
Preparation For Major Shifts – The Twin Flame Connection Goes “Supernatural”, Plus Key Info On The Pivotal Changing Of Worlds As Saturn And Pluto Meet In 2020…

Welcome into a new week in the cosmic energies!

Highlights include:
Universe pushing to break up non-Twin love connections, Saturn “coaches” you to prep for a major shift in the next few months, plus Pluto’s “gift” to help you step into a new state of harmony with your counterpart…

Discover more below!

Preparation For Light, Unity

This is another week where we’re in essence sorting through and clearing out the past in preparation for a new phase of unity and light a little further down the line

With an ongoing opposition between Uranus and Mercury/Venus we see the universe getting involved to force an end to non-Twin, non “guided” love connections – especially those with a sexual basis.

This has been going on the last few weeks. (To help your Twin with this, click here.  It’s likely to rise to the surface and be triggered but the universe won’t actually end things FOR anyone)

Things may seem in turmoil or stuck right now but that’s just how it looks on the outside.

Connecting The Dots – A Life You Love

The start of this week is all about rolling your sleeves up and getting on with it. Anything that needs clear thinking, good judgment and organization can be focused on when Mercury sextiles Saturn as it does on the 14th.

You’re finding it easier than usual to stay pragmatic and practical and see things from a step by step long-term perspective.

And you’re likely to see how the “dots” connect and how effort creates change over time. Saturn is “encouraging you” to take charge of your life and not wait for anyone else to “magic” things for you!

We’re shown that one of the key soul lessons we’re here wanting to learn, is how to use the power of our mind and intention to CREATE a life where we can thrive, a life we LOVE!

And it’s truly within reach.

Guidance Showing You How To Get To Your Ideal In Tangible Terms

We’re shown very clearly that this week you’re being presented with practical information “from the universe” or your guides, that’s designed to help you with this.

It’s meant to light up the steps for you to truly live in bliss. Saturn’s involvement with you now is like a gentle yet determined guiding hand from a wise elder.

The one who knows how powerful you really are and yet is aware that you don’t fully remember. You are being guided to understand and to take action, but the work won’t be done FOR you.

(Do you want to “uplevel” your life and Twin Flame connection? Read here about my action steps and consciousness work that completely changed my life within a few short years…)

Saturn/Pluto Conjunction In 2020 – Once In 35 Year Gateway

We’re shown that what’s going on right now in some way ties in with the incredibly powerful conjunction between Saturn and Pluto, which is set to happen first in January 2020.

Saturn and Pluto only meet once every 35 years so this is a pivotal cosmic gateway that will occur!

We’re shown “by Saturn” that at that point many will experience what seems like a “wormhole” or a warp of reality where the past suddenly crumbles…

And we in essence get the chance to choose a new life or a new reality.

Timelines ending, new dimensional openings, sudden dramatic changes. A more powerful current of heavy, potent transformation energy than many of us have ever felt in life before.

Your Cosmic “Training” For The Pivotal Time

In order to get the best of this, you’re now being “trained” in the conscious creation part of that breakdown/buildup process. So that when the time comes, you’ll know what to do.

You’ll recognize the tumults as an OPPORTUNITY instead of having a meltdown and getting caught up in the drama of it like many others will…

You will know, “This is it! Now I begin creating what I truly want, not the collective ‘hand-me-down’ version of reality.”

Echoing into this, we also have a square between the Sun and Pluto this week. And knowing what Saturn has now “told us”, we see that even though it feels like a challenge, it’s a gift…

Feeling Like “No One Really Helps You?”

As Pluto gets involved with this square, you’ll likely feel opposed by the outside world and your Twin, and even the universe…

As if you have no power over the circumstances you’re in.
As if an outer force is working against you or not helping you.

You may have a little voice in your head telling you that it’s bound to go wrong somehow, soon. The Sun squaring Pluto is causing you to look for all the problems that are hiding away – the “skeletons in the closet”.

But we’re shown that this also ties into the later major changes! Because you are now being shown all the things you will want to leave BEHIND when you later get the opportunity to.

