
Do They Bring Out The Worst In You? Are There Cycles Of On-Again-Off-Again? Do You Keep Going Back Even Though it Hurts? Discover The Truth About Your Love Karma In This Brand New Quiz

Today I’ve been guided to address karma…

As well as the differences and commonalities between karmic twins, soul mates, twin souls and “false twins”, and what it means for your journey.

Plus importantly – a tool which allows you to discover how karma is impacting your Twin Flame connection!

It’s been a tough last few weeks for many…

So, if you’re struggling, please go ahead and download the Free Twin Flame Help Kit, which includes an energy cleanse tool to clear out congestion from your space and instill new light in its place.

I get emails and comments every single day from Twins whose situation has changed for the better as a result of using the Kit – you can have a look at some testimonials here, with Twins’ amazing experiences with my Free Twin Flame Guided Session and the Complete Vibrational Alignment Program.

A Brief Explanation of Karma

Negative karma doesn’t necessarily mean you did something “bad” – it most often means you experienced something traumatic. This trauma then formed an energetic and emotional “scar” in your being, which keeps affecting your energy field and the experiences you encounter in life.

Unfortunately, karma is “hardwired” into our energetic being like a program on a computer – and it doesn’t go away unless you know exactly how to clear and heal it. It’s a lot like uninstalling a program on a computer. We can’t just close the program x and think it’s been deleted…

It will still be active in the background, and in karmic terms that means you’ll be unconsciously sending out negativity – attracting the same thing over and over by “default”.

Permanently resolving karma involves discovering the exact core incident that caused the trauma and then healing this scar, so you stop sending out the “distress signal” to the universe (which is what has had you attracting similar circumstances over and over).

Karma is buried so deep in the energy field and unconscious that we cannot resolve it just by “hoping” or “wishing” or thinking positively. Because like I mentioned, it’s a scar.

When we have karmic patterns it means we keep manifesting recurring cycles of similar experiences to the original trauma.

If you were abandoned, it means repeating cycles of above all feeling abandoned by friends, family, coworkers… Re-experiencing above all the feeling of abandonment.


Examples of Negative Karma at Work In Our Lives

For example, someone who was gravely sick in a previous lifetime may experience symptoms their doctor can’t give a clear diagnosis to.

Many digestive issues, sensitivities and respiratory problems fall under this category and science even uses the term “psychosomatic” for many cases where it seems like the symptoms are created from the mind. In spiritual truth, it’s often a “memory” of a previous sickness playing out in the body.

In addition, most people have karmic issues with love and relationships, because this is something we’ve experienced time and time again – not only in this life, but in prior lifetimes.

Some people are terribly afraid of abandonment or being cheated on, because they carry in their system the traumatic energy memory or “scar” from having been abandoned or betrayed before.

To read about one of my own experiences with Twin Flame karma and how it disrupted our connection – have a look at this article: “Our Twin Flame Story  – Chapter 7: ‘Buried Wounds'” .

Methods For Healing And Resolving Karma Permanently

There are three main ways to heal and resolve negative karmic patterns.

1) The Physical Path, 2) The Awakening Path and the 3) The Spiritual Path of Energy

#1) The Physical Path:

This is often done without the person being aware it’s happening in their lives – ideal for those who are “unawakened”, and is arranged by their soul behind the scenes.

The karmic “clearing” is done by having the person directly experience something that is “the opposite” to the old karmic pattern. For example, if you were abandoned at the altar in a lifetime, going through with a relationship and getting happily married and living together peacefully with a loyal partner will counteract the old trauma.

Many people attract children, friends and love partners into their life to give themselves a chance to work through karmic issues. I just was told about something fascinating in this regard – a woman who spent all of her childhood and early adult life trying to control everything ended up with a daughter who was “impossible to control”.

This woman had had the lifelong habit of spending hours checking emergency exits on planes and ships, going over things twice meticulously, being the classic “control freak” – because of an unhealed memory of something in the past going wrong.

As she was unaware of the cause of this pattern, her soul arranged for her first and only child to be someone who could help her with this merely by being in her life.

