Powerful energy transits coincide with the holidays and more Twins are anchored into 5D. Plus, Why and How Christmas is a vortex leading straight to the past, and how to make this a happy time by avoiding getting triggered.
With Winter Solstice on December 21st we have another high vibration light gateway opening up – it’s been shown to me that this is the time when another group of Twin Flames and Lightworkers are being anchored into the higher vibrational grid on earth in order to assist their Ascension and Union processes.
More Twins Anchored into 5D
This “other reality/5D” is an energy grid which is parallel to our “normal reality/3D”, and being anchored into this 5th Dimension means being energetically aligned with a higher vibrational existence.
You still live in the “real world” but your energy is shifted away from the human collective fields and karmic energies – thereby assisting your functioning as a source of light and positivity in the world.
Many Twins are being anchored into 5D during this gateway in order to assist their Union process. If you are ready (this depends on your existing frequency set point and how far into Ascension you are – how much clearing you’ve done), your higher self integrates this for you.
All you need to do is be willing and be clear enough. Especially this regards being clear of attachments and being free from the collective karmic fields. This is deliberate work that can be done swiftly once you know how. In the Vibrational Alignment Program I take you through how to clear your karma and easily clear attachments and negative contracts.
If anchoring into 5D doesn’t happen for you now – for now only a tiny per centage of Twins have actually been clear and high vibrational enough to be anchored in – it will come at some future point when you’re further into the clearing and ascension process and your energy vibration has risen enough.
To read more about the nature of 5D and how it’s determined which Twins are anchored in and when, have a look again at last week’s forecast, with more details.
The Holiday Vortex of Nostalgia
Keep a light perspective this Christmas – my Twin recently explained to me why so many people get emotional over the holidays; the Holidays are a time of nostalgia, a vortex between the now moment and the past where many of us are never fully present in the current moment and reality.
The emotional and sensory stimuli (food, songs, people) are those of the past, so it’s easy to get triggered. We float between the sweet memories and childhood dreams and the wishes we lost and the people we wish were there. Ground yourself now if you don’t want to float away.
The Cure: Remember Who You Are
Christmas is full of emotional triggers. All the range of sensory stimuli are often near identical to what we experienced as children, and this can mean old issues are brought to the surface.
Just you being aware of this, will make it less of a challenge. Keep an eye on yourself and remember who you are beneath it all – a bright soul of pure light in a human body.
Take the good of the holidays and make it last all year round – compassion, peace, kindness, showing love to close ones and strangers alike – and leave the wounds alone. And if you’re finding the holidays hard because you’ve lost loved ones along the way, remember that they’re never as far away as you think.
Significant Visits
Many who are no longer with us in the world visit their families this time of year, so don’t be surprised if you receive some sign from someone you’ve been missing – a song might enter your thoughts repeatedly, or you might see or hear something that reminds you of them, or you might perceive a flash of their face or dream of them.
Know that you’re never truly apart, whether this is a family member or a friend or loved one – once our souls have connected strongly with another person, we are always in touch somehow.
Their greatest hope for us here on earth is to live in joy and experience life in happiness and abundance, and they know we’ll see each other again no matter what.
This also relates beautifully to the Twin Flame connection – even if you’re physically apart right now, your souls are always connected. There really is no such thing as true separation for Twin Flames.
Intense Holiday Energies
We’re set to have an intense holiday season this year – Christmas Day coincides with two pivotal cosmic events that funnel strong energies onto our planet. Firstly, we have a Full Moon in Cancer. This is the first time in several decades that we’ve had a Full Moon at Christmas.
This particular Full Moon is pivotal because Cancer is the sign ruled by the moon, intensifying the energies even more. The Moon’s gravitational field is so powerful that it moves the tides on earth – imagine what impact it has on our human body systems, which on average consist of 73% water…
Cancerian energies deal with family, belonging, nostalgia and emotions. If you’re spending the holidays with family, my advice would be to shield yourself to avoid getting layered down in others’ emotions.
An archetypal expression of the Cancerian energies is the mother who loves everyone so much that she is unable to let go and cut the apron strings, the mother who can’t look past the “baby” she once knew and can’t see the individual who’s grown up to be an adult.
