
Major Shifts Happening, The Past Resurfacing To Help You Open To A New Chapter. Reigniting The Light In The Twin Flame Connection…

Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies

Highlights this week include:

Pluto/Jupiter continue to push for major physical world changes, into a higher evolution guided by the soul. Chiron asks that we heal past wounds around self vs other and ego conflict, and the Sun returns to Taurus…

Will you open when love knocks?

Intensity As The Week Starts…

If you’re feeling some edginess right now – it’s not just you. Things are a little intense as the week gets underway, but begin to feel lighter as we go along.

Try to not let it get to you – clear your energy to feel better and open to a higher state with your Twin any time you need it. You don’t have to wait on the sidelines. Use your tools to make things work for you!

With an increasing conjunction between Mercury and Chiron in Aries, this is a week where healing and a “rebirth” process is in focus above all. A new chapter is underway.

Tempers may flare, conflict may rise – but if it does, know that it’s an expression of the past and of inner deeper wounds…

It’s not truly to do with the present moment. It’s being triggered in order to help us heal.

Shadows Of The Past

With Lilith involved intermittently, conflict between the sexes is highlighted. Feeling unfairly treated, by males, in comparison with males (like they get an “easy” life while females have to struggle), and as if the universe doesn’t support females…

If this type of situation, issue, conflict or dynamic flares up, ask yourself: Where have I experienced something like this before? Where did I first encounter this? This type of interaction, this type of emotional pattern… That’s the key!

Spirit highlights our countries’ ancient cultures and family belief systems as the source of what’s going on this particular period. Many of the old societies have strong patternings of “women have to work hard, while men are unreliable”…

(I take you through clearing these karmic imprints here – so they don’t keep playing out in your Twin connection as “reality”)


Stepping Out Of The Human Illusion Of Separation

Maybe it was the case for many in the past, but we are here for something new! Gender roles are not true for Twin Flames because we are ONE soul that chose to divide. Step beyond the human illusion!

Don’t let old ideas trap you! Things may feel tough in this period but really, the universe is working to help you heal – and the whole collective.

If you’re struggling, go here to get my Twin Flame Help Kit with a powerful cleanse and chakra “tune-up” that will clear out heaviness, help you re-center into self love and infuse you with new high vibration light!

Death/Rebirth Process Continues…

Jupiter and Pluto are still entangled in Capricorn, powerfully active throughout this week and this as before indicates major shifts happening in the physical.

The breakdown/buildup process of your world on some level, or the world as a whole.

With Jupiter now involved, light is coming in guiding us to a higher state. Igniting new possibilities. The rebirth part of the death/resurrection process of evolution.

(Read more in last week’s forecast here).

“Life’s Only Constant”

As we’ve just had Easter, this is a timely reminder of these two major planets’ message and vibration, which is that the soul is eternal, and that ultimately existence in the physical is a process of many small deaths and subsequent rebirths, as one chapter ends and another begins…

As one earlier “version” of us and the Twin Flame connection fades away, and opens to another.

We’re reminded that this is a natural process and to not fear change. As the saying goes, the one constant in life, is change.

This process becomes easier and gentler when we go within and connect with the soul.

(Click here for a session where I help you clear out common fears and Twin Flame blocks, to open to the highest new chapter possible for you).

There’s Nothing Wrong With Your Twin Flame Connection!

We’re weeks into virus related self isolation and lockdown most places by now and it’s completely understandable to be struggling right now.

Remember from last week that the Twin Flame connection is likely impacted by this…

The collective fields on earth are stirred up by trauma. As you may already know fear and love are on opposite sides of the energy spectrum – so the fear that’s been stirred up is posing a challenge to the connection.

(Learn more here and get an accurate reading of where you’re at on the vibrational scale)


When Blocks Come From The Collective…

Things likely FEEL blocked and/or clouded. So try to be patient with yourself, your Twin and the connection. Spirit shows us in fact, that this time is paradoxically going to be helpful for opening up Twins who have been “unawakened” or in “ego” to a higher purpose…

But as it will happen through a breaking DOWN process, they may be feeling very vulnerable right now.

But they are likely experiencing a “dark night of the soul” right now – losing faith in the reality and belief systems they got attached to…

Through the challenges toward these and the breakdown process, the soul gains room to shine forth, but it’s not necessarily a pleasant process. It’s a death/rebirth of the self and therefore it’s crucial to be gentle with them at this time…

(Read more here in how to deal with an unawakened Twin Flame)


Fight Or Flight Response…

Try to remember that there’s nothing wrong with your connection – you’re just reacting to the survival energies that have been triggered in the human energy fields… Society’s interconnectedness is full of fear and “fight or flight” response.

To help you and them both, step out of the fear energies that are around, to open the connection again, use the Free Energy Cleanse audio and Guided Meditation to connect with your Twin on the soul planes here.

Use these two tools every day for just 5 days and you’ll notice a major opening and increase of love and connectedness between you!


“Whenever I do your energy clearing meditation my Twin texts me just as it’s ended. It truly has opened up the connection.” – Taz R.

Click here to download, and here to read more Twins’ testimonials

You can also have a look at this brand new session I was asked to create for this specific time and to help as many as possible uplift into the “new and higher reality”

Suspicious Minds

When the Sun squares Pluto on the 14th, we have challenges involving power/powerlessness, control, secrets, sexuality and death/rebirth.

