
Ever Feel Like You Could Use Some Guidance On Your Journey? Here Is My Resource With Just That: A Book Full Of Channeled Messages On Love, To Speak Directly To Your Heart

I’d like to take some time today to thank you for being part of Twin Flames 11:11! It’s been such a wonderful journey since I began almost 4 years ago – and I couldn’t have done it without you!

Thank you for reading, for commenting, for sharing, for your feedback, for your questions. It’s been instrumental in this creative process!

Today, I’ve got something very different for you.

I know you’re expecting the forecast for this coming week today… but I’m going to keep you waiting for a little while! (Until tomorrow…)

And there’s a really special reason for it:

I have a brand new book out this week

101 Messages of Love From The Universe Book

If you don’t have a Kindle you can download the Free Kindle App available for iOS, Android, Mac and PC HERE to read on any device. And don’t forget to search your specific country’s Amazon site if you’re outside the US.

This is a project that’s been dear to my heart for a long time, as I was guided to write this collection to share hope, healing and self acceptance in a world that’s sadly in need of more love…

The Twin Flame community has responded so warmly to the channeled messages I’ve shared on the website… So I can’t wait to hear what you think of this very special collection!

Here’s a picture from my own kitchen table. It’s such a thrill to be sending this book out into the world to spread positivity!



Get The Book Almost Free For A Limited Time

In the 101 Messages Of Love From The Universe you’ll find uplifting guidance, inspiration and exercises for love and relationships (including self love)!

Part oracle, part channeled love notes, it’s a pocket sized guide full of high vibrational messages to inspire and assist you on your path – no matter where you’re at right now!

And the book is available at a special discounted $0.99 all this week (click to download it now to your Kindle or cloud reader).

101 Messages of Love From The Universe Book

Don’t forget to search your specific country’s Amazon site if you’re outside the US

I hope and think you’ll enjoy this book – and I’m eager to get these positive messages out to as many people as possible, to help uplift and bring more love into the world.

Reviews are a huge help for that, so I would love to get your help to spread the word!

If you have a minute, please leave a review on amazon to help others who might need a pick-me-up or high vibrational insights on their journey. Let’s spread the power of love far and wide.

And I can’t wait to hear what you think!

If you don’t have a Kindle you can download the Kindle App available for iOS, Android, Mac and PC HERE to read on any device. And don’t forget to search your specific country’s Amazon site if you’re outside the US


As always I’m sending you light for your continued journey <3

Cassady x

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  1. Is there any way to download this as an ibook to my mac? The link brings me to Amazon only.

  2. I went to bed wondering when your book would be released!!! What a wonderful thing to wake up to! Just purchased it.?

    Congratulations, Cassady!

    WE LOVE YOU!!!!
    TWINS A&A ????

  4. Hi Cassady! If you don’t have a Kindle or ebook reader, is it available on your laptop too?

    With love,

  5. I’m sure this book will help a lot of people as your work has been helping me since I first got to this very blog after typing on Google something I was sure I would never find out: ‘interdimensional relationship coaching’! Internet is such a blessing and being able to read all your wonderful material is priceless. Hope your new project becomes successful as you deserve. Thank you for all shared inspiration!

  6. Cassady, how can I purchase the book? I am in Germany and it says I can not purchase this idem? can you help me?
    Much love, Sandra

  7. Thank you for all your expert advise. I look forward to reading your news letter and now, your new book.!

  8. Wow, that is so wonderful Cassady, congratulations and thank you! I understand there will be a fysical version, as I don’t have a Kindle or cloud reader (yeah, I know, I’m pretty oldschool, haha) and would love to buy that. I really value all of your messages and I look forward to this little bundle over LOVE! Thank you so much for all you do for us, much love, Monique

  9. Thanks so much for taking the time to create this beautiful book filled with wonderful messages four our collective ? you are a wonderful light to this world, your programs have changed my life, and I’m sure this book with just add to it all 🙂 thank you so much, I know once my twin and I find alignment and union I will have you in part to thank. Love and light ? Alanna

  10. I would love to read this Cassidy as all of your guidance and love has been so helpful on this journey. I am sure this book would be extremely handy and uplifting. I have a mobile only which will not allow me to download anything much at the moment as it thinks it has no memory left , although I know it does. SD card has stacks of room.
    Can I download this too my Drive instead? I cannot even download new apps atm, though I will keep trying.

  11. Absolutely the most helpful advice I’ve ever had! Beautifully written, short but powerful! (I didn’t want it to end) Thank you Cassidy… your advice always has a huge impact on me and life keeps getting better. ? Much love to you beautiful lady ???

  12. Hi Mayke, you can download the Kindle app for free on the iTunes or Google app store – it lets you read the book on your phone OR your laptop : )

    Sending you love and light x <3

  13. Working on it now, should be up later this summer! You can check out the book without having an actual Kindle – it should say on the Amazon page how you can read it. I think they have a feature where you can read it through their site <3

    Sending you light and love <3 x

  14. Hi Huiying (Ni hao!), I’m working on getting you a link to read the book in China – completely agree about reaching people in your country who are interested in the subject. Will get back to you on this as soon as I have a solution! <3 : ) Sending you love and light x Cassady

    PS: Just realised if you have a VPN you might be able to find the book on another Amazon site such as the US site?

  15. You can download the Kindle app for free to your mac and read it there! Open your App Store from applications and search for Kindle app. It’s free 🙂 <3 Fingers crossed for you xx Cassady

  16. Hi Rosario, thanks for the request – I’m working on it and there should be a paperback available by the end of summer. Sending you love and light <3 x Cassady

  17. Hi Cassady, I just did your Twin Flame Reawakening Kit (after the free download), and I feel so happy! I’m wondering why you said to do this meditation once a week, as I would like to do it daily. Thanks, Nadine

  18. Hi Maria,

    We’re sorry you’re unable to purchase. This sounds annoying. The book will be available worldwide in paperback shortly.

  19. Hi Denise! have you tried searching for the book in Amazon EU? Some countries do not have the electronic option enabled with Amazon unfortunately as yet. You can always wait for the paperback version, which will be released shortly and available worldwide.

  20. Hi Diana, Some countries do not have the electronic option enabled with Amazon unfortunately as yet. You can always wait for the paperback version, which will be released shortly and available worldwide.

  21. Thank you so much Cassady! I just picked two random pages and got magnificent answers.
    The first gave me validation of where I stand and this gives me a lot of strength,
    the second gave me hope by pushing me forward. Thank you again for your
    generosity and for the love you have for us, Rosemary xoxo

  22. This book fills me with love and a sense of relief that everything is ok and will always be. It reminds me the good in everything and It makes me smile with love, and also cry of hapiness. I feel it speaks in a language my soul already knows. I highly recommend it. Thank you Cassady for this amazing gift of love.

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