A Guide, Gifts And Special Resources To Help You Flow With The Highest Potential For Unity And 3D Love Reunions…

Welcome to a month of magic!

This February brings a heightened time for love and relationships, with the “True 222” Series of Gateways, and Mars/Venus’ Reunion!

For Twin Flames this is a time of:

Deepening love, heightened possibilities for unity, “accidental meetings”, (re)connections, encountering your true Twin for the first time, for a runner getting back in touch, physical world togetherness, commitment…

In short, there is potential for so much good!

Once In A Lifetime Cosmic Love Gateway!

However, WE are the portal it must flow through.

The exceptional combination of powerful cosmic events these coming months creates an incredible window of opportunity for the Twin Flame connection!

But if we are not aware of how to use this massive current of energy…

to flow it into our physical 3D reality without distorting or blocking it, we may miss out on this exceptional potential.

What Was July 2021 Like?

Consider this:
During Mars/Venus’ last conjunction in July 2021, at 11/11, 8/8 and other major cosmic times for love and unity…

Did you experience the (re)connection and lasting love you longed for?

If not, there are definitely things you can do to heighten your alignment and maximize what you call in and experience over this coming month!

(Mars and Venus won’t reunite until 2024 after this, and we will not have a “true 222 gateway series” like this again for 200 years!)

Gifts And Resources For 222, 2222, 22222, 222222
And The “Love Gateway”!

So I have created and curated a series of resources and help for you to make the most of this highly unique time!


Twin Flame 222 resource #1 is a beautifully designed Free Twin Flame printable poster with alchemical affirmations…

Plus a matching poster with the full list of Twin Flame meanings of angel numbers from 000-11:11, to help you stay on track with guidance! 

Find this “double poster” inside the Twin Flames 11:11 Community group here


The second resource is a brand new 42 page complete Twin Flame guide to flowing with the highest potential of this time which I have created especially to help you make the most of this…

Did you know that when one Twin Flame pair (re)unites it helps the whole collective? So I was guided to do this in order to help as many as possible at this time!

Includes an energy ritual to call in unity, gaining protection from negativity and disruptions (including your own inner worry) during this crucial time, plus a ritual for calling in “magic” and 3D connections, and much more. 

Plus a channeled message for the collective, advice on mistakes to avoid, simple daily exercises and a personal ceremony you can do to help you stay in alignment with love and openness…

to make sure you flow with synchronicities and are in the “right place at the right time”…

Plus, an energy ceremony for protection from interference, negativity and outsiders during this sacred window of opportunity… and so much more!

Click here to get the guide now


And… Any time you buy one of the following sessions this month, you will automatically get the 222 love guide FREE!

The Star Activation Ceremony
Higher Dimensional Anchoring And Awakening
Oneness Code Activation
The Complete Twin Flame Harmony Healing

Why these sessions?

Because they are specifically able to help you align with and anchor in unity in the 3D physical and deepen love inside yourself, in this period.

twin flame cassady cayne review 2021

testimonial cassady cayne twin flames

(For more testimonials, go here)


You may know that self love is a HUGE boost to your Twin Flame connection, especially if you’re not physically together or have been through struggle.

Valentine’s day is usually a time for receiving or sending flowers, gifts and tokens of love to our partner or someone we’re hoping to grow closer to…

But what if you used this time to celebrate YOURSELF? Spiritually, the act of sharing love including with yourself, will actually help you ATTRACT back more love.

Another way to share and invite in more of the energy of love (the law of attraction, the law of effect and the law of return), is to send a token of love to a Twin Flame friend you know could use cheering up.

This Valentine’s I’ve been able to get you $30 AND up to 15% cashback on any purchase from a huge amount of websites, including flowers, crystals and other items.

Use this link to get your $30 and up to 15% back on gifts

(United States only – for now)

4 Weeks Full Of Surprises

Over coming weeks, I have several more FREE resources for you…

And you will be able to access more and more “222 gateway resources” to help you along the way. To flow with the highest potential of this time!

Coming soon:

A FREE, 3 page individualized Love Tarot reading with insights on:

– What your counterpart is longing for deep down
– The next divine steps on how to get to your unity
– What the Universe is “waiting on” from you to get there…

And more!

To stay tuned, make sure you’re on the newsletter if you’re not already – and mark me as a “safe sender” so you avoid missing any of the emails…

And/or, check in regularly on the Facebook page, Instagram, and the Facebook Community group – or list the page/group as “see first” in your feed.

Wait – I Want To Hear From You!

I can’t wait to hear from everyone with the amazing experiences you have during this exceptionally heightened time!

Please do share on the social pages or email support, as it will help so many Twins to know about your miracles and happy experiences!

And make sure you use the resources available along the way, as it can really help you <3

Cassady x

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