Why The Soul Sometimes Instigates Separation – Plus, How To Stir Your Twin Flame Counterpart to Action, Uplift Your Path and Open Up To Reuniting…
Today I’ve been guided to provide a resource specifically for Twin Flames who are in Separation.
These are times of change, and as a lot is in flux within the Twin Flame collective as circumstances, energies and timelines are shifting…
Many Twins are pushed by their souls to get time apart so they can go within, discover and address inner imbalances and blocks and uplift into a harmonic match to the love they desire.
When Your Soul Is Calling To Separate…
Often, Twin Flame Separation is instigated by the soul in order to speed up the process of resolving and clearing old blocks and negativity.
This means, we can speed up the process of Reunion by working through our own “baggage”.
If you’re not with your Twin right now, do your best to make the most out of this time by practicing self love, above all – as this lifts you up into a state where you are a match to love also with your mirror soul.
When we approach the Twin Flame connection from a place of Need, Want and Fear, we unfortunately only attract dysfunction in the outer relationship.
Self Love and self acceptance (inner wholeness) are “game changers” that can truly transform the outer situation for the better. “As within, so without”.
The Real Reason You Came Here Together
Below are a number of resources specifically to benefit and uplift you during this time if you are currently Separated from your Twin Flame.
You’ll find insights on:
How to deal with your Twin Flame dating someone else,
Tools to speed up your reunion process,
Information on why separation keeps occurring,
Messages of love from your Twin Flame’s Higher Self aspect
Plus insights on how the Twin Flame Mirror works
And why it’s essential to understand in order to ensure a smooth onward journey,
and much more….
Whatever has happened in the past: remember that you and your Twin Flame came here to reunite in love, and you made sure you had what it takes.
If things seem hopeless, know that it’s simply a matter of finding the right solution and taking the right action steps in your desired direction.
I believe in you!
As always, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey! <3
Cassady x
Twin Flame Separation – Why Did It Fall Apart (Again)?
From Bliss to Turmoil: Karmic Wounds, Other People’s Gunk and Secret Sabotage and other causes of Separation. Plus, 3 Easy Remedies to turn things around right now.
“What Do I Do If My Twin Flame Is Dating Other People?”
How Your Twin Flame Dating Others Can Be A Paradoxical Sign of How Deeply They Love You – Seeking Out a “Safe Substitute” Because of Fear …
The Real Reason Why Your Twin Flame Hurt You
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How Can I Best Communicate With My Twin Flame During Separation?
How to Use Your Soul Connection to Strengthen Your Bond and Get Back Together…
Soul Vs Ego Self – How Do I Help My Twin Shift Out of Ego?
Dealing With Dissonance – Awakening Sleeper Twins and Dismantling Ego. How to “Unlock” their Inner Knowing and Help Them Remember Your Eternal Connection…
How The Twin Flame Connection Changes Everything
5 Surprising Facts, including How Twins in Separation can still be in a Behind-the-Scenes “Secret” Union process, How Your Twin could be Depleting Your Heart Chakra, plus the Influence of old Love Attachments on the journey…
Interpreting Twin Flame Dreams, Symbols and Soul Messages
Your Soul is Always Sending you Messages about your Twin Flame to Assist you on your Journey – Are You Listening? 9 Keys to Reliably Connecting to your Intuition…
A Message From The Divine Masculine/A Message From The Divine Feminine
Why The Challenges Had To Happen, What Your Plan Has Been Together All Along, What the Future Holds…
The Truth About the Twin Flame Mirror
Your Own Shadows Are Calling For You To Go Deeper – That’s What The Running/Chasing/Separation/Struggle is All About… Discover Why Everything Needs to Change, and Why There Was Going to Be No Article This Week.
A Guide To Physical Twin Flame Reunion
Are Soul Contracts, Past Life Karma and Secret Fears Keeping You Apart From Your Twin? A Step-By-Step Guide to Making Love and Union Happen on All Levels…
Crucial Words Of Inspiration For The Twin Flame Journey
9 Key Points of Illumination to Nourish Your Spirit, Soothe Your Soul & Uplift Your Path With Wisdom, Insight and Profound “Game-Changers”…
Recommended Sessions:
– Higher Heart Transformation Journey:
Clearing heart based blocks for both you and your Twin – we allow their soul to show up what they’re struggling with and clear this, re-opening the heart bond of Unconditional Love between you, downloading templates for embodying Self Love and Self Acceptance, sowing seeds of positive manifestation for your onward journey, enlisting assistance from source, and more…
– Complete Twin Flame Harmony Healing:
Cleansing both Twins’ chakra systems of congestion, negativity and limiting ancestral programming, cleansing the soul merge cords between the two of you, shielding you as a pair, receiving an energy gift of assistance from source, clearing your akashic records, uplifting your shared timelines into the highest vibration possible at this time…
Alternatively try the Free Twin Flame Transformation Kit:
– Energy cleanse tool to clear aura, chakras and uplift your vibration into Love
– Deep meditation to connect soul to soul with your Twin Flame
– EBook on the Runner/Chaser phenomenon
“My Twin Flame is a Runner and something amazing happened today… I’ve done the clearing two days in a row so far, and guess who called me this morning after doing the meditation and energy cleanse? Yup, you guessed it… he called on his own without prompting from me! I am so darn happy, it’s a miracle!”
– Kristine D, Mass, USA
Did you know most Twin Flames’ struggles are based in negative karma and energy blocks?
For my step-by-step “roadmap” to Twin Flame Union – have a look at the Vibrational Alignment Program for Twin Flames. And you can read here about other Twins’ experiences with the program!
Alternatively you can try our Free Help Kit for Twin Flames!