So the daughter born to this woman turned out to be messy, chaotic, reckless… Completely “uncontrollable”. The exact opposite of the mother’s karmic pattern.

So the mother could experience that it was OK to not control everything – to balance out her fear of things going wrong with the real life experience that things would be completely fine even in the midst of chaos.


Why Many Twin Flames Are In Their Last Lifetime Together

Again, real life experiences that directly oppose past life karma, are one slow way of healing karmic patterns. Most “unawakened” people will choose for this to happen in their lives.

#2) The Awakening Path

People in Ascension, such as Twin Flames, will be experiencing ALL karmic patterns to come up as their soul gives them the chance to release all old trauma and open up to love, light, peace and their true infinite soul nature.

This is one of the reasons many people claim that when Twin Flames come together it is because it’s their last lifetime on earth.

If the Twin Flame pair succeed in resolving all their karma, it means there will be no “reason” to go back to resolve any unhealed issues and the two get to “go home together” at the end of this lifetime.


Why Twin Flames Experience Karmic Triggering

This means Twin Flames experience an intense aggravation of karmic patterns when they come together. In one sense this is a compliment from our souls, as we are expected and believed to be highly evolved and “awake” enough to resolve the past trauma consciously.

The method for doing this is to recognize that karma is involved in relationship challenges – that we are dealing with unhealed wounds from the past on both sides of the connection, and know exactly what each issue is rooted in  – and to forgive each other and fully resolve the issue, thereby taking the charge out of the negativity and healing it with love.

However, as many Twins are mentally preoccupied and unable to fully receive the intuitive knowing of what a particular karmic pattern originates in, this can be challenging. As well as this, many are coupled with an as yet Unawakened counterpart, adding to the complications.

#3) The Spiritual Path of Energy

An incredibly powerful method I use with myself and with clients, is dealing with and resolving karma by directly accessing the Akashic Records and using metaphysical energy tools to clear the negative charge that’s created the karmic wound.

This means we get the opportunity to be shown what the pattern originates in (even if that was 400 or 2000 years ago), clear the pattern and thereby recalibrating the electromagnetic frequency.

We can in this way heal the karmic wound directly at the “root” – instantly recalibrating your energy to stop sending out the “signal of distress” so that the karmic negativity stops expressing itself in your life and your relationships.

When one part of a karmic “entanglement” resolves a pattern this way, they will no longer be locked into the re-experiencing of it. For Twin Flames, one of the pair can heal karma for both parties – because we are one original consciousness expressed in two physical bodies.

In this way you can help your Twin step out of things like recurring Running, by working with their energy to resolve the karmic pattern that caused it in the first place.

With energy healing methods, we can “undo” karmic negativity faster than with any other method – recalibrating someone’s frequency signal to a higher vibration.


Yes, You And Your Twin Flame Might Have Karma Together … And When You Get Together You Bring All The Other Karma To The Table As Well

There is a lot of confusion around the difference between Soul Mates, Karmic Twins, False Twin Flames and Twin Flames. The truth is that all these relationships can involve karmic patterns being triggered.

Just because you have karma with someone it doesn’t mean that you are “Karmic Twins” or that they’re not your Twin Flame. Twin Flames can share considerable karmic experiences, such as loss and betrayal, from past incarnations together.

In addition, when Twin Flames come together, all OTHER karma we have picked up with other people – anything that creates blocks to unconditional love – will begin to rise to the surface for us to deal with it.

This is most often what Running, Chasing and Separation is rooted in for Twin Flames – deep-seated unconscious fears and hurts that trigger the feeling of needing to escape from the relationship. (Read more about what causes Twin Flame Running here)

In other words, if there was an “intermediary stage” for Twin Flames it wouldn’t be “the runner stage” or “the chaser stage” – it would be the “Karmic Resolution stage”…

Clearing the way for the true Union of souls – Twin Flame Reunion.


How To Know If Relationship Issues Are Caused By Karma

Addressing and Healing Karmic Patterns can truly transform your relationship for the better – so here is a quiz that takes you through 22 questions to assess whether Karma is the real culprit behind any relationship trouble you’ve been having.

Take the Twin Flame Relationship Karma Quiz Now!