Feelings, habits, thought forms, friendships, dynamics, work and career issues, lifestyle…

A Practical Approach To Inviting In New Light To Your Life…

Like you’re cleaning out your garage you’re sifting through all your “intellectual, energetic and emotional” stuff and the “contents of your life” and figuring out what to keep and what to take to the thrift store (or the dump!).

(Spirit nudges us that you might also find it useful, even downright HEALING, to do this with your actual belongings this week. To let go of what’s outworn its use and open space to what’s new and lighter to show up.)

Remember when we invite in something new and amazing into our lives, the universe often pushes us to get rid of the old junk first. Because we need to have space to actually RECEIVE!

So where are you at with that?

Have a look here to get an idea of the state of your energy system and if any of your chakras in particular are causing blockages for your Twin Flame situation.


Major Cosmic Overhaul

To an extent, it can be quite useful to bring problems to light. It’s only by facing them that you’re able to finally resolve them. This is a key part of healing. The first step to healing is recognizing that there is something that NEEDS healing…

Do try to keep a neutral state of mind around what’s happening with your Twin connection these days, as mentioned there is a major cosmic overhaul going on.

And to get the truth about what’s happening with you and your counterpart, talk to their Higher Self! They will help you, inform you and support you once you know how to ask. I take you through it all here.

Supernatural Expressions of Love

On the 15th your dreams, telepathy and non-physical communication and activity gets a boost as Mercury makes a trine with Neptune. (Read more here)

Enjoy the experiences of “supernatural” connection with your “mirror soul” but keep in mind that Neptune is also the master of illusion and fantasy.

You may find it hard to pin down the truth. Things may not be quite the way they seem… Or rather, things change depending on how you look at them.

How Your Twin’s Soul Sees Their Ego Self

One issue you may be encountering is that your Twin’s soul self doesn’t quite seem to “understand” in “real world” terms… That you don’t accept it if they say they love you no matter what, yet are involved with someone else in the physical…

To them, those are two different people and they don’t fully control their lower self’s actions.

To you, of course that’s an issue: to be in eternal love with someone whose physical self doesn’t respond the way they make you feel they will…

But to their soul it’s clearly what they WANT and are WORKING FOR, it’s just that their “lower self” doesn’t get it or is so entrenched in 3D density that it’s not getting through.

This is a key issue right now. (And if your Twin is on the other side, you’re likely experiencing a contrast between what they indicate is possible vs what you’re experiencing on a daily basis.)

Again, in spiritual essence the truth changes depending on your perspective…

Cosmic Effort To Prepare Twins For Physical World Unity

In good news, things will be adjusting to get to be more of a match between the “seen and unseen” in coming times.

That’s what Uranus, Pluto and Saturn are all working for in this period.

It may not be happening as fast as you want but you can speed up the process and bring things to a head and into harmony more quickly by taking matters into your own hands.

In fact, remember that’s what Saturn is guiding us to right now.

In the Oneness Activation I take you through cleansing out the energetic collective density and karma that may have kept your Twin “unawakened” in the physical, plus we remove attachments and cords to outsiders from your shared connection.


“I have done the new session 2 weekends in a row now and it has truly made a huge difference…me and my Twin are laughing together again…we had been arguing for so long…now I feel there is new fresh energy running through my body and I feel like I’m floating on air every time I do the unity meditation…it is so beautiful…thank you so much…” – Diane

Click here to get started.

The Twin Connection Goes (Even More) “Supernatural”

With Neptune trining Mercury you’ll find that your “psychic senses” are on a high, even if you don’t think you’re psychic at all… You’ll feel things, get hunches, your intuition will seem extra active… You just need to be open to receiving it.

(Read more about the supernatural aspects of the Twin Flame connection here)

Whether you’re paying attention to someone’s body language or hearing the tone rather than the detail of their words, or receiving dreams or messages…

You’ll realize that people can say a lot even when they don’t seem to be saying anything at all.

Sending someone love can be a miracle worker this week, and if you can forgive someone you’ll find your path opens wide to a new and lighter chapter.

Twin Flame Songs – Secret Messengers

When Neptune trines Mercury Twins are likely to experience nonphysical communication, such as snippets of songs that express the counterpart’s feelings.

Try this right now. Ask your Twin to send you a song! Take a few deep breaths and relax…

And now what’s the first song that drifts into your mind? Comment below with your answer and what you interpret it to mean!

