
10 Signs of Impending Twin Flame Reunion – How Do You Know If Separation Is About To End, If Your Runner Is About To Return Or If You’re About To Meet Your Twin?


Before we start today If you haven’t already, do make sure you take advantage of the Free Twin Flame Help Kit I offer.

When I used to give one on one intuitive coaching sessions to Twin Flames I eventually realized there wasn’t enough time for one person to help all the thousands of Twins out there – so I was guided to create a free pack of downloads available for all Twin Flames!


I’ve had Twin Flames email me from all over the world to say how profound the effects of the Free Energy Cleanse Tool have been for them…

Including Runners getting in touch out of the blue after their Twin Flame cleared energy (read their testimonials here)!

Today’s post is the next in a brand new Twin Flame video series to come this year. I know many of you are on YouTube and have been asking me to put out videos – so this year I’m doing just that!

This new video is on Twin Flame Reunion – 10 Signs That Separation Is About To End

How Do You Know if You’re About To Reunite? How can you tell if and when Your Runner Twin Flame Will Return? Discover the answers here.

Includes little known facts about Twin Flame Reunion – you’ll be surprised at some of these signs – plus a warning from spirit about how to make sure others don’t block your impending reunion…

Plus, spirit shows us these indications are also keys for those who are looking to attract their Twin Flame into their life for the first time.


I’d love to hear from you, so please click, like, comment, share and subscribe to my
YouTube channel to be kept posted on new videos.

(And to watch the other videos in the series – on Twin Flame Recognition, The False Twin Flame Connection, 11:11 And More… click here)

And here is a transcript of the video if you’re not able to watch right now –


10 Signs of Impending Twin Flame Reunion
How Do You Know If Separation Is About To End?


“10 Clear Indications That Show You’re About to Reunite With Your Twin. Divine Timing, Soul Journeying, Heart Chakra Activations and more…

I’m often asked whether there are signs and ways to know whether you are close to reuniting with your Twin Flame – to know if a period of separation is at an end. Today I’ll be sharing these signs and indications with you.

Stay till the end for an important message about why you should keep it to yourself if you know you’re about to reunite!

Twin Flame Reunion Sign #1)

A (sometimes subtle) feeling of excitement in your soul, a glowing feeling in your heart chakra. You will most likely be puzzled as to why you’re feeling so happy, as there’s no obvious outer event causing it (yet).

What’s happening is that your soul is sensing that you and your Twin are pulling each other closer into Reunion. This feeling is a precursor to the actual physical event.

Your soul is always in tune with what you’re aligning with – so “listen” to it, keep paying attention to your intuition.

Twin Flame Reunion Sign #2)

You encounter your Twin Flame in love as souls and interact harmoniously with them in meditation, on the spiritual/astral planes.

You can begin practicing this right away as it helps to connect regularly. Interacting with your Twin Flame on the soul planes helps usher in a Reunion in the physical, strengthens and harmonizes your soul bond and attracts you to each other in the “real world”.

You can do this with my free guided meditation to connect with your Twin Flame’s soul – go to to download for free right now.

Twin Flame Reunion Sign #3)

The Twin Flame Code being shown up repeatedly – especially after a period of absence. This code is used for significant periods – as an alert that something important is happening or about to happen.

First, as an awakening code, then for important transitions and Reunion. You can sign up to my newsletter for a Free Mini eBook which goes through the full explanation of 11:11 and what it means at different stages of the Twin Flame journey.

Twin Flame Reunion Sign #4)

Feeling pulled toward certain places at certain times, as if someone or something is trying to nudge you to go there.

This is your soul and your guides working to get you and your Twin to “bump into” one another in life, to meet by “accident”, to be in the same place at the same time. To orchestrate Twin Flame Reunion.

If you feel a glowing sense of excitement about going somewhere at a certain time or seeing a certain person, this is your soul and your guidance talking to you!

Always check inside to make sure – it should be a happy, positive feeling *(not a panic about missing out*).

Twin Flame Reunion Sign #5)

Paradoxically, a feeling of general happiness and not really caring that much about whether you reunite or not is an indication that your vibration has risen and that you are in a new state of wholeness within.

This puts you into a match with the outer wholeness you desire with your Twin Flame.

You’ll recognize this as having a feeling of completion and inner peace. You feel no need to look to others to solve your problems or “save you”. This inner state of wholeness mirrors into outer harmony.