And as always, I’m sending you love and light for your onward journey! <3

Cassady x

Want more? For my step-by-step “roadmap” to Twin Flame Union, created after my Twin and I reached Union within just 18 months of our first encounter – have a look at the Vibrational Alignment Program for Twin Flames. And, read here about other Twins’ experiences with the program!

twin flame program

“My whole outlook on my life has changed since starting the vibrational alignment program. The information was very helpful and cleared up a lot of questions for me. The energy clearing techniques have been a blessing. I have cleared out so much and opened up immensely. Who would have thought these simple techniques could have such an impact on your life. The weekly energy forecasts are also very helpful. They are always right on with what I’m experiencing. I am filled with excitement everyday for this journey. Thank you so much Cassady! ”

-Corinne, Ohio, USA

.Alternatively, you can experience a Free Twin Flame Guided Session

This Next 12 Months Are Set to Be a Year Full of Transformations for The Twin Flame Pair. Sign up here to get the Full YearlyTwin Flame Energy Forecast for Free!
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  1. Definitely a helpful article. I scored a 37, and I spect that may be high bc I answered a lot of “somewhats” when I wasn’t quite sure.

    Cassady, I wanted to share something with you. Ive been working with an energy healer the last few months. She told me that she could feel something indicating that my Twin and I may have been separated before by death (she said she felt affirmation as she said that). And it was crazy because one of my biggest fears is that something would happen to my Twin before we reunite. So she cleared that and I haven’t had any of those fears since then. It feels foreign to me now.

    She also said she didn’t really feel like I had a whole lot of karmic baggage. So I was very excited about this article/quiz reaffirming that!

  2. I wanted to ask also, is it possible for your Twin’s soul to pull away from the connection occasionally to allow you to focus on your own passions? Our connection has felt good but also distant, and I’m currently trying to figure out what my passions in life are, so I was wondering if this is what’s happening?

  3. Dear Cassady,
    Is it possible to meet a soulmate, after you have already encountered your twin flame ?The twin flame connection is a blessing, but it can also be quite painful. Or in other words, is it possible to open your heart to another, after you have experienced the twin flame connection ?

  4. What if you are unable to access the actual source event of your karma…perhaps because it is from a past life? Are you still able to clear it? If so, how would you recommend doing that? My twin appears to have a dramatic experience from growing up, but he is not sharing the details at this time. How can I help him clear his karma surrounding this event without knowing the specifics? Thank you for all your wonderful insight!!

  5. I went to a psychic and in his reading, it was pretty clear he told me she is not the one. But I still feel so drawn to this person I believed was my twinflame. I can’t stop thinking/daydreaming/dreaming about her and seeing what I believe are signs. What could be the explanation?

  6. Elena, the answer to your question is yes. A soulmate or member of your soul family can enter at anytime, often times when needed the most by either party. In my work and within my family, I’ve often seen Twins separate and experience relationships only to reunite once that piece of their journey is complete. I hope this helps,

  7. Hi AAL,

    this is what the Akashic records are all about – you can ask to be shown exactly what the karmic pattern comes from. It sounds complicated but it’s simple once you have the step by step method. We go through this all in the Vibrational Alignment Program, class 8 – have a look here if you want to know more:

    Sending you love and light <3

    Cassady x

  8. Hi Elena,

    This is completely up to you. Either is possible. I would advise you to go into your heart and get clear on what you truly desire at this point. Being happy with your Twin Flame is possible for you, but there seems to be doubt on your part.

    This in turn is causing you to call in with your energy “another option” the soul mate – and yes, this is an option for you. There is someone along your path if you choose this.

    Either can happen for you, but do make sure you go inside and get clarity into what will make you happiest in the long term – then begin progressing toward this. Ask your soul and your guides to assist you towards the option which holds the most happiness and love for you.

    The insight is, you can have happiness with your Twin Soul but first, you would benefit from clearing out some illusions as to how your connection will unfold. They’re showing me you seem to have taken on patterns of belief that things will always be difficult between you and your twin soul …

    Sending you love and light <3

    Cassady x

  9. Hi MJ,

    I’m so glad you found this insightful! Most twin flames have a lot of karma to work out, it’s where the struggles most often come from, so you’re not alone in this category!

