
Heightened Twin Flame Times Ahead… Mars Retrograde Pushes For Awakening And Upgrade Of The Masculine, Calling For Ancient Blocks To Dissolve. Are You Ready? 


Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies!

Highlights this week include:
Key period for Twin Flames as Mars moves Retrograde in his “home sign” for the next two months, signalling a purge and upgrade of the masculine collective.

Plus, Venus’ opposition with Saturn challenges the feminine: Did you get sucked in by the false light templates of Twin Flame drama?

Discover more below!


This is set to be an intense time, so remember to use your Free Twin Flame Resources (and if you haven’t already downloaded you can do so here)

PLUS: This whole labor day week I’m giving you $11.11 towards any session or course, just use code “1111” at checkout to see the full selection, have a look here.

Ruler Of The Masculine, Retrograde

This is set to be one of the major weeks of the year for Twin Flames, as Mars goes Retrograde on September 9th in his “home sign” Aries.

This is a rare event that only happens every two years or so… And much rarer in “his” home sign – the last time was in 1988, 32 years ago – so this is a highly significant time!

Mars rules the Masculine collective, sexuality, action, war, physicality, aggression and initiative, and when he moves retrograde we have a purging and “upgrading” of those areas.

(Read more here in What Really happens during retrogrades?)


Deep Transformations In The Masculine

For the next two months Mars will be journeying “backwards” in his home sign, bringing deep transformations for the Masculine collective and the Twin Flame connection.

For the best impact, make sure you stay aware of any returning patterns, sexual relationships and dynamics that “return” from the past.

They are showing up specifically for a re-evaluation and “upgrade”.

Anything that “returns” in this period, is showing up to be reconsidered, healed/cleared and ultimately “reborn” in a higher state. Including your own self, your Twin Flame connection and your own life’s habits and path.

Karmic Process, Astral Realms Stirred Up…

Karma is also coming up for resolution under Mars retrograde, as “he” rules the Solar Plexus and the astral realms, which is where we store our karmic patterns and baggage.

Be aware that your dreams may seem out of whack in this period, you may be picking up on karma coming up for resolution in your own system or your Twin’s.

*****Any major challenges in this period relate to karma, says spirit.****

(I take you through clearing karma in this energy session for Twin Flames. And you can go here to read more about karma and get a free assessment of where you’re at).

Exes Showing Up, “Outsider” Situations Heightened

Past sexual connections and karmic debt is in focus, so an intensification around these issues is highly likely. Even if an ex doesn’t show up physically, they may show up in your dreams – including past life mates…

If your Twin is in an “outsider” situation with a karmic mate, this is set to intensify… As the planets push them to understand and release the karma that keeps them tied together in a less than divine connection.

The good news is, by working with their higher self you can help them release the lessons that have brought them together. Because karmic connections are ultimately learning relationships – once the lessons are learned, the wounds healed and released, the karmic connection will fade out.

And that’s when the Twin Flame connection will “take over”.

How To Resolve Involvement From “Twin Flame Karmics”

I’m literally being shown, when the karmic connection is resolved through learning and releasing, the karmic partner “moves out of the picture” and behind them stands the true Twin Flame.

Spirit is eager to say that karmic learning and releasing does NOT have to be a long term process.

You do NOT have to just WAIT for a Twin who’s tangled up with this. That could take LIFETIMES (as is the case with most human beings, who never resolve their karma).

Work with your Twin’s soul. Together you can release and heal the karmic patterns, even if their ego self is stuck in patterns.

One of the most powerful channeled sessions I have for this, is the Oneness Code Activation. Have a look here for more.


“I’ve been doing the oneness session every week since you made it and now the karmic relationship my Twin was in is over and I know it is because of this… I can’t thank you enough Cassady… Lots of love X” – Diane, FL, USA

Click here to learn more and download

Spiritual Insights

Spirit is again eager to say, humanity is not here to suffer through repeated phantoms of old lessons – i.e. karma. Twin Flames are not here to go through the “masquerade” any longer.

Please USE the methods that have been made available from the divine, to shift into a higher state, is their request. A NEW WORLD IS COMING, are their words…

But it requires for us to take action and RECEIVE and UTILIZE what they have provided as solutions for us.

We’ve asked for help, and they have brought it, but a lot of Twin Flames don’t actually take action on it. So therefore, not much changes for those Twins.

Where We Have Let OURSELVES Down…

With Mars retrograde, many of us are being shown where WE have not taken action on our dreams… With the purpose of waking us up. They show us, the reason people don’t take action is a deeper powerlessness.

When someone is looking to everyone else to fix them… It’s a deep seated powerlessness complex. No one else is more powerful than you in this situation.

It’s time for you to claim that power. You are not merely a human. You are a divine infinite soul who has the power to shift circumstances. Use that power to shift energy and your connection, and you will astonish yourself.

