within yourself and in your connection.
Discover more below!
Embracing Your Power
Did you know you can now attend the first session of my Twin Flame Gold Coaching and Energy Work at no cost?
I was guided to reach out and offer this to as many as the platform can hold, to help more Twin Flames embrace their power to reunite and to master their flow of energy.
Have a look here for more info, and to sign up to participate for FREE on September 2nd.
(I know you may have experienced tricky free things online before, so I’ve deliberately made this as easy as possible for you.
If you don’t want to continue with the Soul Alchemy coaching, there’s no further action needed on your part. Participate at no cost in session 1, then if you don’t want to journey further, just don’t register for session 2. It’s that easy.)
This has been transformative for so many Twins that I’m really excited about having you on the call! x
Retrograde Intensity…
We’re in a period of deep shifts, with a lot of retrograde activity even after Mercury goes direct this week.
You may already be feeling the pressure on your own inner world, and your relationship, coming from Venus being challenged by both Saturn and Neptune retrogrades.
Have you felt strangely lacklustre, unloved, like nothing ever works out for you, or similar?
Or have you experienced your Twin Flame’s higher self with you, which seems to only highlight their absence or lack of commitment in the 3D physical?
These are the transits behind it!
There Is Always A Cosmic Gift!
Now, as you may remember me saying before, there is always a cosmic gift in every astrological challenge – no matter how hard it feels for us.
For these Venus oppositions, we are being pushed back to ourselves and our inner world. There are a few messages overlapping from the planets:
Saturn “says”, if things aren’t right in the outer physical world, the solution is to go within.
You cannot skip this. You might need to cut cords to exes, from you and your counterpart – even from PAST LIFETIMES, he says. (You can do this here, and your Twin’s soul will work with you on clearing their side of things).
Vows Of Chastity?
You might also need to clear old soul contracts, such as karmic vows of chastity or poverty, or even silence, which were common in centuries past and that will still be unconsciously affecting you unless you deal with it.
(They may also be in your lineage on the genetic level.)
Have you had a strange issue with feeling unable to speak up for yourself? Or feel like somehow you never have enough money? Look into this!
When things seem exceptionally stuck, it’s usually due to deeper issues like soul contracts.
Repeating Themes Between You?
And then, there’s the issue of karma. If there have been repeated cycles of similar experiences or emotional THEMES between you and your Twin Flame – it’s karmic!
This means it’s not just something you can easily opt out of or “release” by thinking your way there, unfortunately.
Because it’s based in underlying traumas that are stored in your system(s), energy fields and emotions, physical bodies and so on – beyond your logical minds.
Saturn Will Help You
The good news is that once you deal with these “holdbacks”, which Saturn will assist you with (he is the expert who helps you cut away what has outworn its use in your life), things will resolve and improve rapidly in your 3D physical situation.
Your entire alignment will change and lift higher.
Then, there’s Neptune retrograde’s opposition to Venus.
“What’s The Point…”
This shows us that you may be experiencing tendencies to escapism, lethargy or in particular feeling like “What’s the point?” in love and your life’s passions.
You may feel like the true divine union you wish for cannot happen in the physical.
It could be that your Twin Flame has disappointed you deeply, or that the residual FEELINGS of this are flaring up.
Likely, you feel very unloved or unsupported in some way, says spirit.
The Divine Lessons And Messages:
Let’s look at it piece by piece so we can resolve it:
On one hand, you are MEANT as a Twin Flame to not settle for less. You ARE MEANT to seek beyond the regular human ideas of love and relationships.
This is what you’re here for. Therefore, some experiences of longing for more, and feeling somewhat disillusioned or unsure of how this can happen, is to be expected.
However, you are of course not meant to stay in the feeling that it’s out of reach. It’s never out of reach.
So what Neptune is doing right now, is showing you any ILLUSIONS or LIES about DIVINE LOVE that you have taken on!
Lies You’ve Been Told
This might include 3D ideas such as:
Men are never truly faithful, true love doesn’t exist, relationships don’t last, unconditional love is a fantasy, one person is always hurt in a relationship, Twin Flames always suffer, and so on.
The tricky thing is, these negative beliefs are deeply unconscious. We don’t usually THINK about them.