These Cancerian Christmas energies tend to nostalgia, inability to let go of the past. Sure, reminiscing can be fun, but remember who you are beneath it all and what your desires for life are. Don’t let anyone make you feel small this Christmas. You choose what “stories” to tell about yourself.
Energies of The Past Vs The Future
On Christmas day we also have one of this year’s biggest energetic events – Uranus turns direct for the first time in months. Uranus energies denote sudden change, rebellion, the avant garde and “electric” inspiration. Combine this with the Cancer full moon and there’s potential for clashes – what’s shown to me is the old versus the young generation, the comfort of staying in the past versus moving into the future.
The classic expression of these energies would be parents trying to hold their children to old standards and putting limitations on them, and the children (grown children too) finally saying enough is enough rather than biting their tongue anymore.
For Twin Flames, this can manifest as nostalgia for the sweetness of early times, which paradoxically can become a block for the future happiness we desire – if we’re in the past mourning the loss of earlier times, we are keeping this on an energetic loop, never allowing a happier future to find us.
The Christmas Showdown: Family vs Individual
Keep an eye on your energy when out travelling and around family over the holidays – family is a notorious trigger. A famous spiritual quote is: “If you’re so enlightened, see how you feel after a week with your mother.” Why? It’s easy to be serene when there’s no one around triggering us.
And because parents and siblings have been around us since birth, it’s their energy and the beliefs and patterns we picked up from them that’s buried deepest in us. Until the age of 7 we soak up energy and emotions from those around us like a sponge, as we learn about the world and prepare to mirror it and act it out.
One thing you’ll be shown this holiday season if you keep your senses peeled – is where your underlying blocks might be: we often take on our blocks from other family members in order to fit into their energy fields growing up. So if something is bothering you about them – what can you find in yourself that resonates with it? You can then clear it out of your experience for good.
Limiting Energy Projections
My guides have shown me in the past that the reason we often feel uncomfortable around family, is that they have very particular views of us – they see us as who we used to be, and paste this energetic pattern onto us.
We, on the other hand, feel like we’ve grown and expanded and we know ourselves, so their energetic projections feel tense and wrong. So shield yourself, clear others’ energies out of your space and try to take others’ views with a pinch of salt.
Now, it doesn’t have to mean blow-ups are inevitable this holiday season – positive expressions of these energies could be using inspiration and intuition to create beautiful and passionate works of art or performances.
Or to once and for all set the intention that although you love your family, you’re your own person with your individual values, and that you’re not going to let the past influence you any longer.
The Black Sheep
I, as many other lightworkers and Twins, grew up as the odd one out of my family. A closely knit family loving family where everyone was pretty much interested in the same thing, except me. This lead to some disheartening holidays, and I mainly ended up bottling up my grievances so it bothered me but no one ever knew.
After learning how to use energy and karma clearing tools, I was able to eradicate so much antagonism between myself and my family – and this in turned opened up my Twin Flame journey because my anger and resentment and hurt for my family had been holding my vibration down low and keeping my Twin and I out of alignment.
To find out more about the energy clearing tools that enabled me to get to Union with my Twin within 18 months of our first encounter, have a look here.
Until next time, I’m sending you love and light with wishes for a happy, peaceful holiday season and a wonderful run-up to the new year! <3
Cassady x
PS: The Complete Twin Flame Energy Forecast for 2016 is now ready!
More than just a forecast, this is my full roadmap to the coming year – something to guide you each step of the way to make the most of the high points and to navigate the low points and pressure tides of the coming 12 months.
Includes over 70 pages of energy forecasts, plus intuitive insights and practical hands-on advice on how to deal with the collective lessons with ease and speed.
Wow great time that was exactly what i was feeling. Syncronicities =D , i see them everywhere now.
I am the ”black sheep” of my family , i never fit in and i was born probably into the most dynsfunctional family of this planet. My both parents have disorders so they always put every situation and every single person against me. I grow up ”alone” , had to fight a terrible disease due to the intense pain provocade by my ”evil” parents, but im alive. After i met my twin i realised why everything happened, and i always felt that i was where i choose to be, i took responsibility of everything, looking the bigger picture.
