Including: Why You’re Not Just A “Pair” You Are Already One, Sharing Dreams, Stepping Out Of The Wheel Of Karma, and more… Plus, Did You Know that in the Later Stages of Union New Shared Chakras Are “Unlocked”?

First of all I want to thank you all for being a part of the growing Twin Flames 11:11 community – I’m so happy to read about this site makes a positive difference to so many of you!

If you’ve contacted me personally I want you to know I’m so grateful for you reaching out – I know it can feel very vulnerable to open your heart that way…

Unfortunately I get so many emails and messages from Twins every week that I don’t get the chance to respond personally.

But I want you to know I read everything! And what I do see in the hundreds of emails I get every week is that Twins all over the world are dealing with the same issues.

To immediately help with anything you might be struggling with right now, I would recommend energy clearing and management – experience a free Twin Flame healing here

Twin Flame Energy Session

Energy work is the most powerful method I’ve encountered on this journey, and it’s worked wonders for so many other Twins too – you can read about some of their amazing experiences with energy clearing here.

I created the Vibrational Alignment Program especially for Twin Flames, and you can get a “sample” with a powerful energy cleanse tool in my Free Help Kit.


So onto today’s article. Because so much of the writing on Twin Flames focuses on the hardship and negativity of the connection, I again felt it was time to flip the coin on this and remind ourselves of the gift of being a Twin Flame.

Not only can it be a wonderful reminder to shift our perspective, but focusing on the positives actually means our energy shifts to allow more of it in. This is how energy works – it’s self-enforcing. What we focus on, we get more of.

If you keep thinking about your Twin Running, the Universe doesn’t “understand” that you don’t want your Twin to run. All it registers is that you keep sending out the energy signal of your Twin Running and you being upset, and accordingly it matches you up with this.


We create with our thoughts/focus/words/feelings: The best way to avoid negativity from an energy perspective is to not engage with it. If you want something to not happen – avoid focusing on it.

Instead, allow this article to help you re-focus on the positive, amazing, miraculous aspects of the Twin Flame connection! This in itself will align you with more of the good.

And I would love to hear from you in the comment section below about your peak experiences with your Twin!

What’s been the most inspiring, happy, miraculous, mysterious experiences you’ve had together? Please share in a clear, brief comment and help inspire other Twins to know that “miracles” can happen!

twin flames

7 Amazing Facts
About The Twin Connection


Remember the butterflies, the strange feeling in the pit of your being that this was something you’d never experienced before?

The strange magnetic pull between you and your Twin, maybe even physical heart palpitations? The surreal feeling that this was something completely out of the ordinary?

When Twin Souls meet and interact, our souls “click in” and our whole systems react to finding the “missing part” of our energy. For most Twins, there is nothing else like that feeling of “home” we get when we meet each other.

Often, Twins live their lives feeling a bit subdued emotionally, like there’s something “missing” on a deep level they might not be able to put their finger on.

When you meet your Twin, this feeling is completely replaced by a sense of wholeness. There’s nothing quite like it. To feel the Unconditional Love of coming home to your mirror soul…

Most people on earth live whole lives without ever feeling that Unconditional Love of their heart connecting with another’s…

As a Twin Flame you get to experience this not just once, but to journey together toward this being ultimately your way of life. To get to live that love from the inside out. How amazing is that?

(Watch a video on the 22 signs of Twin Flame recognition here for more)



Remember the rush of realization and excitement when you first began to notice number sequences like 11:11 and 333 pop up wherever you went? The feeling that something not of this world, or out of the ordinary was trying to communicate with you? The feeling that you were being guided?

The Twin Flame journey is full of significant symbols, messages, subtle indications that physical reality is only a small part of existence.

The thrill of experiencing this for the first time, often after an early life of feeling that there was nothing “out there”, is incredible! For many Twins this is the first feeling ever of there being a deeper meaning to existence, and it can be a huge rush.

Most people on earth live their lives feeling that the physical reality of everyday chores, bills, work, family is all there is. Twin Flames get to live the adventure of this world and beyond. To live with the excitement of an unfolding journey into greater meaning and mystery.

