
Super Full Moon In Aquarius Pushes For Starseeds, Lightworkers To Lift Higher. Plus, Mercury Retrograde Crosses The Sun: No More Of The World’s Game-Playing. Time To Drop The Mask And Let Them Know What You’re Really Here For!

Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies!

Highlights this week include:

Super Full Moon in Aquarius triggers past wounds around individuality to rise and release. Why you were never made to “fit in”, and how it affects your Twin Flame connection…

Plus, Mercury Retrograde joins Sun in Leo, pushing you to step up as a new version of you!

And, heading into 2025, planetary shifts and the biggest era change we have seen in our lifetimes…

Are you ready for all of this?

Major New Era In 2025

Before we go into this week’s specifics… We are overall in a period of tying up loose ends from the past and breaking down old structures in preparation for a “new world” in cosmic terms.

Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, and Saturn will all move into new signs in 2025 (the first time it’s happened at the same time since 1737)!

It signals that we are being pushed to rise higher, and in this period of preparation we may see an eruption of the remnants of past negativity.

You may have seen glimpses of this in the world through increased conflict and heightened impetus for change.

Intense Times Ahead

It’s going to be intense, especially for Twin Flames and those in Spiritual Awakening.

I was guided to help more Twin Flames master energy and the spiritual methods of Divine Union and advanced reality shifts in this period…

So today, I have a never before shared gift for you:

You are hereby invited to attend the first session in my Soul Alchemy Twin Flame Group Coaching and Energy Transformation— at no cost!

This is a unique opportunity to learn advanced info on the connection and shift your dynamic into a higher state with your Twin Flame.

With space limited due to the platform’s capacity, it’s first come, first served.

If you have participated before, please allow space for others. I’ll have a different surprise coming for you on email this week.

I would love to help you elevate your journey, and enable us as Twin Flames to shift into a higher state of love as a collective to hold space on the planet.

To attend – completely FREE – go here and secure your spot. (Use code “AWAKEN”).

Aquarius Super Full Moon

Now onto the week’s energies. First off, we have a Super Full Moon in Aquarius.

This means that the Moon is even closer to the earth, and is more impactful on the collective than a “regular” Full Moon.

Happening in a square  to Uranus, which is the sign’s own ruler, it means we have a lot of tension.

We are dealing with old emotions coming up around feeling different or excluded from the collective.

In particular, it pushes for a resolution around issues around individuality, which have been stalling your awakening and Ascension as a Twin Flame.

Starseeds, Third Eye

Uranus and Aquarius are closely connected with Starseeds and the Third Eye chakra/spiritual vision.

A major theme is, we are purging old wounds and “lies” now that caused us to shut down our higher perception, or made us feel like we had to hide who we really were. 

Opposing Leo, we are also being encouraged, from a loving energy, that who we are is perfect for what we are here to gift the world and experience on our path. 

Spirit says, don’t feel that you are still unsupported or not understood if that was an experience in the past.

“You Didn’t Come To Fit In!”

Because the truth is, you ARE so loved and special for a reason.

Spirit says: “You didn’t come here to fit in! You came here to change things!”

And now, all the places where you were told you had to shrink yourself down, be “normal”, not stand out, hide your gifts and uniqueness…

Are being brought up so you can release them for good.

Dreams, Hunches…

How do you know what specifically is in your system needing to be resolved? Pay attention to your dreams.

 You may have flashes of your teenage years, or of specific moments. Note them down, and you’ll see how it connects. This is your soul working to show you the exact spaces where the negativity has been rooted. 

Spirit adds, if you have felt like your guidance has been absent in recent times, or like you haven’t had as much of a vivid soul connection with your Twin Flame – this is what has been brewing.

It means your third eye chakra and visioning power has been clogged up by this material, which is now brought to the surface with the Full Moon. Make sure you cleanse it properly to open up again. 

Don’t Do This!

With a square to Uranus, we are shown, don’t be tempted to change course last minute.

Don’t give up just before your breakthrough shows up!

It can also mean that you’ve misunderstood or mis-approached something, or that something is challenged.

In any case, there is some disruption that is inconvenient and is meant to shake you up for your highest good.

You are being rattled so that you consider things differently.

And, it shows that outer reactions and actions won’t fix things if the inner alignment is off!

So, before any action, make sure you get into the right alignment and inner balance. This will make all the difference.

