“You’re So Close!” Eternal Love Connections Re-Ignite, Soul Path Activating. But Is Someone (Or Your Past) Talking You Out Of What You Know Is Right? Mercury Retrograde Shows Up, To Help You!

Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies!

Highlights this week include: 

Mercury Retrograde in Aries brings themes of Ego Vs Unity – but will also help you, if you navigate wisely.

Plus, Venus/Neptune’s conjunction brings a dreamy atmosphere, heightened Twin Flame spiritual phenomena and important guidance on the future path.

Instability reigns in the Eclipse portal until next week, but for a reason. Sudden positive shifts are right up ahead – but are you aligned?

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There are messages waiting for you... Navigate your Twin Flame journey with the planets as your secret allies, tap into cosmic wisdom to unlock the flow of love.

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