Twin Flame Reunion Sign #6)

Dreams and meditations where you and your Twin are harmoniously interacting. A feeling of peace and love between you. A sense of everything being OK, that you’re standing on solid ground in the relationship.

Feeling the core love in your connection and knowing that any outer difficulties are simply “illusions”.

If this feels far removed from how your situation is right now, you might find the following article on my blog healing and helpful: A Message For You From Your Twin Flame’s Soul.

Twin Flame Reunion Sign #8)

You sense your Twin Soul’s spiritual presence with you, even if you can’t see them. As if their energy is inside your body somehow, or accompanying you wherever you go.

This can include feeling like their inner child is with you.

Reunion means the two of you have attracted each other back together, so sensing their presence spiritually and energetically is a clear sign that this is moving closer in the physical.

Twin Flame Reunion Sign #9)

Twin Flame Reunion is all about energy. You’ve heard of “divine timing” – what it means is your own personal energy is in alignment with a certain thing happening.

You can feel Divine Timing as a sense of happiness – the feeling of already having attained what you’re hoping for. Having this feeling means it’s imminent.

Feel Into Your Emotions To See If You’re A Match With Reunion – Feeling Low, Angry, Hopeless Are Signs Of Resistance, Blocks To Divine Timing

If you’re regularly feeling angry, down, low or hopeless about your Twin Flame connection, this is a sign of resistance – a block to Divine Timing. This is an indication against an imminent Reunion.

You can always work to make Divine Timing happen faster by lifting your vibration into a high vibration of love, happiness and peace. This makes you a match with Reunion, helping you to draw it in faster.

Go to my website for a Free Powerful Energy Cleanse Guided Meditation that will help you remove what’s been weighing down your vibration and blocking Reunion – opening you up and lifting you into a higher vibration.

To Uplift Your Vibration, Download A Free Powerful Guided Meditation at

Twin Flame Reunion Sign #10)

If you feel that Reunion is imminent for you, please be careful with sharing this insight with others – even if you understandably feel like shouting it from the rooftops!

The reason for this is that others’ energetic intent can get mixed up in the situation and put the brakes on for you.

If someone else’s skepticism, doubt or even envy or jealousy interacts with your impending Reunion, they can impact the energetic alignment, especially if you’re not shielding yourself and clearing your energy regularly. This includes other Twin Flames you might want to tell about it online.

For best results with Reunion, focus on your own inner connection instead. Write about your happiness, create something beautiful inspired by it or tell your Twin telepathically how happy you are about it instead!



How To Know If These Signs Apply To You – Are You Close To Reuniting With Your Twin Flame?

Many of the signs of an imminent Reunion are subtle and if you’re habitually busy in your mind with thoughts, stress and worry you are likely to miss what’s going on…

For best results, and to help calm yourself and uplift your vibration into love, make sure you meditate regularly – preferably every day.

Daily Meditation Helps You Connect With Your Intuition And Awareness Of The Signs And Indications Of Reunion

As little as 5 minutes daily makes a big difference. Find a quiet place, relax your body, breathe deeply and let all thoughts go. Focusing on your breath can be powerful if you find it hard to not think.

Many people find Guided Meditations helpful, especially to begin with. I’ve created a Free set of Guided Meditations especially for Twin Flames

Head over to to download your free gifts right now. I also send out Free energy forecasts every week, so go ahead and sign up now to be the first to know.

And do go ahead and share – What Experiences Have You Had With Signs Of Reunion? What Indications Have You Had Before Important Encounters With Your Twin?

I can’t wait to hear from you. And as always I’m Sending You Love And Light For Your Continued Journey! <3

Cassady x

PS: You might also be interested in the following video –

How To Deal With A Twin Flame Runner: Major Mistakes To Avoid If Your Twin Is Running! Plus 6 Things To Do Right Now To Bring Your Love Back and End The Cycle of Pain For Good.


Click here to watch that.

Want more? Learn the methods that got my Twin and I to Union within 18 months of our first encounter – have a look at the Vibrational Alignment Program for Twin Flames. And, go here to read about other Twin Flames’ amazing experiences with the program.

twin flame program

“Cassady, Your tools have continued to be a direct link to my healing. Thank you for the love and continued information. Your tools have helped me more than anything I’ve done to heal my karma and pain. Love to you “

Karen, Arkansas, USA

Alternatively you can try our Free Help Kit for Twin Flames!

Do you want the 26 Page Yearly Energy Forecast for Twin Flames for Free? Sign up here – it’s only being sent out on email, no cost.
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