It’s exactly like you said. I can’t be around my parents because they are in a such low vibration and they try to push me there. Plus they have ”disorders” and they project everything about them into other people, they never take responsiblity of things, and won’t change. It’s sad because i can feel they have a deep pain inside them, if they never look into themselves they won’t change, and gonna suffer for the rest of their lives. Even after everything they did to me, im not angry at them, i dont look for revenge, i really hope that someday they recover … i forgive them for what they did, but i don’t feel like i wanna be around them, i feel that i was born into this situation to learn to love myself even if everybody is against me and to forgive people…
This xmas and new year i don’t wanna be around my family … i can send <3 to them but energetically . In the end is a soul journey =D love u guys <3 <3 <3
I didn’t even realize it till after the fact but I had to sit down with my husband yesterday after another not so pretty argument and we decided on divorce. Just odd the timing before the solstice, possibly letting a big attachment finally fall off. I realize there were signs to watch for before 5D to know if we went through but I’m wondering if we actually feel a difference when there? There is so much growth that has taken place at this point it’s all a blur! I’m just curious if we will feel it. In some ways, I’m hoping for the protection against negativity that comes with it and naturally a little nervous to make the cut!! Haha! What does 5d feel like especially if seperate from twin?
Dear Cassady,
I fell on your site by accident while doing some research for my sister, and it has helped her so much! Thank you so much
Dear Cassady,
Thank you for this reminder, that was on the spot. <3
I wish you a lovely, warm, beautiful, peaceful and light holiday time, with a sparkling start of the new year. <3
PS I found your colouring book not only great for me, it is also a great holiday gift :))
I have a question on the 5D anchoring for the Winter Solstice gateway. I’ve done a lot of clearing these past 3 months and I’m hopeful to “make the cut”. How do we know if we’ve been anchored in…. is it a gradual process that unfolds over the next several weeks? Or is it more of a sudden feeling of being lighter? Thanks, Scott
This really helped me and I appreciate these posts more and more. I
have been in a state of emotional/energetic upheaval since yesterday.
People and their obsessive need to have a storybook Christmas.
another note: I have been asking for clarity for a long time about who
my TF is. I think I know, but it is so improbable and there has been
no contact yet in 3D even though he is here with me all the time now.
Any thoughts on this?
I’ve been following your blog for about 2 to 3 months now, and I can say that I’m still very much confused. First, I’m not completely sure that I have a twin flame although I’ve been told I do and I’ve met him already. If he is the real deal, it’s been nearly 3 years since the separation and I feel no closer to being “aligned” or “enlightened”. Anyway, this article hits home for me because a lot of my past has been confronting me. I actually stopped celebrating Christmas years ago because of the heaviness I feel during the holidays. The end of the year is always depressing for me. Now that I’ve read this article, I feel like I can recognize this more and correct it. I just want to either reunite and/or figure out who my true twin is.
This really helped me and I appreciate these posts more and more. I
have been in a state of emotional/energetic upheaval since yesterday.
People and their obsessive need to have a storybook Christmas.
another note: I have been asking for clarity for a long time about who
my TF is. I think I know, but it is so improbable and there has been
no contact yet in 3D even though he is here with me all the time now.
Any thoughts on this?
Hi Cassady, great article! I’m looking forward to seeing my family – great opportunity to learn something about myself.
Here’s my question : can I be anchored into the 5d grid and my twin stay in 3d for now?
Thanks for clarifying!
Dearest Cassady, my answer came from within. It is beautiful, warm, safe. It is all and whole. Thank you for helping me to find my way. Light and love with all joy there is. <3
This forecast is an excellent reminder on how to handle the emotional triggers of the holidays! Thanks, Cassidy! Although I’m very blessed to have the family that I have, the same cannot be said for my twin. Already I can feel his melancholy and frustration. He really does not have a family of his own, so absolutely everything revolves around his wife and her family. My heart aches for him and his sense of non-belonging. Is there anything I can do energy-wise to help him? I can feel his sadness and loneliness so intensely right now. I know he feels like a stranger in a strange land (and I sense that it’s always been that way).