Power battles are likely, you may be feeling overly paranoid and read into things that aren’t truly as bad as they may seem – especially when it comes to an intimate relationship and your Twin Flame.

If you go into that mindset of conflict, you’ll only get submerged. The key is to align with a higher perspective. Go within to your soul.

Connect with your true intuition, not the negative perceptions that run riot in the mind. If there are issues with your Twin, ask their higher self for insight… Rise up, don’t get pulled down.

The #1 Threat To Twin Flame Harmony

If you feel a surge of power, use it to move toward your goals, instead of getting embroiled in conflict (which is extra highlighted with Mercury in Aries).

This also means, stay off online debates and forums unless you want to waste your time, energy and mess up your Twin Flame connection.

(Read here why online debate and “spiritual ego” – ego hiding behind complex spiritual rules and over-complicating things – is one of the #1 threats to Twin Flame harmony)

If it matters (really, really matters), then of course it’s worth fighting for. But if you take a moment to examine your motives, you might find that you’re creating battles where they don’t need to exist.

That intense determination brewing below the surface could be put to better use. Sometimes, it’s wise to let things go. Pick your battles, as the saying goes.

The Sun Shines Once More…

Before you can get into real trouble, the Sun squares Jupiter on the 15th and wipes away the worst of that feeling of paranoia from the air.

It doesn’t stop all potential conflict, but it does makes you feel more positive about sorting things out. Just address one thing at a time.

Jupiter can make you think you can deal with every little issue right now and it will all turn out fine. But the risk is spreading your energy too thin, at the best – and optimism based in illusions…

The best approach would be to take things a step at a time and restrain yourself from diving into situations dramatically – especially before you have had time to check out what’s really going on.

Love Reignited – Communication Sweetens

After a heavy start to the week, you’re probably relieved to find out that the 18th offers a day or two to unwind and relax when Mercury sextiles Venus.

Maybe the conflict hasn’t been fully resolved, but you’ll find that communication is more open and friendly, and romance is blessed with harmony.

Your Twin Flame connection is set to run more smoothly, and it will be easier to resolve any disagreements or problems. Just be mindful you consider the other person’s point of view as well – not just your own.

(Read here why that’s crucial for the Twin Flame connection – the mirror attracts out what you expect, so if you fear them rejecting you, the dynamic may push into this in order to help you heal.)


Taking Action On What’s Important

As Mercury sextiles Mars at the same time, we see again that communication between the Twins is reignited. It’s as if the universe is helping the connection to flow open more than in recent times.

It’s also a strong signal to take action on the ideas, inspirations and passions you’ve been having and receiving. If you have a dream, go for it.

Now is a great time to launch into the projects you may have held off on, to prepare for that art exhibit you’ve dreamed of, to write the album you’ve been wanting, to create a fashion line or business, to write a book if you’ve had plans about it for ages, to reach out to an old friend you suddenly thought of…

To take action on divine guidance. Anything involving the arts, food, nature, beauty, communication and love is highlighted.

If you need some extra encouragement, I’ll help you get focused on your ideals and open to inspiration in the Higher Heart Transformation Journey here.


The Sign Of Love…

With that current of inspiration and “can-do” energy promoting harmony and progress, you’ll enjoy the latter part of the week if you make the most of it.

Things feel more settled in general – and positivity and calm increases – especially as the Sun enters Taurus on the 21st.

Taurus is the home of Venus, the goddess of love – this next month the cosmic atmosphere will be colored by an easier flow of enjoyment and creativity. A desire to enjoy comfort, connect through love, friendship and family – and the heart is powerfully in focus.

When the Sun enters Taurus, we have a powerful new cycle for manifestation and creation. The bloom of the season begins, in the northern hemisphere – flowers blossom, and there is a sense of sweetness in the air.

The Light Of Love Begins To Shine…

Although we’re still in the midst of a challenge globally, at the end of this week, we’ll start to feel like there’s light at the end of the tunnel. And for Twin Flames, love will begin to show up in a more noticeable way.

It could be through dreams, intuitive messages or a general feeling of being more loved and appreciated, but in some noticeable way the goddess of love shines her light on you.

This next week, remember that love is your natural state as a soul. You and your Twin are always together on the soul planes. If something feels dark or like conflict, it’s from the human world. It’s not who you truly are.

If you notice darkness, resolve that it is not truly you or yours. When you do this, light begins to show up. You shift your alignment. Be firm. Be the master of your own mind and energy.

Turn away from the dark and let the light of love shine on you once more.

Until next time, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey! <3

Cassady x

Do you want to make the journey to Union and beyond lighter and more positive? Take the path forward with me as your “personal” guide with the Vibrational Alignment Program

twin flame program

“My Twin Flame is a Runner and something amazing happened today… I’ve done the clearing two days in a row so far, and guess who called me this morning after doing the meditation and energy cleanse? Yup, you guessed it… he called on his own without prompting from me! I am so darn happy, it’s a miracle!”

– Kristine D, Mass., USA

Read more testimonials here

Alternatively, download my Free Twin Flame Help Kit which contains two resources from the full program!

(Do you want to develop telepathy and remote communication with your Twin? I take you through it and help you get into the Alpha state with this Free Guided Meditation in the Free Twin Flame Help Kit)


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