If you’re interested in looking up the meaning of particular repeating number sequences such as 777, 111, 888, have a look here….


Nearly all Twin Flames share significant experiences together in the form of dreams and sleep journeys. Many Twins actually dream the same dream, where both experience it the same way.

These dream experiences can be wonderful connections of emotions, physical love and joy, where the hassles of the daily physical world take a back seat and love becomes the focus once more.

Often, Twins wake up from these dreams with a feeling of being completely fulfilled and nourished by each other’s love.

Many Twins’ first encounter actually occurs in dreams, where their energies “activate” each other back to recognition through Unconditional Love heart to heart.

This often happens when Twins encounter each other remotely (like through the internet), and was the case for me personally (to read about this, go here).

Some Twins carry on physical love relationships on the dream planes and in astral journeys for years – some without fully realizing or remembering it in the waking world.

When we go to sleep at night, the waking ego consciousness relaxes its control and the Twin Flames’ souls can come together peacefully in love no matter what’s going on in the outside world.

To remember more of these dreams and actively engage in lucid dreaming (where you are aware that you are dreaming, and can control your dreamscape) have a look at energy clearing.

When we remove congestion and others’ energies, we become more attuned to our inner dreamscapes and intuitive abilities. There are also courses in Lucid Dreaming available online if you’re interested in investigating further.

Dreams and astral experiences are a common way for the Twins’ higher selves and guides to give indications, signs and information about ongoing energy work, blocks that need to be resolved, to trigger memories and help the journey move forward.

To read more about decoding these dreams and symbols, have a look at this article on interpreting dreams, signs, symbols on the Twin Flame journey.



There’s nothing quite like the kick of realizing for the first time that you are “talking” to someone else in your mind, or sharing information with another in a conscious way.

Often, this begins as small phrases popping up here and there. Strange words or images or songs you suddenly realize are floating around in your mind, and didn’t come from you…

As time goes on, many Twins open their telepathic communication so fully that they can converse even when they are physically apart. And excitingly, Telepathy has now been scientifically proven to exist!

Telepathy of words/images/emotion/meaning is one of the hallmarks of The True Twin Flame connection – because Twins are two aspects of the same original consciousness, they are always “tuned into each other’s channel”!

However, some Twins are so congested with energy and others’ attachments, that their channel isn’t open. If this is you, don’t worry.

It can be remedied with energy clearing methods – the clearer our channel, the more communication can come through (to get started on that, click here – I have a module specifically for Twin Flame telepathy and remote interaction).

You could actually be so mentally busy that you’ve not noticed the telepathic communication going on, so try quieting your mind a few minutes each day to open up the space to receive again.


One of the most wonderful aspects of the Twin journey, although challenging at times, is the awakening from “the sleep” of earthly life. The majority of humanity live in a tightly boxed off space of repeating the same actions, thoughts and experiences over and over.

Most people live on the wheel of karma – stuck in repeated experiences, where “free will” is more an expression than a reality.

Twin Flame Awakening and Ascension can be traumatic – to be removed emotionally and intellectually from everything you’ve ever known. This is why it’s done gradually.

Peeling back layer by layer, so that we can adjust as we go along and awaken to our deeper soul selves. Common to Twin Flame awakening is that our eyes are opened to a larger reality.

On the Twin Flame Journey we learn that we are not just human beings, but souls experiencing physical life.

That we are not just the small “ego self” we’ve been shown as we grew up, but that we are unlimited consciousness that does not conform to titles, gender, age, residence or any other earthly category.

We are the universe expressing itself, and our bodies are made of the same material as stars (you can even read about the science behind this here).

Twin Flames are part of a small but growing group of fortunate human beings who get to “awaken” while alive on earth, to get to experience the larger existence here in the physical reality. This is such a rare thing!

To open up more to this, you’ll benefit from clearing any ancestral “reality grids” you’ve inherited and been anchored into… and connecting up to the higher consciousness grids of 5D – where unconditional love and unity of souls exists.