They’re there in the background colouring our experience of the world, and affect the actions we do or don’t take, the way we see other people and ourselves…
Are You Doing This?
Negative beliefs can wreck your life. I’m not exaggerating. They can cause you to not see your own potential and the opportunities available, and to hold back when there really is so much more for you, just to mention a few things…
And, they can make you create a life that is a replica of other people’s drama.
Negative beliefs are kind of like wearing blinders that make you think you’re in the dark when there’s really light all around you.
Or blinders that make you think there’s no way to cross a river, when there’s a bridge right beside you – only you can’t see it!
This 1 Thing Will Reveal The Truth!
How do you know which negative beliefs may be “hiding” in your system? Your feelings will reveal it.
Notice how you are feeling. Even if you’re actively trying to think positive thoughts. Are you still feeling heavy? Or scared?
Feel into this and then piece together what are the underlying beliefs?
For example: Someone who’s feeling heavy always has an underlying belief that things won’t work out for them.
Journalling on this can be eye-opening and help you shift out of major holdbacks this week!
If you could use some help or guidance in the process, have a look at this session where I take you through this and provide a list of all the most common negative beliefs that block Twin Flames – and I clear it with you in the session.
Or join us in the first Gold Coaching session for FREE on September 2nd.
Once you realize these connections, things will never be the same again.
Mercury Direct (Finally)
Mid-week Mercury goes direct in Leo, so this work will be extra helpful to do before that time.
Once Mercury goes direct, we begin to experience more forward momentum again, and the complications and “hassles” of the last month recede.
When Mercury goes Direct, it brings clarity and resolution to misunderstandings that may have arisen during the retrograde period.
For Twin Flames, this Mercury Direct is extra meaningful.
Trining Mars and Jupiter when he goes direct, it means that you’re likely to receive clarity around an issue you have had with the Masculine Twin (or Aries/fire sign individual) in recent times.
It can also signal that communication opens up again with the Masculine Twin!
Venus Enters Libra: It Means…
On August 29th, Venus enters Libra, leaving her opposition to Saturn.
With a trine to both Pluto Retrograde and Uranus, and a square to Mars and opposition to Neptune, we see this:
The Universe is telling the Feminine Twin to stop hoping and wishing, especially regarding her counterpart…
And instead be open to an inner transformation and awakening into her own power. To see the world, herself and her connection differently.
You are way more powerful – and desirable! spirit says – than you think.
If you are already together in the 3D physical, remember that focusing on yourself and personal growth will now bring your counterpart closer and make the connection deeper and more committed, than actively “trying” to make it happen as a goal in itself.
Are You Out Of Balance?
When Venus enters Libra, we begin a month of relationship focus on balance, harmony, and relationships. Venus in Libra teaches us the need for equilibrium in all aspects of life, especially within your Twin Flame connection.
It’s a time of looking at where you may be imbalanced inside yourself, in your life and in your relationship.
The Twin Flame journey is ultimately a balancing act between duality and oneness.
Look at this now: Are you giving more than you’re receiving? Then look at how you are being toward yourSELF.
This is the time to address any imbalances and reach for more harmony in your connection.
A Pipeline Disjointed, Doesn’t Bring Water…
This search for balance also applies to your Twin Flame energy connection and dynamic between you.
Think about two joints of a pipeline – if they are not aligned, water cannot flow through.
Perfect alignment creates perfect flow on the energetic plane. If there is imbalance, there will be blockages to the free flow of energy and to your coming together.
When you are in balance and in flow, magic starts to happen in life – there are no more “leakages” seeping out your strength, and you are swiftly pulled forward on the path to your desires.
The universe is guiding you to open your eyes to your OWN power and love within yourself. To realize how worthy and uniquely valuable you already ARE!
In order to do this, the planets push us to realize where anything less than that really came from. The simple answer is, the past.
If you embrace the journey of becoming magnetic to love and Twin Flame Union, and resolve the blocks in the way, this last part of 2024 will be a magnificent shift you’ll remember for years to come.
I believe in you!
And, if you’d like to participate in the first session of my advanced Twin Flame Gold Coaching and energy work free of charge on September 2nd…
Make sure to sign up now while there is still space. Go here to find out all the details and claim your spot now.
And as always, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey <3
Cassady x