    Your guides let me know that you already have a very clear intuitive knowing of what most of your karma is based in. Think about what feelings come up and bother you when you’re unhappy with your Twin. What about your Twin has bothered you, what recurring issues have there been…?

    They’re indicating you’ve had dreams where they’re trying to show you what it’s about. Try starting a dream journal, as you’ll get a lot of good insights.

    You can at any time access your Akashic records of past lives – including being shown your Twin Soul’s experiences – and resolve the issues there. Your Akashic guide will show you exactly what the karma is based in, and they’ll know how to show it to you in a way you can make sense of it. And then you can clear it! They’ll assist you in doing so.

    We go through karma clearing in the Akashic records step by step in the Vibrational Alignment Program

    Sending you love and light <3

    Cassady x

  10. That’s so wonderful Mary! I’m happy for you that things are shifting!

    Your guides immediately suggest clearing the belief that things have to take a long time – the belief that change is difficult or that things can’t change… This will then clear the way for new positive developments to occur more swiftly!

    They’re with you every step of the way and they’re very proud of you – they practically jumped in to communicate as soon as I began writing to you. They are very eager to show you that they’re there for you and supporting you. I’m being shown that with your permission they would like to show you a sign of their presence and love for you – in the form of a significant symbol, or object.

    A physical token of their presence. If you accept, simply let them know and they’ll take care of the rest : )

    Sending you love and light <3

    Cassady x

  11. How wonderful to hear, Karenrose!

    Yes, karma can be the most lingering and “stubborn” blocks – especially because we’re carrying a lot of this stuff into the world from birth, so we tend to think it’s just how we are…

    But we truly can clear it! Your guides suggest clearing one karmic pattern per week for the next few months. They can help you select which patterns, as they see the larger picture of what will benefit you right now – and then you can progress solidly step by step together.

    They are very eager to let you know if you do this together you will notice a powerful difference from this. And, they remind us they have energy gifts of support for you! It’s almost like… did you forget to take your energy gift with you last time you went to see them? Because they have something for you… : )

    Sending you love and light <3

    Cassady x

  12. Hi Cassady,
    I’ve reading your write up on twin flames regularly. Now me & my twin flame are not in communication with each other and he intends to get married to some one else and dont believe on all these. This is causing too much off heart ache for me and I’ve started doubting that is he really my twin flame who is OK to hurt me and see me sad. How do I reconfirm that he’s my twin flame?

  13. As I felt empowered to break emotionalism with this person, I do this test and I get a 78. I have many bills but come the new year I really hope to get your alignment courses..we see each other weekly but we will not acknowledge each other. He will purposely turn his back..yet he will peek at me when I am not looking..I have excellent peripheral vision. I love this man and the running just hurts. Maybe he isn’t ready. He got so scared..and others took advantage.

  14. I got a score of 31. I’m 41 years old now, I’m confident, not too bad looking, earn good money, yet since I was 18 years old, it constantly feels like something is ‘preventing’ me from meeting the right person.

    All my friends are always in long-term happy relationships, and if they come out of one, they miraculously just meet someone else within a few months again, but I’m the one left out in the cold it seems, and never just ‘meet’ someone like they do. I’ve been in one long-term relationship my whole life.

    What’s going on here?

  15. Hi Theresa, a great place to get started is the first full clearing session for Twin Flames where we do a big karmic clearing and remove negative soul contracts and so on. You’ll find it at the store.

    Sending you love and light <3 x Cassady

  16. I scored pretty high in the Karma chart, but know that i was probably in the top category only a year ago and have made that much progress since. For everyone, I can attest that with a little work, you can totally change things around. Cant explain why a year ago i started working on self, but i did, and last February discovered twinflame 1111 at the same time found my Twin Flame. Ive seen the universe working in my favour when it used to seem to always be against me. The different clearings and cleansings are so beneficial and keep me on track.

    Not in complete union with twin flame but making good progress. I feel it will happen soon.

    Thank you Cassady!!

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