(Learn more about this here in “Discover How To Reignite Your Twin Flame Bond”).


Mars Retrograde, Stirring Up Separation Programming

You may remember from previous articles that Separation Programming is stored in the Solar Plexus. This is where we process the energies of “self vs other” – read more here.

So any underlying reasons for separation, running/chasing patterns will be shown to you in this Mars retrograde period.

And this means you have a rare opportunity to clear this out for good. Keep an eye on your dreams, stay aware of your guidance. And you can make MAJOR progress.

I show you how to enlist your divine guidance for support, insight and help on your Twin Flame journey here (class 2 and 4). There’s also a class on karma, how to recognize it and know what you and your Twin share from past lives, plus a special guided session for discovering, resolving and clearing karma. Click here for more.

Solar Plexus Programming…

For the individual, Mars Retrograde involves releasing negativity and old programming from the Solar Plexus.

The Masculine energy polarity is being “upgraded” now, and old patterns around survival, dominance, sexual imbalance and conflict are being phased out in favor of new high vibrational templates.

In essence, the Masculine biological fields and astral fields are stirred up in this period.

Consider it like a glass that we were making tea in. The leaves had settled at the bottom and film had started to coat the surfaces. Now, it’s all being “scrubbed up” meaning that the water is being stirred up and full of “static” and residue.

It’s for a higher purpose, to clean up and clear out so we can rise into a higher state. But while it lasts it brings negativity to the surface.

Masculine Twin’s Inner Wounds Triggered

The key “danger” is conflict. Mars and Aries together mean a doubled shadow side of conflict, impatience and aggression. Keep an eye on yourself, because an easy trap to fall in right now is to blame everyone ELSE.

Mars retrograde is set to bring up tension and inner turmoil for the Masculine. Know that it’s in order to help them shift into a higher state.

Do your best to not pay attention to their Ego. That’s just patterns. Work with their SOUL, their HIGHER SELF because they want to awaken and be together, just like you do. (More on that here)

Karmic Shadows Of The Feminine

A key aspect to this Retrograde is that Mars moves Retrograde in conjunction with Lilith Retrograde.

This is a highly significant conjunction especially because Lilith has moved across signs recently “just to be there for this” – in other words it’s incredibly serendipitous and a cosmic message.

Lilith symbolizes the karmic feminine or the shadow feminine, enhancing what we already said about resolving karma during this next two months or retrograde.

There is an essence of apologies for history, from the Masculine. There are old hurts triggered.

In essence, “he” apologizes for hurting “her” and is in this period being presented spiritually or energetically with what “he” has “done” in order to bring balance.

The Essence Of The Masculine Apologizes

There are SO MANY SHADOWS between the male and female in human history. Spirit says, it’s time to release the past. That’s a big theme this retrograde, to step out of the 3D “historical karmic model” of relationships.

How do we do this? Forgiveness is a key lesson. Easier and powerfully shifting, is to step into the knowing that it was never “ours” to begin with.

So many Twin Flames unwittingly absorb the human karma of their biological gender, and end up experiencing a replica of the “drama and trauma” model of relationships.

This is because when it’s in your system – through biology, culture, beliefs, energy – it starts to get mirrored back in your “reality”. Read more here in “The Truth About The Twin Flame Mirror”

twin flame mirror

What The Hurt Is Trying To Teach…

Spirit points out that the MORE a Twin Flame acts like a “typical man” cheating, disappointing, ghosting or whatever is the 3D model… The MORE their soul and yours are working to get you to QUESTION everything!

To look within. To resolve those patterns that have been mirrored into your reality. (Read more here)

The human historical “men vs women” model of relationships is obsolete. Twin Flames are HERE FOR THAT REASON, to dismantle the karma from within and bring a new template to the planet. Of unity and divine love.

Make sure you don’t just hang onto the patterns, waiting for things to magically improve. You’re meant to clear them so the HIGHER template actually can come online. (I take you through that here)

Has The False-Light Twin Flame Template Pulled You In?

Remember that Twin Flames aren’t a “normal relationship”. You are “one original soul in two bodies”. You are them and they are you, deep down. Don’t be fooled by the surfaces. This is your “other self”.

If you had been born in their place, as their gender, in their family and town you would in essence be them. If they had been born in your place they would in essence be you.

Don’t let the human drama trick you into forgetting what this is all about. It’s time to wake up.

When we came here we CHOSE to be male or female, and in doing that we knew we may take on the baggage of the karmic history of that gender.

But it was never truly OURS.

What Keeps So Many Twins Stuck

This is the number one thing I see that trips Twins up. That they’ve got this in their system and it’s keeping them stuck in the human “false light” Twin Flame template of struggle.