We do this and much more in the channeled Higher Dimensional Anchoring And Awakening Session…!

twin flame awakening


Often there is a subtle undercurrent in Twins’ lives before meeting each other – to always be on the lookout for someone you’re not sure who is. To be searching for one who is like you. To seek your “missing heart” in others as you journey through life. Until you finally find that one person.

When Twin Flames meet and events and synchronicities increase to the degree that many begin to question whether they’re “going crazy” or are making things up…

The subtle soul reality tells us something different…

This initial awakening period is a challenging push and pull between intuitive knowing and the logical mind… In this period, we begin to realize more and more that we are not just meeting and interacting with a person who is like us. We are actually interacting with ourselves, in some deep way.

This is the crux of the difficulty and the beauty of the Twin Soul connection – that we are not just “pairs” or “couples” but that we are already one. Once you begin to look for this oneness – everything begins to shift.

Throughout the Twin Flame journey, our souls are constantly trying to show us this, and most Twins share significant similarities and early life experiences with each other. Mannerisms, preferences, feeling tendencies, family structures, interests, passions, dislikes and likes…

These are not just signs that you have found a “good fit” but that you are meeting yourself mirrored. It can be an amazing and mind-blowing experience to realize this!

But for many Twins this aspect of the journey can also be understandably challenging as it goes against everything we’ve ever experienced.

If you are in a stage of finding this process difficult or “too much” – stretching you beyond your boundaries and stirring up turmoil in you, please try the Free Help Kit for Twin Flames. When you clear your energy and funnel in new light, you’ll feel much more calm, settled and whole in yourself again.

Read more about this in “The Spiritual Method – How I Reunited With My Twin”


When Twin Flames Reunite in the “Alchemical Union” or “Hieros Gamos”, their whole energetic systems are brought online with each other.

For myself and my Twin Soul this happened bit by bit, first in a ceremony where our Chakras were connected to each other with cords, then in increased reconnections of more of our systems, the unification of the Akashic Records of past/current lives and timelines and so forth.

Gradually more and more of our systems were integrated back together.

After we reached Union I created the Vibrational Alignment Program to help other Twins do the same as well.

For some Twins Union happens on the soul planes without them being consciously aware of it – many are too mentally “busy” to be open to receiving information from their higher faculties on this. Meditating and clearing congestion with energy tools is a great way to stay open to this kind of communication – you will be shown what’s happening, in some way.

When Twins’ souls are “merging” we step deeper and deeper into Unification, and often Twins notice each others’ memories surfacing and an increase in sharing emotions and personality traits/mannerisms.

Unification opens up the channels more and more. On the soul planes we go from being “separately connected” to being “one whole”.

When the time comes that Twins are Reunited in Soul, this is a union of joy and love. In later stages of this Union process, not only the 7 main chakras are connected, but also the higher three chakras that extend up beyond the crown. Eventually, new collective chakras are activated and brought online.

The “new” unlocked Chakras are unified from the beginning – they are the first ones in the Twins’ system that are actually unified and shared to start with.

These are high vibratory, high dimensional Chakras that enable the Twin Flames to function more and more as a unit, bridging  the gap between the earthly self and the higher self more and more…

This is ultimately how Twin souls unite to “bring about heaven on earth” – allowing high vibration energies to flow through both to their own joy and to assist all of existence into greater balance. Integrating their high dimensional consciousness onto the earth planes more and more, allowing for an open flow of love and light.

To assist you and your Twin in this process and remove any negative triggers from your systems, have a look at this Harmony Healing that was channeled to me – including downloading new light codes and unifying your systems safely.

Complete harmony Healing Tool

Again, I’m so glad you’re here, and please always remember that you are on this journey because you are infinitely capable – you yourself know that you hold the key to returning to Unconditional Love and Union!

I hope you found this article inspiring, and I would love to hear about your own experiences with the positives of the Twin Flame connection

What have the most miraculous, mind-blowing moments been on your journey? Please leave a comment with your “peak experiences” below!

Sending you love and light for your continued journey! <3

Cassady x


Want more? For a step by step, high vibrational method to harmonize your journey with your Twin, have a look at my Vibrational Alignment Program for Twin Flames.

Twin Flames 11:11 Comment Guidelines

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