(PS: They’re letting us know would be happy to send you songs all day long if you’re open to it! Just say yes!)

Suspicious Minds… Facing Fear Head On

Things feel a little more intense as Mercury sextiles Pluto on the 19th – especially as Mercury is currently moving through Pluto’s home sign Scorpio. Suspicion, jealousy and paranoia can run high…

But you would also make for an AMAZING detective or problem solver.

This transit means communication and thinking goes DEEP and you can find the core wound responsible for current day issues – so they can FULLY heal for good.

Did you ever hear that saying, that once you face your deepest fears they have no power over you? That’s the kind of focus we’ve got right now.

In fact, that may be a good exercise to help you for your forward path. Finding the core of where the current issues come from – the deepest fear – the first experience you had of that dynamic or pattern.

Taking The Charge Out Of Negativity To Lift Your Path

With Mercury in Scorpio we can make huge strides by finding out what is unhealed INSIDE of us, so we can change things on the OUTSIDE. If there are issues, go back to the core.

Most Twin Flames’ issues are rooted in childhood (watch a video on the basics of it here), and you can make big progress with this healing right now – and it will illuminate your path forwards.

Remember when we fear something, unfortunately it means we are attracting it, because our energy so is focused on it deep down.

When we focus on something, we engage with it and pull it closer with our attention. So when we can go to the fear, face it head on and then lessen some of the pressure, we release that negative attraction.

Why Twins’ Situations Improve When They “Give Up” On The Connection

The crazy thing is, this is why so many Twins experience improvements in their connection AFTER they’ve GIVEN UP on it…

It’s because they’re no longer attaching to the fear. They’ve released it.

Happily, you don’t have to give up on your Twin to get to that point. You can clear the fear using energy tools! (Go here and ask what you feel most drawn to, that’s your intuition – your soul – speaking about what’s to your highest good right now)

If you feel very fearful and heavy, I have a trick that will help you:
Imagine yourself being as tall as the universe, and look down on the scenario or situation from there…
How different does it feel “up there”? What solutions do you recognize?

This exercise feels amazing, and it helps you completely change your state within seconds.

If you want more, I share many other methods and day-to-day skills for a happier Twin Flame journey with you in the Vibrational Alignment Program – it’s like having me with you as your personal guide for the journey.

(And click here if you’re curious what other Twins say about the program!)

How To Get What You Really Want

Pluto’s interaction with Mercury will also help you focus your power – you’ll come across as intelligent, deep and persuasive right now.

What you realize is that it isn’t what you ask for that’s important, it’s HOW you ask for it. To get what you want, consider the factors that will make the OTHER person say yes or be open to it.

Right now your mind is extra powerful, so think about it and write down what you find. This will be helpful both now and later.

The Eternal Twin Flame Bond

As the week closes, on the 20th, Venus is making a sextile to Saturn. This means you will feel prompted to be more realistic about your relationships. This is a classic astrological date for commitment, engagement and marriage in relationships.

Saturn “promises” and reminds us that the Twin Flame connection has what it takes to last the long run. Not just for life but lifetimes… Eternity. The universe “wants” Twin Flames to unite and enjoy life together.

The pressures of this week will see some relationships come to an end. Circumstances are changing and things may feel unstable. But remember it’s a preparation!

Do what you can with this clean-up part of the process and you’ll be ready to make the most of the immense – “life-changing”, says spirit – shifts that are coming up ahead…

When you’re ready to take action, you’ll find my personal guidance right here.

Until next time, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey! <3

Cassady x

“I started with your free toolkit and immediately felt results so much that I had to get the Vibrational Alignment Program and wow! I’ve been doing it consistently and I love the energy clearings and exercises. I feel lighter and my twin and I are so much closer. Every day gets better and better. And since my vibration has become higher and higher, I’m attracting in wonderful opportunities and amazing abundance as well. I’m so grateful for your work, Cassady. Thank you!” “

– Jessica N. California, USA

twin flame program

Want more? Download the Free Twin Flame Help Kit to get info on the awakening code 11:11 and the Ascension process going on across the planet right now, plus a deep Alpha Level meditation to connect with your Twin Flame on the soul planes!

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