Hello, i was wondering – while asking for help the Archangel Michael – does he care about the religious background? Does he help only those who are into Christianity?
Is it possible to jump between those dimensional consciousness levels? Like i’ve got the feeling that i already used to be in the 6D three years ago while going through some fasting experience, then i got back into 4D – and now i am again mastering the 5D. So is a degradation possible? Or, once you’ve been taken to a new level – all the doors are being closed down? And what about the TF – what if he is stuck in 4D – and i am already in 5D – so there it is – the lack of ones’ understanding of the others reasoning. Is it also the case? And i’m curious – when physical twins are born – do they also have their twin souls somewhere, despite already having a twin of their own?
Hi Virsa,
Michael helps anyone who asks – it just happens to be that Christianity has written a lot about him.
In truth he is a high vibrational being who is assigned to help human beings and he has reminded me that he and the other “archangels” have interacted with most cultures throughout time, where they’ve been given various names – the answer is that they will help anyone, anytime, anywhere and that’s what they desire to do – you just have to be open and willing to receive his help.
He will even help you figure out your blocks if you ask, he’s been a big help for me on my journey. He is a very “strong” spiritual presence, which means he is able to reach through and communicate with us on the earth planes more easily than our personal guides sometimes do.
Sending you love and light <3 xx
Hi Marcos,
Thank you for sharing I’m so happy for you that you’re looking for the insight and the gift from this – I had to do some work on forgiveness of family on my own journey, and the biggest insight I’ve had is to remember that everyone around us is also a soul of light having an earth experience. No one is who they seem to be as a person on earth…
No matter how people are in life, they’re also an eternal soul who is pure and fully aware – it’s just on earth they’ve taken on karmic patterns and dysfunctions. If you look at society from this perspective, you’ll see how much of human behaviour is “automatic” and “unconscious”… It can really help in releasing and seeing the lesson in interacting with people, especially when they have issues and negativity going on.
I get the sense that your incarnation with your family reflects karmic patterns you’ve had of expecting others to not be there for you, expecting to be “alone around others” – past experiences – so make sure you set the intention to release this feeling and belief, so you can open up to feel the love and the understanding that’s really here for you both from your guides, your twin and the universe <3
We are always loved, but sometimes our patterns block us from feeling it xxx
Sending you love and light for the holidays <3 Thank you for being a part of the Twin Flames 11:11 community x
Thanks for your answer.
Yes, you are right… everything is automatic and about patterns, people don’t open themselves … society was designed to be like this…
Thanks im trying to remove all negative patterns about myself ! Is a tough journey because i was running so much disfunctional patterns absorbed from negativity. The internet for example is a very powerful tool, but it’s also very dangerous. There’s so many fake videos that millions of people watch giving bad perspective of woman, race, man, etc. For example before i watched a video about a guy picking up girls with a lamborghini, she first rejects him and after she sees that he got a lamborghini she gives her number to him. Years ago i watched this video and i noticed that when we watch this kind of thing frequently we start to absorb all this information and that makes part of our reality. Slowly integrating in our belief system.
Im gonna work on myself every single day to encounter my twin flame , i have this deep desire inside me, it’s something that i can’t deny, its so strong !! hah =) Thx so much for your words and insight , here it’s the best twin flame community ever because you have can maintain the positivity in every single word, that’s what twin flames REALLY need during the running stage because when we absorb negative beliefs from others we get stuck in a negative spiral and it’s challenge to get out and be on track again.
It always helps to send your Twin love! And you can use the tools from the full Vibrational Alignment course to direct the light into his space and clear any negativity away.
You can even use the meditations to communicate with him on a soul level – you can converse and interact m/l like you would being physically present with one another x
Sending you love and light for the holidays <3
Thank you so much for the guidance! I will send my TF tons of love over the next few days! I wish you a joyous and blessed holiday <3
Hi Cassady, thanks for your job! I’ve had an argument with my twin in 22th and he didn’t talk to me for xmas.
Do you think it has anything to do with this energy? Do you have any advice for me to have a message from him?
Thanks a lot. Love. Fernanda