I Want To Hear About Your Twin Flame Experiences! Be A Part Of The Biggest Project I’ve Ever Done – Tracking The Twin Flame Path For History…
For 6 years, I’ve been fortunate to hear from so many thousands of Twin Flames from all over the world via this website and the social pages.
I am so grateful for you, for being in this community, for asking questions, commenting, emailing, sharing your stories!
If you haven’t already done so, remember to use the Free Twin Flame Help Kit here!
And use the FAQ if you’re needing urgent answers (it’s got my personal answers to over 40 common Twin Flame issues).
Click here for more testimonials
Why Twin Flames Feel “Crazy”
So onto today’s brand new project! For a long time I’ve been wanting to do something to gather “proof” around the Twin Flame connection.
Because one amazing thing my work with the collective has shown me time and time again…
Is that the experiences most Twins feel “crazy” for, the supernatural things, the stuff that goes way beyond what most of us thought possible… It’s actually not CRAZY at all!
It’s not just ONE person experiencing it. It happens to ALL of us!
You’re Not Alone!
And yet, regular society mostly thinks it’s fiction.
And many Twin Flames struggle because friends, family – and even other spiritual seekers and other Twin Flames – think they’re fantasizing or in make-believe… (I’ve been there too!)
So today I am launching an exciting project to really “prove” once and for all that these things are real.
And I really hope you want to be a part of this – the biggest project I’ve ever done!
I have created a survey so we can get things into a format that shows “proof”. That shows the patterns, the signs.
Not just through opinion or debate. But in a format that shows numbers and HOW common certain things are.
A Unique Opportunity To Get “Facts”!
I’m grateful that there are so many Twins in this community, because the MORE of us who give our info, the more depth in the level of “truth” we get with this survey.
So we can have a “database” of Twin Flame experiences like:
*How common is it to experience telepathy?
*When do most Twins truly awaken? (Is it in adulthood, teen years? We’ll find out the per centages!)
*Is there is an age difference or cultural/racial contrast between most Twins?
*Have 90% of Twins really experienced running/chasing, or is it less common than thought?
*Do most Twin Flames experience chakra tingles when they meet?
*How common is it for Twin Flames to dream about each other?
*Do Twins always see 11:11 around the time they meet?
and more…
Imagine not only how helpful this will be as a checklist for future Twins in awakening… But the solace you will gain from seeing in “cold hard facts” that you are not alone, that it IS real in factual terms…
So I’m truly excited to be sharing this with you today.
Making History For Twin Flames
It may take you a few minutes to complete, but you really are making history when you do so. This will be helpful not only for you but for Twins awakening for years to come!
We are recording history with this!
To take the survey, simply click here.
Results will be shared when the data collected has been analyzed and is ready to present.
I’m really excited about this, so thank you for participating!
Click here to take the survey!
As always I’m sending you love and light for your journey <3
Cassady x
Wanting to reunite with your Twin?
For my 10 module step-by-step “roadmap” to Twin Flame Union, created after my Twin and I reached Union – have a look at the Vibrational Alignment Program!
Alternatively, download my Free Twin Flame Help Kit which contains two resources from the full program!
“Your Vibrational Alignment program and Harmony Healing have been so valuable to me and I use them daily. I also use the Higher Heart session weekly. Thank you!!! My Twin Flame and I reconnected again in a way that was better than I ever could have imagined.” – Joy, California, USA