And then they stay sitting around WAITING for something to magically change, when those patterns are what’s keeping them stuck.

So many Twins actually feed into the patterns by focusing on blame, “DM vs DF” and all the rest of it.

The relationship drama is actually just a “phantom” travelling through your systems and becoming reflected in your reality. It’s time to wake up. Remember. 11:11 remember the TRUTH about your Twin Flame connection.

Cosmic Push For Inner Changes

Mars retrograde pushes for INNER changes to take place. Make sure you don’t leave it up to chance.

You have a choice. Don’t stay stuck in the 3D “false light illusion” of what that means. Go within. Shift into the higher templates so your outer reality can actually catch up.

You get to opt out of the “human drama” – but YOU have to choose it and energetically rewire your system. It’s never imposed on you.

When you’re ready, your Twin’s higher self will take you through it step by step, as there are specific adjustments and permissions needing to take place for this work to be done.

Have a look at the channeled oneness activation here where I take you through it.

twin flame union

Wake-Up Call For The Feminine Twin…

Early this week Venus is still opposed Saturn R, signalling that we’re being called to “snap to” as regards love and relationships.

Saturn is all about discipline and long term manifestation, so we’re being told to look at what WE are bringing to our relationships.

Do we hold onto victimhood, blame, fear of abandonment, demanding or entitled attitudes? If so, it’s time to cut what’s causing problems.

Saturn R is usually considered a very hard influence but beneficial for building for the long run, eradicating problems and cutting back on what has outworn its use.

When opposing Venus he can cause feelings of hopelessness, but be aware that he’s working to “help” you.

A Cosmic Gift For The Future Path

Whatever problematic emotions or negativity shows up early this week and have been around this weekend, they are blocks.

And it’s really a “cosmic gift” that you get to recognize that they’re present, so you can clear them and thereby open to a higher state.

Unfortunately negativity tends to attract its outer manifestation – fear of abandonment attracts experiences of feeling abandoned, and so on. So the best thing to do is clear it for good.

I’m not saying this from a place of arrogance or patronizing you, because I’ve been there and had to do SO MUCH work on this myself.

But I can tell you it causes MAJOR positive transformations when we do. Read here about my experience, and have a look at (unsolicited) testimonials from other Twins here.

The Soul’s Path Forwards…

Thursday we have a conjunction between the Moon and North node in Gemini, highlighting soul path.

We’re shown that information or understanding can change everything for the long run. Your path isn’t set in stone.

You may feel upset about how things are going right now.

The message is, if you allow your timelines to run their course as is, you will in essence receive more of the same – variations around the same themes.

But if you infuse new understanding, programming, shift your INNER wiring, change your state, your timelines change too. (Read more about that here).


Jupiter Direct – Inner Positive Shifts

Another key event this week is Jupiter direct on September 12th. Once this energy moves direct fully again come next week, we’ll have a sense of a smoother ride than in a while.

However, Mars retrograde means things will be different than usual. This time, that we’re set to be receiving higher illuminating insights and guidance – but it won’t likely feel like an easy ride on the OUTSIDE.

It will be more pertaining to ideas, inspiration, solutions arriving to shift your INNER state and your spiritual alignment into a higher expression.

Guidance is working to reach you.

Feeling Pressured? There’s A Higher Reason…

As Mars Retrograde also begins in a square to Saturn, Pluto and Venus – so this is set to be a challenging week where you may feel like “everything” is against you. Especially in love and regarding the future.

The divine purpose is to get you to go within, resolve your inner state and thereby open to a higher journey in the “real world”.

Remember “as within, so without”.

The planets show us, we’ve been running around in desperation, panic and chasing on the outside from a place of underlying fear… And it will only attract more of the same.

So now we’re being pushed to go within, to anchor into our power.

A Week For Dramatic Shifts In The Twin Connection

Release the ego analysis and your inner state begins to shift into wholeness. Recalibrate the inner world and dynamic with your Twin.

Release the karmic patterns of the human “relationship drama” and the OUTER connection will begin to harmonize and heal and reflect back to you an amazing love you may have thought was out of reach….

When you feel calm, when you feel certain, when you feel with your whole being that you and your Twin are one and you always were…

That’s when you know you are in alignment. It can’t be faked. But when you get there, that state of bliss is reward in itself.

Until next time, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey! <3

Cassady x

Do you want to make the journey to Union and beyond lighter and more positive? Take the path forward with me as your “personal” guide with the Vibrational Alignment Program!

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“Cassady, Your tools have continued to be a direct link to my healing. Thank you for the love and continued information. Your tools have helped me more than anything I’ve done to heal my karma and pain. Love to you “

– Karen, Arkansas, USA

Read more testimonials here

Alternatively, download my Free Twin Flame Help Kit which contains resources from the full program!


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