Twin Flame Scenarios: Feel The Difference

As the planet itself “says”, if we approach things from a distorted perception, we get distorted results.

An example: If you believe that you can lose your Twin Flame, and reach out in a panic thinking that you must convince them to be together otherwise everything will be ruined…

Feel how edgy and distorted that is?

Now consider: The truth is, you and your Twin are always connected as souls and you can never really “lose” them (you may just think that from the human perspective).

If you get into this feeling, can you feel how calm and resonant that is?

The actions you take from that point will be “divinely aligned” and will bring much more good to you!

Mercury Retrograde’s Message

As a backdrop to the Full Moon and this whole week, Mercury is still Retrograde.

Having entered Leo again now, he crosses backwards over the Sun during the Full Moon and until late this week.

This means we have double intense Mercury Retrograde vibes. 

It’s all about your identity.

Your automatic self image and ideas of “not good enough” are being “blurred/stunned” so your Ego releases the stranglehold it’s had.

Because the more we have a fixed, (limited) idea of who we are, the more barriers there are to awakening and Twin Flame unity.

Time To Stop Hiding!

With Mercury Retrograde and the Sun joining together for the Full Moon, it shows that this lunar peak is all about releasing old ideas of self. The limited identities that were not really true.

The Universe is saying: “Time to stop hiding your authentic, unique self!”

Release past hurts that made you shrink away from shining your light fully.

With Aquarius/Leo, you might even say: “Fly your freak flag high!”. 

Your Deeper “Secret” Mission

Be proud of your uniqueness! That’s the future, says spirit.

The more different you are, the bigger role you have to play in the new era emerging, they say. Remember this. 

You are not an “outsider” – you are a leader into the NEW evolution happening.

We see that your human “constructed ego identity” is being fogged up so that your higher aspects of self can emerge. And with it, awareness of why you chose to come here – your soul purpose.

Expect to start caring a LOT less what other people think about you and your lifestyle/choices, says spirit.

This is a good thing, MUCH needed for most.

Ideas For Action

Mars and Jupiter are still very close, signalling that you are subtly receiving the ideas and next action steps that are guided for you on your Ascension path and as a Twin Flame.

Throughout the week, Jupiter in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces, creating a cosmic tension between expansion and restriction hand in hand.

This alignment may bring challenges in balancing your desires for growth, with the need for structure and responsibility. Are you feeling pulled in different directions?

It’s asking you to find a balance between dreaming big and yet grounding your visions into physical reality.

Virgo Season Begins

August 22nd, Virgo season starts, shifting the cosmic focus.

With Venus in Virgo still opposing Saturn, you likely feel quite far from the love situation you long for.

In fact, the world’s responsibilities and practical concerns are probably weighing heavy on you in some way.

Do your best to show YOURSELF love, as this is the magic remedy to the inner constriction we often get with Virgo season.

Feeling Judgy (Toward Yourself)?

It’s common during this time to veer into being very hard on yourself and critical toward others. The real purpose of Virgo’s perfectionism is to root out distortions and causes of imbalance so we can heal.

As the sign of healing and service, Virgo’s power must be handled wisely.

Spirit’s comment is, if you don’t focus this power on something useful, that’s when it turns on you and becomes a destructive tendency for judgment, criticism and lack of love and forgiveness.

For best results, give yourself a focus area for this time, such as weeding out anywhere you have had a habit of not being loving toward yourself.

Or, healing your heart of past hurts, or finding new and positive ways to live your happy purpose.

Once you give laser focus to this “ray of perfection”, it can help you! Treat it wisely.

11:11 – Awaken, Remember

This is set to be a powerful week, which will have ripple effects far into the fall season.

The Full Moon in Aquarius brings a powerful wave of awakening and liberation, and invites you to release outdated ideas and mental clutter that have been blocking your Third Eye and intuitive insights.

Be your own best friend now, and release any limiting, negative self beliefs that have weighed you down as an individual and in your Twin Flame connection.

You Are Here For So Much More!

We really are in a time of immense shifts this coming year for Twin Flames and those in Ascension.

I would love to guide you further in this – make sure you sign up to participate in my first Twin Flame Soul Alchemy Group Coaching session, at no cost. (Use code “AWAKEN”)

(And, if you have already been in the coaching, I have a surprise coming for YOU on email this week).

Let the Full Moon power lift you up, and remember, you are here to be so much more than just ordinary!

As always, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey <3

Cassady x

welcome to twin flames 11:11

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